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ROV-Control - a modular control for diving robots

ROV-Control - Explore new Worlds...


ROV-Control - a modular control for diving robots

ROV-Control - a modular control for diving robots

ROV-Control - a modular control for diving robots

ROV-Control - a modular control for diving robots

ROV-Control - a modular control for diving robots

ROV-Control - Explore new Worlds...

ROV-Control - Explore new Worlds...

ROV-Control - Explore new Worlds...

ROV-Control - Explore new Worlds...

Andreas Knabbe
Andreas Knabbe
Andreas Knabbe
Andreas Knabbe
1 Campaign |
Wuppertal, Germany
$1,468 USD $1,468 USD 11 backers
5% of $27,001 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

If you want to see what is hidden under the water surface area, you can either submerge… or you can construct a diving robot. 

Motorized and well equipped with a camera you can explore the hidden and mysterious underwater world of seas and oceans on your own.Diving robots internationally are known as ROV - (Remotely Operated Vehicle).

ROV-Control is the first modular control-system worldwide for homebuilt diving robots.

Theoretically there are no limits for size or shape if you want to construct a diving robot.

That is the reason why ROV-Control was invented as a modular system especially for homebuilt diving robots. You can use it for small diving robots as well as for complex diving systems.

How can you control it?

All you need is a laptop (with the ROV-Control software) and a joystick or a gamepad. Every movement is sent by the software via USB data-transmitter to the diving robot to control the engines. With ROV-Control you can manage the lights and other appliances. Furthermore you can display sensor data like temperature and depth.


The X³-Control is the mainboard of the ROV-Control solution. It is the centerpiece of the ROV. There are two different models:

*with vertical pinheaders

*with angled pinheaders

The mainboard is part of the diving robot. It is responsible for the steering of the motors and modules of the system. Two microcontrollers ensure a fast response to the control commands of the pilot and a high operating reliability.

Features of the X³-Control

It is possible to connect up to eight Electronic-Speed-Controller (ESC) to the X³-Control and trigger up to eight brushless-engines separatly.

*X³-Control with ESC and Brushless-Motor


  • Four LED-PWM channels for high-power-LEDs can be dimmed separately. A flashlight function makes it possible to use one channel as a position flashlight.
  • Four 2-way-switching-relays are implemented to connect different appliances. Each of them can handle consumers up to 1 Ah.
  • For measuring the depth it is possible to install different pressure sensors.
  • The GPS-sensor facilitates the marking and relocation of interesting diving areas.
  • In case of a cable break a bluetooth module supports a wireless-connection on surface (after auto-surface) and to navigate the diving robot controlled ashore.
  • The electrical power supply of the X³-Control works with two magnetic contacts. They are placed inside of the pressure hull and enable to switch the power of the X-Control contact-free with a magnet.
  • The X³-Control is made for lithium-polymer rechargeable batteries up to four cells. It runs with a supply voltage between 6,5 and 18 VDC. It is equipped with a reverse polarity and overload protection.
  • The temperature of both controllers is monitored by a digital sensor.
  • The automatic hardware-detection eases the configuration of additional modules and sensors. The X³-Control detects them automatically and displays them in the setup of the ROV-Control Software.
  • Status-LEDs for power and controller 1 and 2.
  • Firmware updates can be transferred automatically by a data interface.
  • The four-terminal Full Duplex-RS485 interface guarantees high transfer rates for cable lenghts up to 1000m (3000ft).

(Please read FAQ at bottom why wireless-connection is not possible)

Modules, sensors and extensions are connected to the X³-Control via one of the six I2C-ports.

Modules for the X³-Control

The following extensions can be connected to the X³-Control:

The camera

The most important part is the camera of course. It works as the „eye“ of the ROV. You can use every camera with a video output (yellow cinch/RCA). Cameras are not very expensive but to receive a good recording quality it is highly recommended to use a GoPro Hero HD (1,2,3) camera.
GoPro cameras have a high recording quality and a wide angle of up to 170 degrees. That`s why these cameras are predestinated for the usage in diving robots.

The CAM-CONTROL is a module in the same format as the X³-Control. With this module and the ROV-Control software it is possible to control two GoPro Hero HD (1,2,3) cameras at the same time.
The CAM-CONTROL is connected to the X³-Control and offers the following functions:

  • Controlling of MODE, SHUTTER* and WIFI*-button
  • Switchable power supply – no battery for camera is needed
  • Live-Out video at the GoPro Hero Bus

  • LIPO-CELL-MONITOR for the monitoring of four battery cell voltages.
  • Active powered I2C-HUB for other six I2C-modules
  • Eight channels for current or leakage sensors
  • Control-LED for POWER (I2C), CAM 1 and CAM 2
    *requires soldering

The video

The video signal is transmitted separately from the data. For each video signal you need two wires.

