We're going oldschool: a » free demo on Steam for everyone. Here you'll get an Alpha Build of RUMP! with a small tutorial and some bigger maps for you to freely jump around and test our game.
We're also going to update the demo regularly, so that even after the final release people can actually test our game and don't have to buy it as blind as you have to with most games today. If you stumble upon weird things feel free to use the ingame bugreport feature within the game options. » Click here to download the free demo on Steam and have fun jumping and rumping!
Within only 6 days thousands of people pushed this game through » STEAM Greenlight - but what is it exactly? It's a crazy and challenging 3D jump and run game with a high focus on speedrunning, competition, sick moves and ultimate multiplayer-mayhem!
You think the good old Mario Kart was the challenge for you and your friends? Now RUMP! is going to be busting your mind. There are no classic green, red or blue shells - but several other gadgets, that will make your friends rage when you fire them off.
Compete with your steam friends, dare them to defy you and beat their best times! Be rewarded with different skins, characters and even some nice powerups. If you want to, you can climb the ladder and score the best times of the worldwide ranking!
The singleplayer offers over 50 different maps with some serious jumping, collecting and raging action! Get all Coins to proceed to the next level, be fast to make sure to beat your friends' highscores! Achieve the Bronze, Silver and Gold times to receive cool awards, skins and other stuff.
In the multiplayer modes you can challenge up to three of your friends in a fight to the death! Multiple modes are planned - but the most important thing, as usual, will be: first to arrive wins. Use your body and your gadgets to get rid of your foes and proceed to unbelievable greatness! Missiles, Boosters, Hooks and other grim utilities can be used to make your way to the top. Compete with other players all over the world!
- Up to four people multiplayer mayhem to beat your friends via STEAM!
- Online Matchmaking with Quickjoin options or premade Lobbys/Groups!
- Sleek singleplayer with a high amount of different maps, gadgets, mechanics, competition and story!
- High amount of various Skins, Accessories, Chars and Maps!
- Awesome multiplayer gadgets like hooks, missiles and other fun stuff!
- Cool new things at least twice a month! Weapons, Gadgets, Levels!
- Global & local rankings with leaderboards and statistics!
- Observer Mode for viewing and casting multiplayer runs!
- eSport functionality for live competition!
- Speedrun functionality for all time contest records!
- Many humorous and funny elements, including dark ones!
- Competition, rage and success!
- Different supported plattforms! (tba, see Goals)
- Unique Soundtrack and ambience!
- Tons of uniquely designed levels! Created with love!
- Lots of achievements and unlockables!
- No arms and legs - but there's a cape!
Being individual means at lot to us - because customizing your character adds a lot of variance and fun to the game. To achieve this we're putting in a couple of characters right away, plus according skins and accessories.
So we're already into creating additional playable characters and skins for them - and you can add more! Check our stretch goals for the added chars. And also settings - let us tell you more about these!
You could call these sceneries, environments, surroundings and the like. We call them settings internally. And we're starting with the cities' rooftops of rumptown - but we have a lot of possible other settings ready in our ideas.
How about rumping in space? Or in a cave? Or in a jungle? Each new setting will come with a lot of new graphics and mechanics. A cave surely has different traps than cities' rooftops - and so will every new setting.
Each new setting added, by your contributions in our stretch goals and by ourselves after the release, contains at least 30 new maps to go along with the new scenery. This is where you can lure your friends into new awesome traps and score better times on each map than anyone else ever did!
We want to thank our backers by giving them some unique and rare perks. It is only $20 to get the game itself - but you can back us more. Each new tier comes with one or two new goodies for you. This goes up to a real 333 Gold Coin and a day off with our team at the "Heide Park" theme park here in Germany.
For an easier overview of which contribution tier gets you which perks, please take a look at our Perk Matrix here:
Check out some of our actual perks on the graphics below. Additionally we have some shipping information (for international shipment of physical perks) and more details on certain perks like the ingame character creation and the FounderCity image rules. Please see » this PDF file.
