"Find someone who's doing something good and right, and help them do it faster, better, and more efficiently."
Become a "Friend of Frankincense"
We're creating a small eco-preserve to grow endangered Frankincense (and other Torchwood) trees. It's Frankincense and Myrrh, the trees that produce fragrant, oily resins, and key medicinals spoken of in the Bible... along with another of the precious holy oils like Balm of Gilead (commiphora gileadensis known as "Gold" in antiquities,) and also Agarwood trees (aquilaria) the source of Oudh, one of the most heavenly perfume scents on earth.
All are endangered, some critically so, or increasingly found only in specimen gardens. Pure biblical Frankincense, Boswellia Sacra, the source of royal hougari comes from Oman. Those groves are environmentally threatened by climate change and human conflict. The hundred year old trees are stressed, over - tapped, abused, poisoned, poached, and trafficked... And what we do to the Frankincense, we do to children.
But in this garden and SAFE haven, we will PROTECT and NURTURE both. We'll propagate, and proliferate the Frankincense and other Torchwoods to share with all. Once secured and abundantly propagated, we will use the mature trees to help secure an inheritance and brighter future for children ...especially endangered, trafficked, and orphaned children.
One of the best places we can help each other reconnect, and open our hearts to childlike awe and wonder again, and renewed sense of innocence is in the midst of nature.
What do we need? To put down roots - literally.
- Frankincense seedlings, from a rare collection, are ready and waiting to be sent. Yet, we need all the accoutrements necessary for gardening and experimental agronomy in order to properly and safely receive them.
- We need a larger space; land, a greenhouse, water, a classroom, the trees themselves, container pots in various sizes and kinds (clay, plastic, smart pots, etc) for cultivation and for growth. We need to move some dirt around, so we need all gardening tools, other implements, and equipment, hardscape/ softscape elements, grow-lights, bees, butterflies, worms, seeds, companioning trees, and other biblical plants and herbs, electronic equipment, and education materials.
- If you would like a complete garden list, I've made one. If you want to see a business plan, I've written one, with a projected three-year budget.
- If you'd like to donate land itself, we’d be grateful for 1-5 acres which numerically, means: "a certain small something, not much but enough to build on" or upwards to 50.
Why Frankincense?
- We're focused on Frankincense, pure biblical Frankincense - Boswellia Sacra (not b. Carteri from Somalia, or b. Serrata from India) - because of its history, and universal importance. Frankincense is universally recognized around the globe as beneficial and valuable by all cultures and traditions for its spiritual, natural, and medicinal qualities, as an expression of good will, and source of wellbeing, peace, and enlightenment.
- Frankincense being so universally loved and in demand gave rise and cause of the world's first global economy, and was the reason for our first peaceful trade routes and treaties. For those reasons, Frankincense sets an important, even priceless precedence.
- Frankincense is a banner tree for all humanity: A tree of abundance, good health, peace, and unity - symbolizing the best of human endeavors.
- Frankincense has historically been the gift of royalty-acceptable in every realm, and it is still a fitting gift to royal houses, or heads of state, popes, ambassadors, and other world dignitaries.
- The wise men carried Frankincense to the baby Jesus in his Nativity, because they believed him to be the King of kings. Yet, it transcends borders, barriers, and ranks of all kinds. We must not let this bridge-builder go on being endangered.
- If the above isn’t cause enough, Scientific research is now re-discovering how Frankincense works at the DNA level to accomplish its good work. Researchers believe it may be an effective treatment for some cancers.
- Frankincense is part of the new post 2012 paradigm - One word for a newly awakened and aware human race and its Economy of Grace: Frankincense. It is a priceless gift placed here for all God's children.
- "The leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations."
What will it look like?
- We'll begin with the preservation of Frankincense as our most immediate focal point and purpose. We'll add the other torchwood trees, and beyond the greenhouse nursery, we'll cultivate the outdoor biblical garden, and a small companion grove of fruiting and nutting trees, fragrant and flowering bushes, and other precious biblical herbs and rare medicinal plants. Ultimately, with our 30,000 organic, non-hybrid heirloom seeds we purchased, we'll put in a permaculture food-forest to mature and bring forth their produce.
- We need to locate near a natural water source (a spring, river, or irrigateable land) and for sustainability, build a water reclamation tower with friends who know how from recycled (local-sourcing) materials. We'll create a water feature with flowing water: a fountain or pool.
Find someone who's doing something right, and help them do it faster, better, and more efficiently."
YOU: I can't do it alone - How can you help?
As Helen Keller once said, “ I am only one person, and alone I can do nothing, but together, we can do something, so I will not refuse to do the one thing that I can do.”
- Saving these precious trees on the planet would be enough, but the garden preserve will act as a retreat, and outdoor classroom, to interact with students and adults. It will be a living library and visible index of love and wisdom descending out of heaven and taking shape in the world around us.
- We will create curriculum and an educational program to raise awareness, using an open-sourced educational platform. We’ll start immediately raising awareness, designing, planting, educating, and continue networking and collaborating.
- This is a sustainable plan to make the dream of helping orphaned children a tangible and lasting reality. Once secured, and abundantly propagated, the sales from the mature trees, valuable seedlings, saplings, oil, and derived botanical products will help secure a better future and inheritance for all children.
- We'll begin immediately working with cultural exchange and youth organizations, and ecology, environmental, and preservation groups to increase the worldwide presence, and availability of Frankincense trees. We'll create educational curriculum about all the Torchwood trees, their history, and use.