For the transmitting to the ROV a common network cable is recommended. It has eight wires, so you can use four wires for the data and the other four wires to transmit two different video signals to surface at the same time.

The USB-DATA-VIDEO offers a network socket to connect the X³-Control in a simple way by a network cable (up to 1000m/3000ft length) to a laptop.

The data interface is connected via USB and the video channels are conneted via two (Cinch) RCA sockets.

To display the video signal on the surface you can either use a monitor with a video input or it can be displayed via an USB-videograbber on the laptop screen.

The software

The new version of the ROV-Control software appears in a new design. It offers a wide range setup and a lot of new features.

Axes Mixer V2

In the innovative axes mixer V2 the motors are assigned to the control axes of the joystick or gamepad. There is a separate mixer setup for each control axis.
The direction of rotation and the power of the thruster can be configurated separately for each motor channel.
Because of the tuneable adjustment of the axes it is quite simple to put the diving robot in balance.

Sensors - 2nd compass

For a higher reliability operation it is possible to connect a second compass sensor to the second microcontroller. In case of the main compass fails it is still possible to navigate the diving robot safely ashore.

Sensors - Lipo-Cell-Monitor

The Lipo-Cell-Monitor assists with monitoring all of the cell voltages. The Lipo-Cell-Monitor is placed on the CAM-CONTROL and available as a stand-alone module.


To simplify the control the software is able to trim the diving robot in balance and to keep depth, course and position automatically. For this the individually configurable control axes are used.


Cable broken? No problem at all!
If the connection to the diving robot fails it will surfaces self-dependent after the adjusted time has past.  
From the surface it is possible to get a data connection via bluetooth which enables to navigate the diving robot back to the shore. The X³-Control can also handle itself in a certain direction to go ashore automatically.
In the future the ROV will be able to reach GPS-positions itself


With the Overlay-Skin data from the sensors and control functions can be displayed directly on the video stream. For this the video signal will be converted via USB-videograbber to the laptop and can be streamed on the software-background.


In case of the video signal will be directly displayed on a monitor or a television screen (instead of displayed via videograbber on the laptop) it is recommended to use the Touchscreen-Skin. It is well optimized for touchscreen laptop or on an external touchscreen-monitor.

Summary of Features:

  • Supports two joysticks or controller
  • Measurement units adjustable (ft/m and °F or °C)
  • Multilanguage-Support
  • Hold of depth and position
  • Critical value for warning and error adjustable for each sensor
  • Autopilot
  • Error-Pilot with auto-surface function
  • Determination of GPS-positions
  • Record-timer for each camera
  • Mission-Logfile
  • Auto-functions
  • Configurable skins
  • Load and Save Configuration in User-Profiles
  • Functions for button, switch and two-way-switching
  • Flash-Function for position-LED
  • Auto-Update Firmware over Data-Connection
  • Special support for Saitek X52 Pro Flight-Controller (LED,MFD)
  • Webserver for live-video streaming
  • and many more...

ROV-Control Software requires Microsoft Windows 7 or higher.


The following sensors can be connected to the X³-Control via I2C.


With the sensor for the compass you can determine the direction of the diving robot.

In case of an error an optional second compass sensor will be used for the auto-surface function of the Errorpilot.

Pitch and Roll

A gyro sensor for the position provides the values for roll and pitch. This sensor is also placed on the compass module.


It is possible to connect up to eight temperature sensors via I2C.


Pressure sensors with 4-20mA or 0-5V output can be directly connected to the X³-Control. There are also two digital pressure sensors (I2C) for 60 m and 140 m depth available.


With the humidity sensor it is possible to measure humidity and temperature.


The following modules can be connected to X³-Control via I2C.


The LED-BOARD displays the current status of the X³-Control and the connected modules with eight colored LEDs. It can be put for example visible from the outside behind the front window of the ROV.


Lithium-polymer batteries are very common for homemade robots. They are also suitable for usage in a ROV.

For the supply of the X³-Control a Lipo-battery-pack with four cells (14,8 V) is recommended. The cells can be damaged in case of undervoltage. That`s why they have to be monitored all the time.

The LIPO-CELL-MONITOR monitors the voltage of each cell. The software sends an alarm in case of the voltage is falling below a configured minimum. The module is directly connected to the balancer-connector of the LiPo battery. The LIPO-CELL-MONITOR is on the CAM-CONTROL as well and is connected to the X³-Control via I2C.


Current or leakage sensors are connected to a SENSOR-BOARD. For an easy installation it is possible to place the plug connections in different directions.

Each SENSOR-BOARD has four channels for current or leakage sensors. A status-LED displays the electrical power supply. It is connected to the X³-Control via I2C.
Eight different adresses provide 32 sensor channels.


