The Story
In the small town of Hell, Michigan everyone knows the name "Andy Peterson". He was a man obsessed with drilling oil, or so the story goes. An obsession that eventually drove him mad, killing his wife and daughter before finally turning the chainsaw on himself.
That's the story the locals will tell you, but no one really knows what drove him mad.
Fast Forward 67 years...
Lydia DeSoto is coming home to Hell to plan the wedding to her fiance, Jay. However, her homecoming soon becomes horrifying when Jay ingests a killer parasite. Jay quickly loses control unleashing a killing spree on the town. Now Lydia must battle the one she loves to save the town.
Road Kill is a Hot Rod / Sci Fi / Creature Feature set in America's hot rod heartland. The story is best described as The Exorcist meets American Graffitti on the Highway to Hell complicated by a three way romance. With qualities everyone can enjoy; compelling story, intriguing characters, hot rod action and a creature that will turn you inside out.
Konstantinos (Dino) Kovas
A filmmaker and editor, Dino returns to his Michigan stomping grounds to make the film that's been playing in his head for the past ten years, Road Kill. Hot rods, monster terror, beautiful women and rock and roll combined in just the right proportions to scare you to death!
Len Puch
Len and his cohorts over at Speedcult specialize in custom
metal work and fabrication. Designing
and building everything from signage and furniture to Hot Rods and
Rollercoasters, Speedcult never dabbles in the mundane. Len’s unique skill set as part of the team
will bring the world of Road Kill to life.
Dan Quarnstrom
DQ is a veteran animation and visual effects designer who "builds on paper". Whether it's hot rods and monsters, architecture and set designs, or storyboards and graphics, DQ brings it all into focus. The world of
Road Kill provides the canvas for his imagination to run wild.
Shaggy LeBlanc
The owner of Shaggy's Raticals , Shaggy is a fabricator and painter, and is our 'go to guy' for all things hot rod for Road Kill. With an air brush in one hand and an acetelyne torch in the other, Shaggy's keen eye and steady hand will bring this wild world into view.
Patrick is the owner of Dead Pretzel FX + Illustration. A graduate of Tom Savini's Special Effects Make Up Program, Patrick has worked on various projects ranging from film and television, to theatre and graphic novels. One could say that Patrick is the heart, blood and guts of Road Kill.
Below is a sneak-peak at the final 'Car Chase' scene. These are our preliminary storyboards in order to be better prepared when we shoot the scene:
Below is a 30 second creature test that we shot so that we could begin preliminary Animation and Lighting on "The Fracker":
Once our Creature Test was finished, we wanted to test out a few types of film stock. Using footage from the two tests, we edited the clip below to further help us develop the 'look and feel' for Road Kill.
This project is a collaborative effort between friends - filmmakers, artists, businesses and YOU! Come be a part of our team and let's get this film into production. Here's what your contributions will get us:
- Actors, stunt men/women, and extras
- Equipment rentals: camera package,
lighting package, sound recordist/mixer
- Catering for a 21 days of filming
- Art Department/Production Design: cars, sets, props, special make-up effects
- Location fees, film licenses and transportation services
And here is what your contribution can get you!
$10 Contribution: The Welcome to Hell Pack: This Pack gives an introduction to the world of Road Kill! You will receive online access to special behind the scenes footage and film extras not available to the general public. You will also receive a personalized thank you email.
$35 Contribution: The Insatiable Hunger Pack: Here is where the swag begins. This pack will include a one-of-a-kind Road Kill T-shirt and poster. Shipping is FREE both in the US and International. The Welcome to Hunger Pack will also be included in this pack.
$50 Contribution: The Parasite Pack: This pack will include a signed, bound?, copy of the Road Kill script and will be available once filming is completed. Again, shipping is FREE both in the US and International!
$100 Contribution: The Three's a Crowd Pack: Yup, you guessed it. The love triangle. This pack includes a digital copy of the Road Kill movie (once filming is completed), the Road Kill Soundtrack (once filming is completed), and a movie credit! The Welcome to Hell pack is also included.