If you missed the link above: check out our » Perk Matrix to get an easy overview which contribution tier gets you which perks / goodies.
Like our name already says: We are dedicated to games in all its beauty. We play them, we talk about them, we make videos and now we are creating our own dream game.
We are a rather small team of 11 people in our company located in Hamburg, Germany, and there is no one who does not love games with their heart and soul. The big part of us have been working together for over the last 5 years. We know each other very well and that is one of the main reasons why we decided to create a standalone game.
We proudly show off a big and long experience in gaming entertainment. We've been host on several shows at the yearly GamesCom fair in Cologne, including lots of daily shows on the Blizzard booth (especially StarCraft II) - entertaining the huge crowd that was present on each GamesCom fair. Five years and still counting - we'll be there this year as well.
We've been broadcasting innumerable shows on our Live-Stream, we've been producing countless VODs on many, many different games. We also organized and hosted an indescribable Live-Event with more than 700 people at the location - plus the hundreds of thousands of people watching the live stream of that event.
It is our chance to be part of the games industry, working on our dreams and leaving a small footprint on "Planet Gaming". Entertaining our friends and fans pushes us every day for quite a long time now. Seeing people play games and having fun while doing so is a real pleasure to us. That's why we want to create a game of our own. But we have to stay realistic. And that is the reason to ask for your support.
With your contribution, no matter how big or small it is, you are showing us that you believe in us. You say to us that you would like to have fun and see this game come to life. We really appreciate that and every Dollar gives us the chance to do something good, keep our company running and create the game we love - for ourselves, and especially, for you!
No doubt you've noticed that the sum we're looking for on our initial target - and especially the stretch goals - looks quite high. Believe it or not, this is actually cheap for a 3D jump and run game at this scope - and the only reason it's this cheap is because we're already deep into the development of the base physics and mechanics of this game.
More than half of your support is being used for the salaries of our team - to keep working in our office and making progress every day. The second chunk of all your payments sadly is going off in taxes and fees. Since we're a registered corporation, we'll have to pay 19% VAT (Value Added Tax) on any of your contributions, since they count as a straight income. Plus some fees for Indiegogo, PayPal and currency conversion (eventuall we'll need those USD in EUR), we're close to 30% for these dues in total. With the remaining money we're paying the monthly fees on software licenses and the like, which are pretty much only required to create assets and things for the actual game development.
This is a flexible funding campaign, meaning that all your contributions are going right to our accounts and helping us in making this game even more awesome. As soon as the initial campaigns target is met, the fees on Indiegogo are being lowered – so we get even more time out of your support if we meet the first and main goal.
While we started creating "RUMP!" out of a quick idea we soon realised that this game has great potential to bring fun to the people. We came up with some really cool ideas, features and settings - but there was one thing we didn't have: Time!
As a small company, we people try to live from what we are doing. So we could either bring a very early version of RUMP! on the market and sell it on Steam as an "Early Access Game" - which would be clearly the wrong decision for our understanding and vision - or we could go the hard way and say: We need money - to buy us more time!
It ain't easy for us to go and ask you people for a funding for a game that ain't finished yet. But since the game is already in a playable state we could easily launch an early access program and sell the current state of the game.
But we don't want to do that. We want a really publishable state of RUMP! and so we need some more time to get things finished and polished.
We would like to invest more work into developing RUMP! and creating the environment, bring features and gameplay to perfection and making our job good. For this we need licenses for different kinds of software, funds for hardware and equipment, and even more menpower (like an animation specialist, which could speed up things a bit). We need to pay our bills for rent and our people working on the game.
We're all working hard to achieve the things we would like to - but at some point, after a 20 hour day, you need some money to live and get your head free. Having panics like "Where will I be next month" is a feeling we REALLY don't need and none of our teammates deserve. And here you come into play by contributing to this awesome game and our vision.
