Short Summary
The Friends of Stackpole Bridge is a group of people who believe that the 167 year old stone bridge in Saco, Maine is a rare gem of rural, functional stonework that should be preserved. We are up against a public works preference for maintenance-free new bridge. The decision to choose which plan to go with will be made on May 4. The more funds we have by that date, the more influence we will have , as cost is also a factor in their decision.
What We Need & What You Get
We have nothing to offer donors except the great feeling you will get if we succeed in saving this rare bridge! As a 501c3, donations are tax deductible.
The Impact
Our 501c3, the Fund for Stackpole Bridge, has raised over $32,000 in donations and pledges so far from local supporters.
Risks & Challenges
We have been working since 2007 to convince local officials. Some are adamantly against saving the bridge, but we have gained many supporters
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't donate, a letter of support on our Facebook page would be helpful.