- With this fundraiser, if you elect to donat just a small portion of the $144,000 goal, we will be on our way, and I will make it my work to multiply your giving. I invite anyone, and everyone, to be a part of helping restore a little innocence to the earth by making a place of belonging and safety for two very precious "least of these" which we've left endangered, and all but abandoned. Please don’t let "no room at the Inn" be our problem!
WHO: Who is organizing this?
- We are a small but growing global network of indiviuals ("HomeTribe") concerned about the plight of children and the condition of the planet. "HomeTribe" pledging to help this cause evolve from its first inkling: “To protect innocence and help provide for a more sustainable future and a thriving humanity.” They're individuals who have been steadily offering support; their skills, interest, and hard work as needed.
- I myself (Carla), am a Christian minister ordained in an ecumenical tradition (M Div) and an educator (BS in Early Childhood Education) awaiting my teacher certification status, by the Arizona Board of Education (my "Bread & Butter")
- I’m a theologian with a ministry in eco-justice, focusing in sustainability: *Sustainable Earth (care of creation) *Sustainable Structures (Architecture, and Educational platforms) & *Sustainable Lives (children and community.) My project draws these three areas together.
- I've been searching for a catalyst to springboard support to the care for orphaned and endangered children. I belive this is it.
HOW: Proven Track record
- Welsh Frankincense Tree Project (http://www.frankincensetree.com/#!project) has shown the trees can be carefully cultivated and propagated. This took 6-8 years of careful cultivation. They should now however be moved out of isolation and private collections and given worldwide distribution, if their full protection and benefit for mankind is to be realized.
- We've done a similar large-scale garden project in San Diego, where we restored an historic garden, involved lots of people and groups, master gardeners, various community groups, neighbors, and local businesses. Once to a certain stage, we opened its beauty and peace up to wider enjoyment which is still going on today. It was a success and good training ground, for this project of worldwide importance.
- Here in Arizona, we are uniquely situated in the perfect climate to ensure future success and survival of the trees. The tree is non-invasive and in fact, it’s nearly impossible to grow them from seed. Few can, even fewer have done so, and yet it has been accomplished for this project.
- Many individuals and groups will be involved in this project: Nature and Youth organizations, scouting, adventure, conservation, environmental, and ecological groups. We will also lobby the World Parliament of Religions, to adopt Frankincense as a Tree of great importance and common global interest.
- We’re following in the footsteps of others in the Swedenborgian ecological tradition: Naturalists John (Appleseed) Chapman, John Muir (Sierra Club) George Innes (Landscape painter) and Eliza Lovell Tibbets (experimental agronomist, abolitionist, grower of the seedless navel orange and Mother of the Citrus industry) who were also considered spiritual entrepreneurs.
- This protective Oasis, is to become a place of peace, meditation, beauty, and good uses. No matter what though, even if we don't reach our goal, the nursery can go forward with whatever funds and means are received, just at a slower pace. If we exceed our donation goals, we'll accelerate our plans and help to the children.
IF you've learned all you need to GO FUND, then GREAT! Be an angel and check out the 12 PERKS to see which level suits you!
If you want to learn more, please feel free to read on...
What's happened so far?
- We have starter trees, of rare and incomparable value; they exist nowhere else on the planet in this plentiful way. They will be a gift from The Welsh Frankincense Tree Project (WFTP.) They are ready and waiting to be shipped. http://www.frankincensetree.com/#!project.
- Stateside, we have appropriate mentoring from my close minister-colleague, the grower and horticulturist at the WFTP. I've been under tutelage for almost two years, but now need to be in receipt of the seedlings. We have a reliable, reputable resource for how to grow and care for the Frankincense.
- HomeTribe also has 30,000 organic, non-hybrid, non-GMO seeds for fruits and herbs. We're already creating energy for the project and community involvement until we have our own land. We've begun one beautiful community garden, and will help facilitate more.
THE CHILDREN: Not sure what is the connection is between the trees and children?
- There is an attack on innocence.
- The Frankincense trees are endangered through climate change and environmental destruction, and human conflict. The groves are further abused, by being over-tapped abused, plundered, poached, and their resin and oil trafficked.
- Like a canary in the mines, the trees are a litmus test on how we're doing as a humanity. What we do to the earth, we do to children.
- We are experiencing worldwide devastation of the earth, its flora and fauna (by the most conservative estimates, 27,000 species go extinct every year), and its natural resources. The United Nations’ biodiversity chief in 2010 warned that nations risk economic collapse and loss of culture if we do not protect the natural world and its biodiversity. Humankind is faring no better.
- The abolitionist movement estimates 27 million individuals trafficked worldwide—mostly women and children, enslaved in forced labor or outright captivity.
- And if that wasn’t enough, there are between 143 and 210 million orphans worldwide with 2.1 million in the United States, and 10 million in Mexico (UNICEF, 2009). There is an ongoing and sustained attack on innocence that must be countered.
- Perhaps you have a desire similar to ours, to help restore endangered, at-risk children to a level of renewed hope, health, safety, and happiness, playful joy, belonging, and a regained sense of innocence.
One of the best places we can help each other reconnect, and open our hearts to that childlike awe and wonder, and renewed sense of innocence is in the midst of nature.
AND: Other Ways You Can Help - Please Share & Get the word out.
- Even if you can't contribute a whole heap of dollar$ or even a few, we still need you. We need your awareness, your well wishes, your prayers and help talking it up. We ask that you share this extremely important project with nature enthusiasts, gardening friends, spiritual folks who love peace, AND good health, lovers and caretakers of the earth, and anyone who cares about a future for children.
Ask them to get the word out and make some joyful noise about this campaign.
Remind them to use the Indiegogo share tools!