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School of Fashion East Africa: Making a difference

Using Fashion to inspire change in the lives of young people. Be someone, Be bold and make a change

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School of Fashion East Africa: Making a difference

School of Fashion East Africa: Making a difference

School of Fashion East Africa: Making a difference

School of Fashion East Africa: Making a difference

School of Fashion East Africa: Making a difference

Using Fashion to inspire change in the lives of young people. Be someone, Be bold and make a change

Using Fashion to inspire change in the lives of young people. Be someone, Be bold and make a change

Using Fashion to inspire change in the lives of young people. Be someone, Be bold and make a change

Using Fashion to inspire change in the lives of young people. Be someone, Be bold and make a change

1 Campaign |
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of
$255 USD 6 backers
0% of $60,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Dear friends!

If you have just arrived here, I will take you through the campaign where you will see the difference your contribution will make to the lives of many young Africans.  To start with, please click on the video above. 

SoFEA's website is currently under construction, but will hopefully be ready soon ;) 

But please email us at and make sure to check out our facebook page at


As a young student at the university, my dreams were silenced, because fashion was never perceived as a career of choice for any reasonable person, nor was/is part of higher level curriculum. As a result, I ended up majoring in Economics. This campaign holds the center of my long term dreams. My dream is to touch and give an opportunities to upcoming young African designers, particularly those, who like me, were denied that opportunity at a young age. I am excited to extend my hands through education in fashion design and concepts to students, and those looking for a career change.


By your contribution – no matter how small it is – you will be giving a chance to thousands of young Africans whose dreams were silenced and still being silenced to explore what the Fashion industry is all about. You are giving a chance for people to learn, to be artistic, creative, while providing livelihood to their families. And if you are like me and many others, I hope by reading this you will find it in you to join and contribute to our campaign.


To establish SoFEA, I will need at least $60,000 as start up funds. These will go towards establishment of the school such as:  getting supplies (sewing machines, books, tables, chairs,fashion kits to students, pattern and designing softwares, computers, etc), consulting fees for the first few months to help with marketing and branding, salaries for the first 12 months.


Should you be willing to go down this road with me, you will receive regular updates, SoFEA Tshirts and other great perks such as a trip to a safari in Ngorongoro Crater, or the great Serengeti or climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.  


The good thing about a Fashion School, I can start small and build on from there. So incase the campaign does not reach its entire goal, I will still be able to make use whatever has been contributed.


Imagine a world where those less fortunate are given an opportunity to explore their dreams and make an impact in their communities? The impact can be profound!  The time where fashion design was viewed to be an inferior career which involved  mainly sewing, is now over. SoFEA will not only be the state of art school of fashion in the region, but will also ensure that African fashion features in the global arena at an equal level playing field.

At a later stage, SoFEA envisions teaming up with international players where students can find placement, build skills and provide sustainable livelihoods to their families and communities.

Risks & Challenges....CAN'T AVOID THEM

There is no project without risks and challenges.  Having said that, some risks that I foresee is East Africans not taking fashion as a serious career. However, with the growing economies and middle class coming up, more and more people are looking into venturing beyond the conventional route of studies.  There is great potential and genuine interest in fashion in East Africa today, evidenced by the frequent occurrence of creative fashion events. SoFEA will tap into this market by giving the community what they don’t have – a place to academically and practically enrich while building skills and realizing their potential. And most importantly, SoFEA will create jobs through skill building and will be able to compete not just within the region, but internationally as well. 


Given the background of fashion perception in the region, my plan is to intensively market the school and what it offers. I plan to tap into the micro initiatives already in place in East Africa and use other regional and international expertise to augment what we lack.

  • SPREAD SoFEA to the WORLD!

I want to thank you in advance for reading and supporting my campaign and spreading the word out. Kindly use the indiegogo share tools to spread the word and contribute :).

God bless

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Choose your Perk

Thank you

$5 USD
You get a customized "Thank you note" plus regular email updates on our campaign.
0 claimed

You are the Best!

$25 USD
You get a pair of our "You are the best" SoFEA t-shirt that are currently on the making. Plus email updates on our campaign and a "Thank You" note. Shipping expenses not included
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
1 claimed

You rock!

$40 USD
You get a pair of our "You rock!" SoFEA tshirt from contributing to our campaign. Plus a "Thank you" note and updates on our indiegogo campaign. Sorry, shipping expenses not included.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
0 claimed

You are a Star!

$70 USD
You get a pair of "You are a star" SoFEA Tshirt, a picture of SoFEA's first class, plus updates on our indiegogo campaign and a "Thank you note". Shipping expenses will be shouldered by contributor.
0 claimed

You are our Star!

$100 USD
You get a pair of "You are our star" SoFEA Tshirt, a picture of SoFEA's first class plus updates on our indiegogo campaign and a "Thank you note". Shipping expenses included.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
1 claimed

First Fashion kits

$250 USD
You will receive two pairs of "You are a star" SoFEA Tshirt, a picture of SoFEA's first class plus updates on our indiegogo campaign, a "Thank you note" and YOUR name will feature on our list of contributors for the school. Also, you will have sponsored fashion kits for 2 students! Shipping expenses included.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
0 claimed

You have come a full circle

$360 USD
We will send you three pairs (size of your choice) of "You are a star" SoFEA Tshirt, a picture of SoFEA's first class plus updates on our indiegogo campaign, a "Thank you note" and YOUR name will feature on our list of contributors for the school. Also, you'd have sponsored fashion kits for 3 students! Shipping expenses included.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
0 claimed

A dream fulfilled

$500 USD
You get three pairs (sizes of your choice) of "You are the star" SoFEA Tshirt, a picture of SoFEA's first class plus updates on our indiegogo campaign, a "Thank you note" and YOUR name will feature on our list of contributors for the school. Also, you'd have fulfilled a students dream by sponsoring a full term (of two months) for one student! shipping expenses included.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
0 claimed

Launch Party Invite

$1,500 USD
You get a pair of "You are a star" SoFEA Tshirt, a VIP invitation to SoFEA's launch (sorry tickets not inclusive, but a two night stay at a 3 star hotel is included), a picture of SoFEA's launch and opening class, and YOUR name will feature on our list of contributors for the school , plus email updates on our indiegogo campaign, and a "Thank you note". Shipping expenses included.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 claimed

The Safari VIP

$3,000 USD
You will get a chance to experience the great safaris of Tanzania for 2 nights! You will have an option of choosing between the (Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater or Mount Kilimanjaro). To show our appreciation, we will also make sure we showcase our other smaller parks that you may be interested on. Plus, a 'You Rock' SoFEA Tshirt, and regular campaign updates. Sorry but this perk does not cover international tickets outside of East Africa.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
0 out of 10 of claimed

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