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ROCKY RACCOON is a short film exploring a day in the life of two very peculiar characters in the center of Athens' bombarded city.

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ROCKY RACCOON is a short film exploring a day in the life of two very peculiar characters in the center of Athens' bombarded city.

ROCKY RACCOON is a short film exploring a day in the life of two very peculiar characters in the center of Athens' bombarded city.

ROCKY RACCOON is a short film exploring a day in the life of two very peculiar characters in the center of Athens' bombarded city.

ROCKY RACCOON is a short film exploring a day in the life of two very peculiar characters in the center of Athens' bombarded city.

Michalis Aristomenopoulos
Michalis Aristomenopoulos
Michalis Aristomenopoulos
Michalis Aristomenopoulos
2 Campaigns |
Athens, Greece
$4,886 USD $4,886 USD 43 backers
100% of $4,875 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Rocky Raccoon

Rocky Raccoon is a short film that explores a day in the life of two very different characters based in the centre of Athens. It's a surreal drama about a young homeless man named Rocky Raccoon who meets Nancy, a 32 year old girl that changes his life.

The film is an ode to the beauty of people and things, shown through the mundane as well as the ugly sides of a degrading city. It’s a fairytale of hope and passion in a 21st century urban environment.

The story is inspired by a real life character who, homeless by will, walks around Athens with his supermarket trolley and a bunch of cartons in which  he states  political opinions by raising them in the air.  

It will hopefully be shot in July 2014 so we will now need to find funding for pre and post production costs. Please, please read the story and watch the vid so that you can help us fulfill this dream!


Η μικρού μήκους ταινία "Rocky Raccoon" ακολουθεί την συνύπαρξη 2 πολύ διαφορετικών χαρακτήρων μέσα στο κέντρο της Αθήνας για 24 ώρες. Πρόκειται για ένα σουρεαλιστικό δράμα του Ρόκυ, ενός άστεγου Νιγηριανού μετανάστη, και τη γνωριμία του με τη Νάνσυ, μιας κοπέλας που θα αλλάξει τη ζωή του.

Η ταινία είναι μια ωδή στην ομορφιά των ανθρώπων ακόμα και σε στιγμές απόλυτης οικονομικής κρίσης. Ενα σουρεαλιστικό παραμύθι 2 γραφικών χαρακτήρων οι οποίοι μας βάζουν σε ένα διαφορετικό πρίσμα του πως βλέπουμε την πόλη μας και τη ζωή μέσα σε αυτή.

Εμπνευσμένο από ένα αληθινό πρόσωπο που ζει και διαδηλώνει στην Αθήνα (βλ. φώτο παραπάνω), αλλά και βασισμένο στην ιστορία του Rocky Raccoon από το ομώνυμο κομμάτι των Beatles. 

Ζητάμε τη βοήθεια σας για να φτιάξουμε αυτό το μοντέρνο παραμύθι και να δείξουμε μια άλλη όψη των πραγμάτων. Διαβάστε παρακάτω την σύνοψη της ταινίας και ευχόμαστε να μας βοηθήσετε γιατί πραγματικά το χρειαζόμαστε και θα σας ευγνωμονούμε


The Story

Rocky Raccoon is a homeless guy, living inside the National Gardens, right behind the Greek Parliament.


His music is his secret weapon against the mundanity of the city. Every time he pushes the "play" button, things become transformed as if by magic. Colors change, ordinary clothes become fairytale costumes, junk food turns into an exquisite delicacy.

Every day he spreads his words with his magical customized supermarket trolley, making an impact on people's loves through his sayings. He is a prophet of goodwill, a protector of the meek.

Nancy, on the other hand, holds a deep secret. She also walks the streets, trying to come up with a master plan to help her escape her predicament.

When the two of them meet, a strange, surreal relationship is formed. A night of passions leads to these characters ending up sleeping together inside the woods.

The next day, while Rocky wanders the city, he accidentally walks into an armed robbery of a bank truck as it's happening. The perpetrator is wearing a rabbit mask. Why does this person seem so familiar? Can it be?

This is the story of two very different people and the reason life is full of surprises. This is the story of Rocky and Nancy.


Ο Ρόκυ είναι ένας άστεγος άντρας που ζει μέσα στον Εθνικό Κήπο. Κουβαλάει ένα Walkman ως όπλο ενάντια στη μουντάδα της πόλης. Οταν πατάει το play, τα πράγματα αλλάζουν μαγικώς.
Παλεύει να αφυπνίσει τους κατοίκους της πρωτεύουσας με τα πολύχρωμα πλακάτ που σηκώνει στον αέρα. Είναι ένας σωτήρας αυτών που δε μπορούν.
Η Νάνσυ κρατάει ένα μεγάλο μυστικό. Περιπλανιέται και αυτή στο κέντρο της Αθήνας, οργανώνοντας το "μεγάλο κόλπο" που θα την βγάλει από το αδιέξοδο.
Οταν οι 2 αυτοί χαρακτήρες συναντιούνται, μια περίεργη αλλά αληθινή φιλία δημιουργείται.Μέσα από μια νύχτα πάθους, καταλήγουν να κοιμηθούν μαζί στο δάσος.
Την επόμενη ημέρα, ενώ ο Ρόκυ τριγυρνάει μέσα στη πόλη, πέφτει πάνω σε μια ληστεία. Ο ληστής φοράει μια μάσκα λαγού. Αλλά ο Ρόκυ βλέπει κάτι που αναγνωρίζει. Μπορεί να είναι αυτή?


