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Same Old Same Old - Short Film

A whimsical short film that highlights domestic abuse through the eyes of a child - production funds

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Same Old Same Old - Short Film

Same Old Same Old - Short Film

Same Old Same Old - Short Film

Same Old Same Old - Short Film

Same Old Same Old - Short Film

A whimsical short film that highlights domestic abuse through the eyes of a child - production funds

A whimsical short film that highlights domestic abuse through the eyes of a child - production funds

A whimsical short film that highlights domestic abuse through the eyes of a child - production funds

A whimsical short film that highlights domestic abuse through the eyes of a child - production funds

Marissa Cole
Marissa Cole
Marissa Cole
Marissa Cole
1 Campaign |
London, United Kingdom
$260 USD 8 backers
5% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Producer Marissa Cole, talented screenwriter Stuti Nair and award-winning director Nicole Pott want you to join their team to make a hard-hitting short film that exposes the life of a child when dreams are crushed and reality is all that is left. Can you remember that one day, when you realized life was not the happy carefree place you thought it was? They hope that no child has to go through this, but sadly it happens everyday. Help them tell this story and fight against domestic abuse.


We want you to join in making a powerful short film that creates awareness in the fight against domestic abuse and those children who are victims everyday. Crew and talent from all around the world have gathered together to make this happen…

But to make this film, we need your help.

By making a donation, no matter how small, your making your voice count and those children who don’t have a voice be heard. We want to shine a light on those who cannot themselves, and tell a story in a completely unique perspective.



To show our appreciation for your generosity and belief in this project, we will be offering a wide array of rewards. You can see them under the "Perks" section on the right.

Are you ready?



The film will be directed by U.K. native, Nicole Pott, director and producer of many critically acclaimed Short Films including Rambling On, Charlie, and The Spaces Between. Currently producing two feature films and countless short films at the moment, Nicole is an accomplished filmmaker, director of The High Peak Independent Film Festival and CEO Sonder Pictures.

Check her out on IMDB



Marissa Cole is an American Producer who has produced a wide range of productions. From successful short films, to behind the scenes, all the way to music videos, she has been working all over England. Marissa plans to take this knowledge and bring this great film to the states. She is a huge advocate for the welfare of children and a supporter of the Children’s Miracle Network, which is what inspired her to make this film.



The film is written by Stuti Nair. Originally from Mumbai, India she is behind some of their most successful advertisements and film campaigns. Writing since she was five years old, Stuti is currently working on a feature length fantasy drama, and like our film, it’s main focus is around children. She is also writing a TV pilot and several shorts at the moment.



We are looking to raise $5,000. This is the golden number where we will be able to get what we need to get done and more. The Producer is passionate about making this project, but she needs your help to give this story the power it truly deserves. Ideally, we'd like to raise as much as possible. We know we can reach this goal, but there are expenses…

 A short film takes time, locations, and amazing talent. We are working on solidifying a wonderful well-known actor for the lead. We also will need to hire a camera crew, production designers, grips and others as well as pay for music composition and amazing editing at the end of filming.

We have amazing rewards for contributing which include the movie, visits to the set, producing credits, and even an extra appearance in the film!

We're ready. Are you?



We all inspire to make a difference in the world, and some kids will never know how that feels. Those children have had to face hardships that some of us can’t ever imagine, and they shouldn’t have too. But YOU can make a difference, with your help, we can help fight against domestic abuse. If we are able to reach our goal of $5,000, of every dollar donated after that 50% will be donated to support children who have been impacted by domestic abuse.

We hope to make a difference and take this film far.



If you can or cannot contribute, the best we can hope for is for you to share this everywhere you can. The more people who see this page, the more likely we are to reach our goal!

Thank you and don’t forget to check out the rewards for contributing!





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Choose your Perk


$5 USD
Thank you for the donation! We’re so grateful for your support, the appreciation goes on forever!
Included Items
  • Thank You!
1 claimed


$15 USD
Any contribution is hugely significant! You will receive a digital copy of the film as soon as it’s released.
Included Items
  • Digital Copy
2 claimed


$25 USD
Thank you for your help! To show our appreciation we would like to include your name in the credits of the film, as a special thanks to your contribution! Check “items included” list to see other perks attached to this level.
Included Items
  • Digital Copy
  • Your Name in Credits
1 claimed


$50 USD
You will receive exclusive access to all the happenings of the film. From casting exclusives, script excerpts, behind the scenes videos, shout outs, and exclusive updates.
Included Items
  • Digital Copy
  • Your Name in Credits
  • Behind the Scenes Updates
  • Script Excerpts
3 claimed


$100 USD
Congratulations! You’ve won exclusive autographs from the highly sought after cast of the film. You will also receive an official script of the film. Check “items included” list to see other perks attached to this level.
Included Items
  • Digital Copy
  • Your Name in Credits
  • Behind the Scenes Updates
  • Official Script
  • Exclusive Autographs
0 claimed


$500 USD
You will receive the opportunity to come visit the set and be an extra in the film. If you are unable to make it, we will have the entire cast personally send you a thank you video for your contribution and have your picture seen in the set. Check “items included” list to see other perks attached to this level.
Included Items
  • Digital Copy
  • Your Name in Credits
  • Behind the Scenes Updates
  • Official Script
  • Exclusive Autographs
  • Walk on Role / Personal Video
0 out of 5 of claimed


$1,500 USD
This is reserved for those two special people who believe in this project so much that they are willing to fund so much of the budget. These two contributors will be credited as Executive Producers and will receive a thank you video, signed autographs from the entire cast and crew, as well as an invitation to the screening and wrap party!
Included Items
  • Digital Copy
  • Behind the Scenes Updates
  • Official Script
  • Executive Producer Credit
  • Personalized Video from Cast
  • Screening & Wrap Party Invite
  • Autographs from Cast and Crew
0 out of 2 of claimed

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