Russ Taff: I Still Believe - The Movie
The movie is completed, and we have partnered with Fathom Events to have it shown. But we need funds to let people know about the film and get it in theaters. I Still Believe is a story that spans decades of Russ Taff's life. From childhood abuse to alcoholism, Russ opens up for the first time about his disease and the toll it took on his faith, his family, and his career. But I Still Believe is more than a depiction of the bad times. It is also an amazing romance about the pursuing love of Christ, and the love and strength of a wife who refused to be a victim, and was dedicated to save her marriage and Russ's life. But above all, this is a film about hope. Hope for those who deal with family illness, hope for those who have fallen away from Christ due to life challenges, and hope for those who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. We are honored that Russ has trusted us with this inspiring story and pray that it will impact the thousands, or even millions of suffering Christians who need to know that there is hope for recovery thru the redeeming love of Christ, and the help of friends, family, the Church and Christian professionals.
Help us get this story out - and what you get for your help!
We have a chance to be in theaters October 30 for a "one night only" event, but we are short of the marketing funds to let people know about it. Marketing a film is expensive, usually taking millions to reach all the people who would be interested in this type of story. While our goal is $192,000, that is the minimum needed to market the film. The more we receive above that amount, the more people Russ and Tori's story can impact.
A Note On Perks: Perks are a way of thanking someone who has donated to the film. You are not buying an item, you are donating to the film. Most of the money is put towards the movie. The Perk is a memento or item to thank you for the donation. To help fund the film, the Perk is a fraction of the donated amount. Thank you for your support!
- Since this movie is about relationships, we have attempted to make our perks relational. From personalization of almost every perk to the opportunity to spend time and have dinner with the Taffs, we have tried to make most of the perks unique and valuable.
- Any donations over our targeted minimum amount will go directly to marketing the film in order to impact more people. Anonymous and "no perks" donations also help because the perks cost money that won't be able to use in the marketing campaign. Please pray and consider what you can give.
This film has an important message, especially for today with addiction reaching into the Church and to Christian families. We can only get this out around the country with your help. Please join us in this important mission.
Other Ways You Can Help
We appreciate your contributions. But we have one more need...forward this link to your friends and family. Russ has over a million fans, of all ages, both male and female, but reaching them will be up to you. So if you can share this link to your mailing list, Facebook and other social media, we will have a chance to let his fans and others that can be helped by seeing this film be made aware of the opportunity to see it in theaters. For memes and other sharing tools go to
What is a Fathom Event?
A Fathom Event is shown on 1-night only, like a Russ Taff concert, but nationwide. This event will be on October 30 at 7:00 local time at your local cinema. When you have Fathom showing your film, select theaters are approached and told about the film. The film can be in 400-1200 theaters if the event seems appealing to the theater owners. Each theater that is booked costs the filmmaker money. So the more theaters it is in, the more the cost is to the film owners. And, the owners of the film have to spend their own money to tell everyone about the movie and where to see it. A normal theatrical costs millions to market...a Fathom Event costs hundreds of thousands. We have raised some marketing money, but are asking you to help us expand into more theaters and be able to tell the entire nation about this incredible film.
Who we are and our mission for this film
Our mission: To share the untold story of Russ Taff who struggled with alcoholism while at the height of his Christian recording career, and how Russ found forgiveness and healing from his wife and his heavenly Father.
About the producers of I Still Believe. Fuseic Entertainment (Director Rick Altizer and Producer Kent Songer) have been in the business of developing music and films to help Christians deal with life challenges since 2002. Their two previous Fathom films were Chonda Pierce: Laughing In The Dark and Chonda Pierce: Enough