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scientific library at SME

support SME-based R&D that makes a difference!


scientific library at SME

scientific library at SME

scientific library at SME

scientific library at SME

scientific library at SME

support SME-based R&D that makes a difference!

support SME-based R&D that makes a difference!

support SME-based R&D that makes a difference!

support SME-based R&D that makes a difference!

Paola Lombardo
Paola Lombardo
Paola Lombardo
Paola Lombardo
1 Campaign |
Rome, Italy
$147 USD 5 backers
6% of $2,450 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Limno Consulting is a one-person business active in environmental consulting and ecological research. The scientific library is used especially for research projects and includes books and ~8000 articles. The majority of the library is in environmentally-friendly electronic format (PDFs), and is made available to project team participants, including students. Given the one-person business size, I need to hire someone to help me reorganize the e-library.

What We Do and Why We're on IGG

Hi! I am Paola, the founder and sole proprietor of Limno Consulting, a consulting & research firm founded in 2012 to provide solutions to mitigate or fix human-caused environmental problems in inland freshwater ecosystems. I founded Limno Consulting with the idea of doing environmental consultancy, which is my passion and was professionally trained on since graduate school, and at the same time conducting some hands-on academic-level research. The original idea was that the consultancy business would have funded the research.

Unfortunately I have been experiencing a business crunch as of lately, as the larger projects have run their courses but have not been replaced by new ones in the meantime. (We ecologists live in hard times.) The research part is thriving, though, with new articles being published at a pace of 2-3 per year -- not bad for a one-person business with no in-house help.

A current, regularly updated library of ecological literature is paramount in producing informed consulting reports as it is in producing academic-level publications. Unfortunately, my being in a constant hunt for new projects, maintaining the lab, and writing the papers means that my e-library of around 8000 (and counting) PDF articles has been progressively neglected and is now (dis)organized as several unconnected folders on my computer's hard drive. So, I need someone to help me reorganize my e-library -- not an easy task!

Here is the story in more detail:

  • First of all, let's frame the narrative. "Limno" refers to inland (freshwater) aquatic ecosystems, from lakes to ponds, wetlands, and streams of all sizes. So, limnology is de facto synonymous with inland (freshwater) aquatic ecology. As an ecologist, I need to integrate the biological and abiotic aspects of lake/stream ecology, though emphasis remains on the biological component, which is the component more sensitive to environmental changes. I am specialized on lake and, secondarily, stream ecosystems. I am a "lake doctor", trying to understand the causes behind some perceived lake problem, and find a "cure" once the problem has been diagnosed. Below is a view of (Lake) Østensjøvatn in the southeastern suburbs of Oslo, Norway, as an example of the type of ecosystems that I deal with. Although Østensjøvatn is a habitat for many species of water birds, it suffers from excessive inputs of algal nutrients (eutrophication) and therefore periodic algal blooms. Østensjøvatn has been the target of detailed studies to try to solve these problems. The lake is also infested with the non-native submerged plant Elodea canadensis, also the subject of several studies in which I was fortunate enough to participate as a research partner.

  • As a "lake doctor", I need to keep abreast of the current knowledge on how lake ecosystems work. At the same time, I do some hands-on ecological research myself. Both activities require maintaining a current, updated library of books and scientific articles from accredited scientific journals.
  • The main objective of Limno Consulting is twofold: provide and contribute to limnological know-how in aquatic environmental issues. I am also trying to expand Limno Consulting's mission to draw the attention of current and future college students to the ecology and management of inland ecosystems, the limited source of fresh/potable water for most of the world's human population. Please visit my professional website at to learn more about limnology and what I do. If you are specifically interested in the research I do, you can visit my professional profile at ResearchGate (, where you can also take a look at and download almost all that I have published so far. Both links open in a new window.
  • The scientific library at Limno Consulting currently hosts several books and around 8000 -- and counting -- scientific articles, mostly stored as environmentally-friendly PDF documents (no paper involved, so no need to kill trees). As Limno Consulting is a one-person business, I simultaneously serve as everything from janitor (the lab alone needs constant maintenance) to scientific director. As is often the case in situations like this, something gotta give, so my e-library has slowly turned into a disorganized storage of PDFs on my hard drive. Therefore, I need to hire somebody to help me sort through all this literature and reorganize the e-library, so that retrieving the needed information does not turn into a scavenging hunt every time I or my project partners need to consult a paper.


What We Need & What You Get

  • All the funds raised will go into hiring a couple of persons to help me with the e-library reorganization and to renew a couple of annual subscriptions for scientific journals. The target amount also includes the estimated IGG platform and credit card fees.
  • In exchange for your generosity, I have put together some ecology- and limnology-themed perks. Check them out just below!
  • If this campaign does not reach the entire goal, I will hire only one person who will take the entire task on his/her shoulders, and/or I might forgo the journal subscriptions, depending on how much will be raised at the end of the campaign.
  • All perk claims will be fulfilled whether the goal is reached or not.
  • If the campaign raises funds in excess, the extra money will be used for additional journal subscriptions, annual dues for professional affiliations, and/or software upgrades.
  • Donations can be made via credit card or PayPal. Please be aware that as per PayPal rules, only 10 guest payments are allowed per card for donors within the European Union, i.e., a single credit card can only be used 10 times to check out as a guest. Please let me know if you encounter any problems while checking out.


The Perks!

Perks are limnology- and ecology-themed and include T-shirts, mouse pads, mugs, and the 2017 Limno Consulting wall calendar, just out of the printshop.



