Mark Coburn is cycling from 'Rome to Home'
26th May. The Rome to Home cycle to raise money for local Yes groups is complete BUT you still have time to donate.
25th May, FINAL STAGE! Today Mark cycles the 78 miles from Dumfries to Glasgow's St Enoch Square, expected at 430pm. He'll be meeting up with other cyclists at the city's Emirates Arena and they will accompany Mark to his last stop.
A lot of you have been asking for a graphic of Mark's route it's now there in the 'Gallery' tab above. Also now a new video.
Over on Facebook and Twitter Mark is uploading lots of images, cartoons and updates from his journey find the links below.
The background
Mark starts his 27 day journey on Sunday, 27 April, taking him to Pisa, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Lyon, Paris and London before arriving in Glasgow's George Square on 25 May.
Mark Coburn, 40, said: "I'll be fulfilling two ambitions here. Ever since I was a boy I’ve always wanted to do a long distance cycle, and, I've always been a Yes voter, so the two go hand in hand. The September 18 referendum gives me the motivation and the opportunity to raise funds for the campaign’s local groups. If we are to win this referendum it'll be down to the grassroots activists. Without them there will be no Yes vote. Regarding this fundraiser what is crucial to bear in mind is that all donations will be going into the local campaigns, so in effect, all sponsors will be sponsoring themselves and their own campaigns. The more they raise, the more they can spend.
"Since the May 2011 I had been thinking about doing something truly unique for the yes cause, and, it was while I was on holiday in Florence in 2012 that I came up with the 'Rome to Home' project."
Nominate a local Yes group
This fundraiser is for local Yes groups so when you donate remember to specify which local group you want your cash to go to. This is easily added to your name or 'anonymous' by changing your 'visibility' on the last page you come to. And remember to tick the contribution amount if you want that shown.
There are around 200 Yes groups the length and breadth of Scotland, some more active than others. Getting a comprehensive list together isn't so easy BUT here's a list pulled together by Yes Clydesdale.
What NO perks?
That's correct. We want all the money raised to go to local groups, no spending on trinkets. So everything raised, minus the indiegogo fee, will be shared among the groups as per the total amount they respectively raise. So if you have a favourite group, hankering to support a special place, memories of first holidays etc it's up to you which Yes group you choose to allocate your cash to.
Debit/credit card payments and PayPal are available. And if you're donating from outside the UK we ask you don't exceed £500 in total as that wouldn't be a 'permissable donation'.
23 Stages
Stage 1 27/4 Roma to Monatalto di Castro - 66 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 2 28/4 Montalto di Castro to Follonica - 74 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 3 29/4 Follonica to Pisa - 70 miles - COMPLETED
30/4 Rest day/Media
Stage 4 1/05 Pisa to Borgetto di Vara - 57 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 5 2/05 Borgetto di Vara to Genoa - 53 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 6 3/05 Genoa to Pavia - 77 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 7 4/05 Pavia to Tradate - 45 miles - COMPLETED
5/05 Rest day/Media
Stage 8 06/05 Turin to Bardonecchia - 58 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 9 07/05 Mondane to Chambery - 64 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 10 08/05 Chambery to Lyon - 70 miles - COMPLETED
09/05 Rest day/media
Stage 11 10/05 Lyon to Tournus - 63 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 12 11/05 Tournus to Dijon - 65 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 13 12/05 Dijon to Avallon - 64 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 14 13/05 Avallon to Auxerre - 32 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 15 14/05 Auxerre to Nemours - 61 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 16 15/05 Nemours to Paris - 49 miles - COMPLETED
16/05 Rest day/media
17/05 Travel to London/media
Stage 17 18/05 London to Bedford - 63 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 18 19/05 Bedford to Loughborough - 63 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 19 20/05 Loughborough to Chapeltown - 63 miles - COMPLETED
21/05 Rest day/media
Stage 20 22/05 Chapeltown to Ripon - 58 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 21 23/05 Ripon to Appleby-in-Westmorland - 62 miles - COMPLETED
Stage 22 24/05 Appleby-in-Westmorland to Dumfries - 65 miles - COMPLETED
Final Stage - 25/05 Dumfries to Glasgow's St Enoch Square - 78 miles - COMPLETED