About Me
"Ron is a highly accomplished multi instrumentalist whose talent and knowledge of Scottish music is apparent in both the rehearsal room and on stage."
Iain Gillie, Managing Director of PW Productions Ltd.
"Ron has a fantastic knack for producing a catchy rhythm with his guitar that can make a played out traditional tune seem completely refreshed and new again."
Alisdair McLaren, Director of The National Youth Pipe Band of Scotland
Born and brought up in the small, coastal village of Findochty in the North East of Scotland, my musical journey began when receiving fiddle and piano lessons at primary school. During my teenage years, I received tuition from Donald Barr and then James Alexander, both of whom were incredibly inspirational, supportive, and encouraging. I will be forever grateful to the opportunities that Donald and James both gave to me as a youngster.
Fast forward a couple of years, and the reason I play guitar today is down to one man. Innes Watson. A never ending source of creativity, imagination and expressiveness, Inness' genius inspired me at a gig he once did with Ross Ainslie in the Piping Centre, and from then on my journey as a guitarist and accompanist began...
Being an accompanist is amazing, it truly is. I feel so lucky to be able to play with such a diverse range of incredibly talented musicians, and seeing how this can influence and shape you as a player. This is where the idea for this project came from. I wondered what it would be like, and how it would sound to bring some of these skilled professionals together, all with their own ideas and creative outlooks, but to have myself at the core, as the continual musical thread that would link everybody together.
In some ways it would almost be like a compilation album, brining together some of my favourite people I've worked with over the years and having it all in one place, but in other ways, it may well spark something entirely new and creative. It would also be an album ran by someone who is accompanist, whose project it is, but they are never really at the forefront, just in the background holding everything in place and making everything stick together, just as an accompanist should do. That in itself is something that appeals to me and is quite unique and I'm not really sure it has been done that much before...
Any amount that you could donate to this project would mean so much to me, as I'd love nothing more than to share music with some of the finest young musicians in the country, all in one place, and I'd be eternally grateful for your support.
Although I will be investing my own money, realistically, it'll be in the region of £10,000 to cover all the costs for this album. Main costs include...
- Musicians fees
- Studio fees (recording, engineering, mixing, mastering)
- Printing / Distribution
- Artwork / Design
- Promotional material / PR & Marketing
Risks & Challenges
I know this may seem like a lot, but I can't stress enough how eternally grateful I would be to those of you who decide support this project. Anything that you feel you could donate towards this would be greatly appreciated.
Rewards for if you do decide to donate include...
- Pre-orders (signed and unsigned)
- PDF's of sheet music
- Guitar lessons
- Fiddle lessons
- Tune compositions
- Gig tickets
- House concerts / small performances
Other Ways You Can Help
Not everyone is in a fortunate enough position to be able to help by donating to this page, however you can still support by doing the following...
- Following me on social media platforms under Ron Jappy - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube
- Sharing this campaign on your own social media pages
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and if you can support this project in anyway, I thank you in advance :)
RJ x