Manolis Afolayo , a.k.a M.C Yinka is ROCKY.

He is a singer, MC, and actor. As a music artist, he is part of the Imam Baildi Soundsystem and has his own band the Fuzics. He has acted in theatre on "Festen" and "Eternal Peace".

Bio Film

Ioanna Kolliopoulou is NANCY.

In cinema she has participated in 6 short films and in the feature film “Nasty Boys”. In 2011 she won the Best Actress Award in the Drama International Film Festival with the film “Eleni”.

Eleni Short Film

 a group of three creators/artists, active in the field of motion picture from 2005 until the present day.Their ideas have been integrated into areas such as advertisements, television shows, documentaries, viral videos, music video clips, feature films. Michalis, the writer/director of this film is one of the three members.

Official White Room Website

Michalis Aristomenopoulos is the Director/Writer.

Apart from White Room, I have participated in two feature documentaries, “Kismet” (IDFA 2013), and “A Family Affair” (2013) as a D.O.P., filming in places such as Australia, Turkey, Bosnia, Egypt and Crete. After a successful festival run (Hamburg International Short Film Festival, Drama International Short Film Festival) with my last short film, “Yha Hamaraa”, I am now ready to make my second film.

Michalis Showreel

With the Support of 

Marni Films is one of Athens uprising production houses, having co-produces Yorgos Lanthimos’ “Alps” (2011), Nikos Triantafilidis’ “The Sentimentalists” (2013) and Alexis Alexiou’s “Wednesday 04:45” (2014). The company is currently in pre-production for Argyris Papadimitropoulos’ (“Bank Bang”, “Wasted Youth”) feature film “Suntan”.


What We Need The Money For / Γιατί χρειαζόμαστε τα λεφτά

This film is a project of passion.

To be perfectly honest, up to now this project has solely been funded by me! I need to make this film for my own personal health, in order to tell something that I believe is of importance. It’s a longtime fight and I sincerely need all the help I can get. The money we will raise here will be added to my own money, for the film to be completed.

///// Για να είμαι απόλυτα ειλικρινής, μέχρι στιγμής, η ταινία χρηματοδοτείται εξ ολοκλήρου από εμένα. Χρειάζομαι οποιαδήποτε τιμής βοήθεια για να μπορέσω να τα βγάλω πέρα και να ολοκληρώσω αυτή τη ταινία (χωρίς να χάσω το σπίτι μου!). Τα λεφτά θα πάνε στα παρακάτω πράγματα.


- 7-day production costs, including:

- Camera Rental (Ενοικίαση κάμερας)

 - Food and Transportation  (Φαγητό και μεταφορές)

 - Gas (Βενζίνη)

- Props (Σκηνογραφία)

- Music Licensing (Δικαιώματα μουσικής)

- Film Crew Payment (most important of all) (Αμοιβές κινηματογραφικού συνεργείου)

- Animation

- Festival Submission Fees (Πληρωμή για είσοδο της ταινίας σε φεστιβάλ)

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Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
I'll send you a personal thank you email with an original photo from the making of the film.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
I'll send you a personal thank you email and you'll be Credited as “Backer” on the movie's official facebook page
1 out of 300 of claimed


Currency Conversion $22 USD
€20 EUR
A digital download of ROCKY RACCOON when it's finished! And a shout out on Facebook too!
4 claimed


Currency Conversion $38 USD
€35 EUR
A digital download of ROCKY RACCOON, a shout out on Facebook and a digital download of the original art material of the film (poster, original fonts, photos).
1 claimed


Currency Conversion $54 USD
€50 EUR
The above and a copy of ROCKY RACCOON on DVD, signed by Michalis.
10 claimed


Currency Conversion $108 USD
€100 EUR
The above and your very own name in the film credits and an arranged Skype screening with the actors and the director. You can ask anything you'd like on how your money was spent, even discuss politics!
3 out of 30 of claimed


Currency Conversion $162 USD
€150 EUR
The above and an invitation to the cast &amp;amp; crew premiere of the film!
1 out of 20 of claimed


Currency Conversion $271 USD
€250 EUR
Hello Associate Producer! How exciting is this?! You will get an IMDB credit on, access to the script, and so much more. Everything that goes into making a film, you've got front row seats! Plus all of the above!
5 out of 15 of claimed


Currency Conversion $433 USD
€400 EUR
Apart from the IMDB credit, access to the script,and all the other perks combined, you will take part in a dinner with the director and the 2 main actors, discussing all your heart can wish. Soundtrack of the night : the White Album, of course!
0 out of 5 of claimed
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