Hi, I'm Morgaine
- I recently inherited my Grandfather's house by way of my parents who are now also deceased.
- I need to pay of about $20,000.00 of debt or I might be forced to sell my home
- I'm disabled and it wouldn't be possible for me to move anywhere else for a number of reasons.
- To keep this house, I need to pay these debts the sooner the better. I only have until September of 2015 to close our my dad's estate.
About Potato Hill
The land I live on was part of a much larger plot of land around and including the South West side of a mountain that used to be called Potato Hill. The deed given to by my Great Grandfather showed the name as Potato Hill, but the locals came to know it by a more colloquial term.
- When my Great Grandfather passed, his kids received parts of the estate. The land I live on was inherited by my Grandfather, who worked most of his life as a coal miner. He passed this place down to my Mom, who left it to my Father. My Dad passed in September, and I'm now the owner.
- My Dad's estate owed about $33,000.00 in debt. The insurance money I received was less than $20,000, and a lot of it had to go for repairs around the property. I had to get the garage door repaired where Dad ran into it with his van. I had to have my front yard dug up for a break in the 30+ year old waterline, so I had to replace it, and repair to the heating unit had to take place in that same time period. On a personal note, I had to pay nearly $12,000.00 for the funeral, and replace broken glasses. Fall 2013 was pretty rough. I also sold my Dad's van, but that went for utilities.
- The total still due to creditors is about $20,000.00. I'm trying to make small payments, but that leaves me little to live on and creditors are getting restless. The sooner I can pay them, the better.
- Even if I don't make my goal, every dollar donated will go to resolve that debt or to keep the house livable - the roof leaks, the floor has soft spots, so I might need to use part of the money to address other problems around the house, too. I also still need to buy a headstone for my father, who is buried here in the family cemetery behind my house.
The Impact
Asking for help is very difficult for me, but I'm permanently disabled and I'm running out of options.
- There are only two houses on this part of the mountain - mine and my Aunt's. I'm very close to her and she's looking out for me as I adapt to living here alone. I couldn't make it without her help, which is a major reason I need to stay here.
- I am not physically, emotionally, or psychologically capable of moving.
- The neighbors here are all my family - cousins, second cousins, etc.
- I have a few talents that I'm willing to share if you're willing to help. I write poetry, fan fiction, original fiction, I paint and I have 43 years experience in reading Tarot. I can't do Tarot to earn money here legally, so I can only offer it here as a reward.
Other Ways You Can Help
Believe me, I understand not being able to spare even one dollar, but you can still help if you are so inclined.
- You can help me get the word out. If you're one of the people who read my fan fiction, you can let others in that community know that I'm asking for help. If I can get some of these debts resolved, I'll be able to get back to writing as much as I want.
- You can use the Indiegogo share tools to help me spread the word!
- Love, encouragement, well wishes, Bright Blessings, good vibes and prayers are always welcome, too!
Thank you for taking the time to read this appeal, and thanks in advance for your incredible generosity. I'm also taking requests, and might add perks as we progress through the next 45 days, so check back now and then.