$125 Contribution: Speedcult Swag Pack: Straight from Len Puch and his cohorts, this pack includes a Speedcult Hoodie and baseball hat. That's not all though, the Welcome to Hell pack and movie credit.
$150 Contribution: Joyride Flatout book pack: This pack includes a signed copy of Dan Quarnstrom's book "Joy Ride Flat Out: Hot Rods and Dream Machines" . Dan's ability to "build on paper" by creating these visual hot rods make this book a real treat. The Welcome to Hell Pack and movie credit is also included.
$275 Contribution: Little Hot Rod Baseball Pack: It doesn't all have to be about monsters, horror, and hot rods does it? This pack is designed for the little baseball player in your life. This includes a 1 hour one-on-one training session provided by the Oakland Reds Baseball Club. You can choose from the 3 following programs: pitching, hitting, or fielding. So if you are in the Michigan area these may be the perfect perk for you! The Welcome to Hell Pack and movie credit is also included.
$300 Contribution: All night Diner Pack: Detroit. Join Road Kill Director Konstantinos (Dino) Kovas and select members of the cast and crew in Detroit, Michigan for a late night feed fest! You take care of the travel arrangements, we take care of the meal! You will also receive an exclusive Road Kill gift basket.
or there is our California option.....
$300 Contribution: All Night Diner Pack: Los Angeles. Same package as above, only this time it is in Los Angeles. Again, you take care of any travel arrangements, and we will take care of the meal. You will also receive an exclusive Road Kill gift basket.
$600 Contribution: Deadly Deuce Art Piece Pack: Enjoy a limited edition, signed Hot Rod sculpture inspired by the movie Road Kill. These sculptures are designed by Dan Quarnstrom and sculpted by our very good friend and L.A. artist, Juan (The Rooster) Balandran. This also includes the Welcome to Hell Pack and movie credit!
$1,000 Contribution: The Speedway Pack: This pack includes a ride with one of the Hot Rods used in the film and a tour of the Road Kill set.This pack also includes the All Night Diner Pack: Detroit!
$1,500 Contribution: The Hot Rod Pack: This includes a prop from the Road Kill set and a signed Storyboard panel. These perks will be sent out after film is completed. That's not all! You will also receive the Parasite Pack, and Three's a Crowd pack!
$2,000 Contribution: Raise the Dead Pack: Visit the Road Kill set and be an extra in the Speedcult go go fire cage! This Pack also includes the All Night Dinner Pack: Detroit and the Speedcult Swag Pack.
$5,000 Contribution: Road Kill Premiere Pack: Tickets to the Road Kill Movie in Los Angeles! Movie cameo (non-speaking) role!Event gift basket including Parasite Pack, Insatiable Hunger, and Three's a Crowd packs!
$10,000 Contribution: Road Kill Super Pack: This pack includes: Speaking role in the Road Kill Film! Tickets to the Road Kill Premiere in Los Angeles Hotel accommodations for Los Angeles premiere All Night Diner Pack: Los Angeles! Deadly Deuce Art Pack! Joyride Flat Out Pack Insatiable Hunger Pack Three's a Crowd Pack, Speedcult Swag Pack and Parasite Pack.
When will the perks be delivered?
For perks involving merchandise such as t-shirts and posters, we have listed an estimated delivery date. For perks involving visits to the Road Kill set, these will be handled as the filmmaking process progresses and the completion of the film, so be sure to check back here for updates! Perks such as attending the premiere and hotel accommodations will be arranged individually with that contributor.
This is because the perk is dependent on completion of the film. Once we know the completion date, these perks will be updated.
We will email you regarding the size of your T-shirt. You do not need to know the size when ordering the perk.
Absolutely! Just send us an email us at so we can update our records.
No problem. Just send us an email at with your new email address.
As of now, we are scheduled to begin filming in the fall of 2015. But that's all dependent on reaching our campaign goal!
We will have a Thank you section at the end of our film where you can find your name. Please let us know how you would like your name to appear on our credits.