**Note** The Project is moving forward with or without reaching the flex goal. There is no worry or your donation being meaningless or lost and your donation will only help us enhance the projects timeline and features.
Sabaton: War of the Weeping Lands is a new fresh take on a classic game, Brigandine: the Legend of Forsena. For some time fans have been asking for a Brigandine 2 but alas this has not come to pass.
spread through the three nations as one by one members of their ruling families
began to disappear. The nations, all self-absorbed by nature, tried to resolve
the problems diplomatically, offering help and apologies to each other. However,
these messengers never reached their goals, butchered on the way. Each province
assumed that this was an act of hostility by the other – a clear admission of
guilt for the kidnappings – and the three of them joined in battle. As they
interrogated the prisoners they took that day, they realised that something was
wrong, that far from slaying their messengers, the nations they were now
fighting had been just as eager for peace as they had. But it was too late,
blood had been shed, territories seized: the victors could not let their
position of strength go and the losers wanted revenge. So the wars carried on,
even as they realised that this conflict had been orchestrated by someone else,
someone who wanted to see them weakened, someone with a terrible and
inscrutable purpose. They fought and did not relent because they did not want
to face whatever was to come when the war was over.
The Kingdoms
- The Carnifair - a nation dominated by an artificial and gratuitous system of government.
Huge beasts stalk their lands, attacking the villages of the province
endlessly. For their protection, these settlements hire hero’s from the central
guild, playing them for their protection. Little do they know that it is the
guild themselves that create these monsters, desperate to ensure that their
income and dominance in society remains intact, even at the expense of the
progress of their nation and the lives of their people.
The Urbz - a city in constant motion. Not
across the land, like the fabled desert tribes, but down. The land that the
city was built upon appeared firm initially, but as the capitol grew larger and
larger it began slowly to sink. Its citizens were unwilling to abandon the city
of their birth and the favourable location it occupied, so they built up
frantically, trying to outpace the rising earth. Over the years they have
become a nation dedicated to this one purpose, architects supervising
construction day and night whilst foragers swarm across its territory
collecting the resources required.
- The Stema - Many years ago a man was born. A man who saw
within himself potential too vast for any one lifetime. Tantalized by the
thousands of possibilities he saw, he slew himself, turning his dead body into a production line,
birthing endless copies of himself. These, clones, the Stema, set about to realize the potential he had seen, all training themselves in different things,
changing their environmental conditions to unlock new possibilities. They are a
race ferociously unified and yet divided, all the same man, but each of them pursuing
something different.
Evolution System
In Sabaton we envision a detailed branching evolution system. You will have the choice of taking the creatures in many many different directions. Don't believe me. Check This Out! We will go into more detail on each creature as we progress!
And this is only the common creatures. Not the Kingdom specific creatures or heroes!
Future Content
We will be releasing more and more content as we go for free! Release 2 is planned for shortly after the launch to the public and will include 3 more fully playable kingdoms for your enjoyment as well as a multi-player aspect for crushing others in a with friends style single battle mode, and in a full game using the with friends aspect style.
- 3 Additional Kingdoms for a total of 6
- Much larger map to include all the Kingdoms
- Single Battle Multi-Player support, with friends style (with time limit & AI)
- Full game Multi-Player support, with friends style (with time limit & AI)
- Additional items, weapons, armor, & more
- Additional Creatures, Heroes, & Evolution's
The Weeping Land is an enormous geyser that flows for miles. Each Kingdom will have their place and will fight for dominance. No one knows where the water comes from.
The Battles will be 3 heroes versus 3 heroes. Each Hero will have his own monster horde. Movement and fighting will be based on a turn based system.
The Battle Map will be a hexagonal mapping system with various terrain that will include bonuses and penalties depending on the creature type in the location.
The Questing System will be interactive and allow for the player to manage the choices the heroes will take while on a quest. There is some randomness included to ensure that the player gets unique experiences.
Your donations are the chance to make a big splash and get into the game. Whether it's a simple donation, being in the credits, or participating in the alpha's or beta's, or getting free game currency for life, it matters.Remolding a classic is a tough job! Enhancing it and placing it on mobile devices is even harder. If you can't donate, Spread The Word.
Phillip - Game Designer & Lead Project Manager
Josh - Creative Writer, Project Manager, & Game Designer
Waqi - Graphic Designer
Stan - Lead Developer
Bit Bot - Team Mascot
Thank you all for your continued support. We appreciate all you can do and hope that people will come to love our game.