We are very happy with your great support,
in appreciation we unlock this 3 great miniatures
for this last 47 hours of campaign, thx!
About us
RN estudio is a very important painting company, also we do 3D sculpt, the best
3D printings and HD resin cast.
helped other companies to have success in their crowdfunding projects,
we work in more than 14 successfully completed projects.
We have enough experience to bring you the best quality HD resin cast miniatures, for your Fantasy Football match, or simple for collect and paint !
Why Crowdfunding?
Our first project for expand our miniature range, Chaos Pact team four month ago, was very successful, and we are very happy with the experience.
We only take 4 month to produce all the miniatures and do all the shippings!
All our funders are very satisfied with the finall product, also you can buy
in our new web store !
We have finish awesome models for Human and Orc team, that we want
you enjoy fast !, because of this, we need your help to make this teams reality.
If you help in this proyect, you will get the best price you can dream, and very interesting exclusives miniatures !
New Trol Model
Hi Funders!
troll model we have shown and proposed to produce in this campaign is
an unauthorized derivative copy of a model belonging
to Privateer Press. We are now working to replace it with new troll
model that will be totally original. In the event that you made a pledge
based entirely on the infringing model we were previously offering we
suggest either bearing with us while we create
this new model or withdrawal your pledge at that level.
Our sincere apology for any problems or confusion this may have caused you.
ONLINE STORE to check the free miniature you can choose !