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Sarah's YWAM DTS.


Sarah's YWAM DTS.

Sarah's YWAM DTS.

Sarah's YWAM DTS.

Sarah's YWAM DTS.

Sarah's YWAM DTS.

Sarah Tichenor
Sarah Tichenor
Sarah Tichenor
Sarah Tichenor
2 Campaigns |
Charlottesville, United States
$5,560 USD 65 backers
101% of $5,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

*ALL supporters will receive a digital download of the outreach film.

*Supporters over $50 will receive film and "Oceans" lyrical watercolor print.

*Supporters over $100 will receive film, "Oceans" print and a free photo session booked for september- october 2015.

Short Summary

In 2 months, I have the amazing honor of joining with YWAM (youth with a mission) in a discipleship training program called "Awaken" (For those of you who have been tracking with my whole process, I was formerly accepted to a school called "Photogenx" which would teach me how to use my media to end injustice. But recently, I've felt a huge shift that community & loving people well is more at the center of my heart, knowing that my photography & media skills will follow wherever I go). It will include a 3 month discipleship season & then a 3 month outreach season where i'll be able to apply everything I've learned and love people of the nations with the overflow of love from God.

What We Need & What You Get

I'm so excited about this incredible place God's called me to next and my heart is 100% expectant for God to move. I've raised a lot of my funds but I still need so much help. I've raised over $8,000 at this point which leaves me a remainder of $5,500. I'm looking for people to come alongside of me and be apart of something greater for the Kingdom.

This time will also help create a short film about what we did as a community & the movement of God across the nations. Included in the perks is this film, hand lettered prints and free photo sessions when I return.

What Awaken Looks Like


Simply put the Awaken Discipleship Training School (DTS) aims to awaken hearts to the great commandment of loving God, overflowing into the second greatest commandment of loving each other and the lost. We are a part of a much broader movement of God on the earth that is awakening a whole generation to the reality of God and complete lordship to Jesus. It is obedience based faith fueled by seeking the presence of God in humility. Allowing his love and grace to do what we could never do ourselves; transform us both individually and corporately.

The God of the Bible is the God of today and the simple Gospel is good news of great joy for all people. Our community longs to see presence centered family multiplied in the nations and across America. We aim to see the members of this family both awakened and equipped to multiply kingdom family wherever they go, even to the ends of the earth.


This season of the school is really focused on training and creating a culture of awakened people. Again transformation must first come inside of us before we can multiply it. This is a time to really cultivate intimacy with God as an individual and a family. We will have Biblical rhythms set into our schedule just like in the early church;

Modular teaching by leaders in the Body of Christ

Application times of training and Bible Study

Living, eating and serving in Community

Prayer and Worship

Community outreach in Kona

Family groups within the Larger school

One on one Discipleship


After having your own heart transformed, your mind trained and creating a family centered on the presence of God; we will set out for the nations. Living amongst a people not your own and getting to multiply the very message of Jesus that has transformed hearts for two millenniums. You will also begin to discover a whole new place of intimacy and knowledge of God as you begin to really obey the great commission to make Him known. The Biblical values and rhythms facilitated during lecture will become a way of life as dependence on God increases.

Outreach is intended to stretch staff and students to live by obedience; rather than comfort, control and convenience. We aim to let missions become a way of life, not a season or a foreign place we go. Rhythms on outreach will include, but are definitely not limited to;

Cultivating individual intimacy with God

Prayer & Worship

Evangelism in Word and deed

Mercy ministries providing for basic needs

Serving & encouraging the local body

Teaching, training and preaching

Starting Discovery Bible studies

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