The I2C-HUB offers seven I2C ports. An optional voltage converter supplies the moduls and sensors which are connected.


The 4-channel VIDEO-SWITCH enables switching four camera signals on two outputs. It is also possible to use it in one-channel-mode


For the usage of high-power-LEDs on the LED-channels of the X³-Control you will need a constant-current-source. It supplies the connected LEDs with permanent current.

For the X³-Control there are three different modules:

  1. The KSQ1000 can handle LEDs with 1000mA on one channel of the  X³-Control.
  2. The KSQ700-D can handle LEDs with 700mA on two channels.
  3. The KSQ1000-Q can handle LEDs with 1000 mA on all the four channels of the  X³-Control.

* 3x Cree XM-L T6 at KSQ1000

Depending on the supply voltage it is possible to run multiple LEDs on a constant-current-source at the same time.

Modules (prototypes)

These modules are still in a development. They will be available in May 2015:


The MAIN-SWITCH turns on and off the main power circuit by using the X³-Control. It has a maximum continuous rate of 75 ampere.


For high-performance loads (for example ESC and thruster) – the POWER-SWITCH is the best solution. Eight channels can handle consumers up to 30 ampere. Four addresses supplies overall 32 switching channels.


With the CAM CONTROL 2 you are able to control the 3rd and 4th (GoPro) camera in the ROV.



Why is a cable used?

A wireless communication is not possible under water. Water absorbs high frequencies very strong. To transmit a video signal frequencies are needed in the gigahertz range. Even the model building submarines can dive controlled by only a few feet - without video transmission.

How to use motors in the water?

Brushless-motors can be used in water without any changes. If you want to run it in saltwater, painting the coils will be necessary.

Why is there no all-in-one solution?

When you use diving robots it is not really practical to place all sensors on the main case because the sensor information can or shall not be recorded there. A pressure sensor on the control unit would not be very wise because it has to be placed in a pressure-tight case. Depending on the size and configuration of the system are parts housed in other cases. A modular system offers a free configuration and construction of all cases and modules at low cabling work.

Why no Ethernet is used for transmission of video and data?

An Ethernet limits the use of the camera systems only on webcams. But most cameras (like GoPro) have a “video-out” (yellow cinch/RCA). This signal cannot be send with data. However this video signal can be send by a cheap video-balun up to 300m(900ft) and with a second video signal by a common network-cable.

Why no embedded solution (Raspberry Pi) is used?

To wire the controller easily understandable provides the X³ control in a small space exactly those functions that are needed. An intricate lead out or tapping the pins is not necessary.
For diving robots the power consumption of components is very important. It decides during the battery operation on the period of use. An embedded system uses and provides the components with energy all the time, which have been assembled. A specially developed control unit does not require the hardware used in embedded systems, yet these (processor) power.

Is there a gripper arm solution?

A gripper arm is an extensive, mechanical and technical challenge. There is still no available grappler solution, which could be integrated.

Why is there no complete kit?

Constructing homemade diving robots is a growing trend. But there are rarely finished components. The crowdfunding of an american team has recently proved the substantial demand for thruster units, the T100 Thruster, which have been specially produced for the drive of watercrafts. Of course the X³ Control is compatible with the T100 and T200 thrusters.

* Source:

When I started self-construction of diving robots 7 years ago, there were only less people who tried it. The most people (like me) did not miss the creative ideas for the diving robots-drafts, but an easy to handle control solution. You were reliant on the most primitive media to realise the controlling, without any programmer skills and knowledge about microcontroller.
I do not offer a complete kit, because the liberty of the modular ROV-Control system shall encourage to new diving robots concepts and thruster configurations.
But I am sure there will be a larger charge of components and elements in the current age of the 3D-printers.

Where can i get help?

During the crowdfunding website is offline for updates.

There you will soon find more information about the construction of ROVs, a webshop with all modules and lots of accessories, as well as an English and a German-speaking forum. In the wiki all modules and their wiring are explained in English and German.

You are not up for the wet adventure?

ROV-Control is not only made for diving robots. You can also realise other types of robots with it…


25.000 EUR - Full ROV-Control Solution
                            Production of the complete module series,
                            ROV-Control Software V3.1 Software

Streched goals:

35.000 EUR - Echo sounder module
                            The echo sounder is a very useful sensor when visibility conditions
                            are bad. It can detect objects below the ROV and displays the
                            “hight over ground”. It also can display the distance between objects
                            in front of the ROV. The autopilot can keep the “hight over ground”
                            automatically and prevent the ROV from getting damaged by
                            collisions.  Planned for July 2015.