In case we're going over the top of our initial target, we do have a plan for the future development and more features in the game.
On a sidenote: we're also thinking about an ingame level editor, so everyone can create their own maps and circuits. This is not planned for the final release, but maybe at a later point. We're just pointing out that we do think about such things and we believe that community created maps would be really awesome to play!
We really do have a good starting position. One of our main fears was to not get Steam's Greenlight in a decent time. Some parts of our development rely on Steams "SteamWorks API" and we only would get access to it if we were able to get "the green light". But we were wrong: within only 6 days you, our fans and friends, pushed our game through greenlight! That was amazing and a very big step for us.
Aside of these we're really solid:
Can we get a shippable state of the game (and not pulling a DayZ)?
Yes, since we are actually playing it every day in our office while testing changes. The core game itself is pretty much complete - but not to the extent and range we are wishing it to be. More levels, more skins, more gadgets. Basic functions are implemented quickly - but it's the fine tuning that gets them to feel right and create the fun in the game. We need some more time to get this to where we're looking to go for.
Are your development basics safe and stable?
Yes, as we currently are not using (or depending on) any trial or unstable software. Our assets are being created in solid applications like Photoshop and 3ds Max - and for the game we're really happy with the Unreal Engine 4, as it fields awesome performance and usability. The EPIC team is pushing out updates and improvements regularly, but we can also launch specific parts in a previous engine versions.
Is there a platform to distribute our game?
Yes, since that honorable swarm of users already got us Greenlight on Steam. But we're looking beyond PC-gaming and Steam. We'd really like to release a port for any Unix / Linux Platform, a port for any Apple / Mac user and finally also a version for PlayStation and XBOX users.
Do we have the needed skillset to build our game?
Yes, since we are already building and updating it every day as of now. The game is already in a playable state - but we want it to be better. More humourous and sinuous animations of our characters are asking for an animation specialist. So this is more of a bonus. Our characters work and they are already hilarous - but when an animation specialist comes into play, that may become even more entertaining.
Will this game really be fun?
That is up to you! Play the public demo (tutorial + 1-2 levels, will be released soon), look at our videos or check out the screenshots! Fun is up to each individual - but since our setting, of playing a character with no arms and legs, is already quite humorous, we think that pretty much everyone will have lots of it. Especially once you got hooked by the multiplayer. Play it with your friends and you'll probably spend a decent amount of time jumping and rumping around.
We're currently planning to release the final version of RUMP! around October / November 2015.
We think we do have it all. But it's you to decide!
Are you a modern company and can relate yourself to gaming and games in general? Are you looking for creative advertising space? Then you should read up on our ingame Billboards!
Saying "Billboards" we do not only mean the big billboards themselves, but also ad spaces, decals, banners, flags and several other spots, where smaller variations of a big billboard or even just the according logo might be placed on a flag.
We want them to look like they've been fully made for this game and chime along with the environment. They shall not disturb or distract the players - but be fun to look at. Please ask for our samples and we'll also be happy to help you on finding the right style, if you'd like to participate but haven't been into ingame ads yet.
Please contact us for more information: » info@dedicationlabs.com - thanks!
Yes there are other and free ways to support our cause! Every additional beings voice (including dogs, so our office dog Loki ain't alone!) is very valuable to us. So if you like to help us - with no money at all - try to use your contacts and tell them about our game. Your friends at work or in class, a post on your Facebook-Page, a tweet on your Twitter or whatever Social Media network you prefer.
Follow us on our channels (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) to recieve regular updates and spread them as well. All the information will be posted below! Every bit of reach counts! Thank you for helping us reach out!
This is a question where myths are told and even the ancient greek were asking this question. Some say Rumper lost his arms and legs while sneezing. Some say them idiots are unable to animate limbs properly... and even other say: You know, because things and stuff. For reasons!
Maybe you will get to know more in the singleplayer campaign by reading the ancient Rump-Hieroglyphics that can be found here and there.