My name is Iris De Anda. I'm a writer, activist, & practitioner of the healing arts. I was born & raised in Los Angeles, California. (East Los Angeles to be exact) When I was 3 years old in 1982 my family moved into the neighborhood of El Sereno. Soon after in 1987 my family purchased the historic Mazatlan Theatre. Since then, it has been a place for traditional celebrations such as Quinceañeras, Weddings, Birthdays, etc. At a very young age I along with my brothers & sisters helped my parents run this family business. We would spend our weekends there cleaning & running & pretending to be rockstars. The Mazatlan itself is enormous in space as well as emotional value. It has been a lifelong project to upkeep & the failing economy is taking its toll on our dedication, blood, sweat, & tears. I'm now 33 years old, a dreamer, still living in El Sereno this could be good or bad depending on how you look at it but ready to give back. Our new vision for this place is to turn it into a thriving community center to showcase music, art, social gatherings, workshops, etc. The sky is the limit. In this way we can help keep this historic building open to the community.
We need $25,000 to complete a total of $50,000 needed to keep the place otherwise it will be auctioned to developers that may tear it down. We have raised half on our own but now we really need your help. We are excited to offer you perks that will connect you to this Historic Theatre in exchange for your donation. Every dollar counts. No amount is too small. if every resident in El Sereno gave us $1 we can make this dream a reality. Every $1 earned will go to Saving the Mazatlan.
Save the Mazatlan is important to my family, to my community, to our surrounding communities, to the entire world. Every positive action we take as individuals is a ripple that spreads into everyone we come into contact with whether we know it or not. At a time when our economy is changing we need to look to one another for support & inspiration. We need places that provide a safe environment to meet, to engage, to connect, & to reach out. There are many beautiful movements taking place in our world today that remind us that we are interconnected beings. Let us begin with a small corner on Eastern Ave. & Huntington Dr. in El Sereno, CA. A community center of the people for the people. A place where local bands can get up on stage & rock out because sometimes all we really need is a good song.
things come & go
beautiful life changing things
things that make us take a breath
& ask what is truly important at a time like this
a time of change to rearrange old systems & rules
a time to engage only in those things
that make us happy, truly, madly happy
ready to live each day to the fullest
I do confess there are mornings I can't get out of bed
but then a voice in my head declares
Its time to get up & get going
within a deep sense of knowing
that there is much work to be done
from morning rays to setting sun
from evening stars to rising moon
It is never too late & never too soon
we must try & try again
only our best will suffice
I'm throwing the dice
please help how you can
lend a helping hand
let's create this space
in a historical space
with a community base
Yes, Yes, Yes
we are blessed
hearts open
tears in chest
I declare if you help my dream
I will help you with yours
together we can reach the stars
we can create a haven
a safe space
full of grace
full of hope
help each other cope cut the ropes
that tie us down
we can fly
we can reach the sky
our children can dream
create art & musical streams
connecting always connecting
across this planet called home
it's all we've known
"we must give it a shot we're half way there I'm livin on a prayer"
please universe help me
I do I believe I do I do
please universe help our dream come true
Spread the Word! From El Sereno (Northeast Los Angeles) to the rest of the World!