The Film
Our Film follows Clark Camps, a man down on his luck whose only remaining family member, his grandfather, just passed away. Clark discovers an old watch while attempting to quench his landlord's rage over his late rent and riffling through his grandfather's longings. By proxy of simply getting the watch repaired, Clark falls into the sights of an evil league of Jewelers who wish to take the watch from him, no matter the cost, and send him on a wild ride through Chicago's diamond district.
The Director
"I've been working on this Film since before I even started my college career. I've always wanted to illustrate the attachment that I feel towards ordinary objects and how often the sentimental value attached to them far outweighs the monetary value of them. This story has been marinating for years, and it's me now to bring it to fruition. With your help, we can make that happen!"
Our Campaign
We hope to raise money to fund a 4-day short film production sprawling across Chicago!
The funds raised will go into production design for the Film, subsidizing costs of multiple locations, aiding in distribution, helping provide transportation for the equipment, and, most importantly, feeding the cast and crew daily!
This production will serve as a great learning experience for an array of students at Columbia College Chicago and as a springboard for young filmmakers' careers!
By donating, you are helping bring to life a long-in-the-works film!
Roundabout packs an entire feature-length film into a 12-minute fill that moves at breakneck speeds, spanning multiple Jewelry stores and various locations. With this Film, we will utilize our budget to find the best possible locations that allow us to operate with style and efficiency!
Other ways you can help out!
We completely understand that not everyone can help out monetarily. Just checking out our campaign is helpful in itself. If you want to help us out in other ways, please share the word of our campaign with anyone you think would be interested in the story we are trying to tell!
Share it on social media, and send it to your friends and family. Feeling a lull in the conversation on your first date? Sounds like a perfect time to give them a pitch about Roundabout!
Follow us on instagram to stay updated with our production @Roundabout.ShortFilm
Thank you all for reading this far and being interested in what we are trying to make happen. You are lovely people! We can't wait to make our vision come to life and share it with you and the world!