Austen DiPalma
0 Campaigns
| Charlotte, United States

Sasquatch: War Ender - Ash Can Graphic Novel

Sasquatch Takes On Nazis In An Epic WWII Adventure

After being shot down in hostile German territory, ace British RAF Officer, Edward Dean, joins forces with Belgium resistance fighter Angélique Desramaults and "Chuck" (a living weapon of pure sasquatch-destruction) to stop a rogue Nazi scientist from creating an army of sasquatch/human hybrids.

Clocking in at over 60 pages of Nazi-squelching adrenaline, Sasquatch: War Ender is an exciting new story brought to you by writers Austen DiPalma & Jason Spooner with gorgeous art by Kevin Stokes!

60+ Pages of Story and Supplemental Material

Clocking in at over 60 pages of Nazi-squelching adrenaline, Sasquatch: War Ender is an exciting new story brought to you by writers Austen DiPalma & Jason Spooner with gorgeous art by Kevin Stokes!

Sasquatch: War Ender

Check out the Sasquatch: War Ender trailer below!

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