The Quest Bookshop will close if we don't act now!
The Quest Bookshop located at 619 West Main Street in Charlottesville, Virginia is one of the few book stores in the nation dedicated solely to spiritual and metaphysical matters related to human existence. Kay Allison opened the store in 1978 and it has been a spiritual oasis and community asset for 36 years. But, at the age of 83, Kay would like to retire. The store has been for sale since August and now, without a buyer, Kay is faced with the prospect of selling the Quest's inventory and closing the store on January 28, 2015. Please don't let that happen.
Help Save the Quest Bookshop
In order to stay open we are trying to raise $150,000 so that The Quest Bookshop can settle its accounts and provide Kay with a retirement fund that celebrates her service to the community. 100% of the funding will go to the Quest Bookshop and Kay Allison. In addition to the Quest Bookshop, Kay started the Books Behind Bars program and the Quest Institute which explores issues of human consciousness and promotes spiritual and holistic human development. Since its founding, the Books Behind Bars program has given thousands of books and dictionaries to inmates in the Virginia prison system. Both Kay and The Quest Bookshop have touched the lives of countless people throughout the years. We are sorry to have to say goodbye to Kay, but we do not have to say goodbye to The Quest Bookshop.
Your donation will help keep the Quest Bookshop open
We are working with a long-time friend of The Quest Bookshop who is committed to keeping the store open. If we can meet our funding goal and do not have to sell off the entire inventory we will work with him to keep the store open so that it can continue to support the local spiritual community and provide a community space for lectures, workshops and meditation groups as well as offering a space for psychic readings and Osho Zen tarot card readings.
Please Show Your Support
The Quest Bookshop is more than just a book store. Besides providing a carefully curated selection of spiritually based books it also offers an interesting assortment of minerals, crystals, cards, jewelry and meditation supplies. In addition to its community outreach programs, it has hosted lectures, workshops and book signings. Past guests have included spiritual teacher and author Ram Dass and internationally renowned flutist and Buddhist monk Nawang Khechog. Over the years a number of luminaries have visited the Quest including local resident and internationally respected writer Joseph Chilton Pearce and well known psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Most recently P.M.H. Atwater did a book signing for her book Dying to Know You: Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience. If we can keep the Quest open we can continue this tradition of bringing authors and spiritual teachers to the Quest Bookshop so that they can meet our community.
Please show your support and make a donation to Help Save the Quest Bookshop!
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Visit the Quest Bookshop at 619 West Main Street in Charlottesville, Virginia