45.000 EUR - Smartphone App - Bluetooth System
                             Use your Smartphone like a gamepad or control your ROV only with
                             your Tablet PC. Get a compact Bluetooth-control solution without
                             need of a PC or Laptop, just by your Smartphone or Tablet.

55.000 EUR - Zeiss Cinemizer 3D Headtracking, Planned Missions

                            Control your ROV with your Head by tracking your movement at Zeiss
                            Cinemizer 3D Video Glasses Headtracker. Control your ROV in
                            realistic 3D! Let your ROV cruise itself with planned waypoints and

75.000 EUR - Fiber Optic Solution

                            Get connected to your ROV via ONE cheap and lightweight
                         Fiber-optic network cable with Full HD video
and HDMI output!



ROV-CONTROL START set includes:
  • USB-DATA-VIDEO with adapter and usb cable
  • X³-CONTROL with magnet contacts, magnet, I2C cable (30cm/1ft) and 249Ohm Resistor (for pressure sensors with 4-20mA output)
  • LED-BOARD with I2C cable

  • compass module incl. gyro for roll/pitch (9dof) and I2C cable
  • temperature sensor (first address) and I2C cable

ROV-CONTROL CAM sets includes:
  • CAM-CONTROL module with two 30pin connectors for GoPro Hero Bus and I2C cable

Risks & challenges

ROV-Control has given the proof in several diving robots that it works successful. From the beginning the upgrading to the full range of the module was well planned. The further development of the software was promoted in a professional way. Many of the modules are either already implemented in ROVER3D and in use or the prototypes still tested.

If new sources of error would be found the process of manufacture could be delayed and costs could increase. I know these kinds of “last-minute problems” very well and that`s the reason why I have calculated some buffers.

For the crowdfunding goals above 35.000 € it is not yet possible to determine the point of the start of the production run.

Who stands behind ROV-Control?

I am a 30 years old, well skilled IT systems technician and for more than seven years I am dealing with the construction of diving robots. I have developed a complete new design for diving robots and the first tests with ROVER II were very successful.
At the time when I started the construction there was no control solution at all. For that reason I tried from the beginning to develop an easy to use control system with a flexible structure and an extensive software to realize individual diving robots.

For a long time I was working on my own. In the meantime I work together with a very competent software engineer and expert for electronic issues. They are not named because they are not a part of this project.

Both of my diving robots are 100% hand-made. I have neither used a turning machine or a CNC-milling-machine. I have just jused tools which you can find in every domestic home. Everybody can copy only have to find the way to your local tool store.
I really try to answer all the questions concerning the details.
The new ROV-CONTROL website will be online soon with multi-language forum and more support and instruction manuals.

Andreas Knabbe

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€1 EUR
Thank you for your support to the ROV-CONTROL project!
1 claimed

ROV postcards

Currency Conversion $16 USD
€15 EUR
Get three postcards with underwater footage of ROVER3D. shipping included.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 100 of claimed

ROV-CONTROL Sticker and cards

Currency Conversion $27 USD
€25 EUR
Get five postcards of ROVER3D and three sticker by ROV-CONTROL, shipping included.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 100 of claimed


Currency Conversion $75 USD
€69 EUR
You already have the X³-Control? Then you can update with the CAM-CONTROL.
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
3 out of 15 of claimed


Currency Conversion $215 USD
€199 EUR
Get your ROV-CONTROL START Set with X³-Control, USB-DATA-VIDEO and LED-BOARD for EUR 199.00 on early bird in April 2015. Add EUR 10.00 for shipping to EU (free shipping to germany) or EUR 20.00 for other countries
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 25 of claimed


Currency Conversion $237 USD
€219 EUR
Get your ROV-CONTOL START set in May 2015 Add EUR 10.00 for shipping to EU (free shipping to germany) or EUR 20.00 for other countries
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 50 of claimed


Currency Conversion $237 USD
€219 EUR
Get your ROV-CONTROL EXTENDED set on early bird in April 2015. Add EUR 10.00 for shipping to EU (free shipping to germany) or EUR 20.00 for other countries
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
2 out of 25 of claimed


Currency Conversion $247 USD
€229 EUR
Get your ROV-CONTROL EXTENDED set in May 2015. Add EUR 10.00 for shipping to EU (free shipping to germany) or EUR 20.00 for other countries
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
1 out of 50 of claimed


Currency Conversion $301 USD
€279 EUR
Get your ROV-CONTROL CAM set on early bird in April 2015. Add EUR 10.00 for shipping to EU (free shipping to germany) or EUR 20.00 for other countries
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
1 out of 25 of claimed


Currency Conversion $323 USD
€299 EUR
Get your ROV-CONTROL CAM set on first delivery in May 2015. Add EUR 10.00 for shipping to EU (free shipping to germany) or EUR 20.00 for other countries
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 50 of claimed
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