Shipping rates are kept to a minimum, and are included for most perks going within the European Union. Mugs need special handling and shipping fees are therefore a tad higher. All perks will be shipped via regular postal service as "priority mail" within Europe and as air mail or freight mail outside Europe, also depending on what options the Post Office gives me. If you need a faster delivery via private courier, please contact me before or at the moment of address confirmation (I will send you an e-mail for that), and I can arrange that for you. 

Most perks are offered as single or double packages. If you are interested in a "special" package, or in bulk quantities, or in anything that is not listed in the perk options on the right, please contact me before you claim the perk(s), and I will work out a convenient "bulk shipping rate" for you. The idea is to avoid surcharging for multiple credit card purchases and shipping rates, as IGG does not allow the lumping of multiple perks. Once we agree on the special package perk and shipping rate, you can just pledge the money amount in the "back it" window at the top right of the campaign page, and... wait for the package to reach you! "Bulk" packages may be shipped to you directly from the supplier in The Netherlands.  For single- and double-order perks, I will adopt shipping cycles of 10-15 claims, so popular perks may be shipped even before the expected shipping time of January or February 2017. Once a batch is fulfilled, I will contact you for T-shirt size or color, address confirmation, and any other necessary piece of information. For all claimed perks, shipping will follow a "first come, first served" basis.

If you have ideas or suggestions for perk variations or new perks, please contact me!


The 2017 Limno Consulting Wall Calendar

The "featured" perk is a small (two ~16 x 21 cm sheets to form a "long" A4 or legal size format when mounted) wall calendar with 12 unique photos of lakes, streams, or aquatic organisms taken and donated by seven different contributors from all over the world. My heartfelt thanks go to Paolo, Andy, Gianluigi, Marit, Viktor, and Daniel for sharing their beautiful pictures with me! (I am the seventh contributor.)

The calendar text is in English and does not report religious holidays to keep it neutral. Most other holidays and events (like daylight saving time and solstice and equinox times) apply to Europe, North America, and Australia/New Zealand -- i.e., where I expect most of the calendars to be shipped to. Sorry for those special events that I was forced to leave out for space constraints.

In order for you to receive the calendars a.s.a.p., they will be shipped within 2-5 days from your claim. While supplies last!


The "100%" Collection


The "100%" collection includes T-shirts, baseball caps, tote bags, mouse pads, and mugs. They are offered in two designs -- 100% limnologist and 100% ecologist -- that emphasize the science-based yet fun-loving spirit of all (aquatic) ecologists. The designs are unique and are an exclusive of this campaign -- you will not find them anywhere else!



T-shirts are in a unisex cut and come in either white or black 100% cotton. Black T-shirts come with a $5 surcharge as per supplier price list. Shirt brand is Fruit of the Loom or equivalent. Print matter and T-shirt live longer with a lukewarm or cold washing machine cycle and cloth line drying or "delicate cycle" machine drying. Please refer to the chart below to choose your T-shirt size. Please keep in mind that shirts may shrink slightly upon first washing cycle, so if your size is midway two of the offered sizes below, please round it up.





Mouse pads are 3-mm thick and with a full-color "100%" print on white background. The black background faded quickly on early tests and therefore black-background mouse pads are not offered here. The pad texture allows for smooth and precise mouse movements. (I have tested it for several months by now.)



Mugs are offered in both "100%" designs and in a unique "knowledge is power" design (also an exclusive of this campaign) specifically thought for teachers, students, and book lovers of all types. All mugs feature a full-color print on white background. Unfortunately mugs require special handling and therefore shipment fees are a bit higher for mugs and mug-containing perks.



Baseball caps are 100% cotton, with the "100%" design printed on white background. Open-top canvas tote bags also are 100% cotton, with the "100%" design printed on warm (creamy) white background.  Tote dimensions are 36 cm wide x 33 cm high (or 14 in w x 13 in h). Tote bags are washable in a delicate washing machine cycle at lukewarm or cold temperature.

Please see the updates page for details about the added perks (baseball caps and tote bags).

Please contact me before claiming any perk if you need special perk packages not included in the list on the right, so we can work out the cheapest possible shipping rate.


Annual Membership to The David Pakman Show

The David Pakman Show (TDPS) is an internationally syndicated, independent talk show focusing on news and politics based in Boston, Massachusetts (USA). TDPS airs on radio, television, and the internet, and on Free Speech TV via DirecTV and DISH Network. The almost daily (Mon-Fri) podcasts are available to a global audience on TDPS own website. Podcasts are posted daily at around midday (US time) or dinner time (European time). Check out the publicly available podcasts at Members enjoy daily 45-min commercial-free podcasts (audio and video) plus an additional 15-min bonus show, and several time-limited specials, periodically offered at TDPS.

Though based in the US, TDPS reaches out to a truly global audience. TDPS discusses all topics with a critical and open mind. TDPS also reports on and discusses science, especially those topics most involved in policy making and politics, like climate change (an example is at, the antivaccination movement (, and other hot topics (; a still valid 2012 clip), plus interviews with scientists (check out this 2012 interview with Neil DeGrasse Tyson at The TDPS YouTube channel offers science-based clips in a self-standing "Science and Technology" list.

Host David Pakman also personally interacts with his audience on a daily basis via his show and a plethora of social networks.

I am happy to offer a limited number of annual TDPS memberships at a 25% discounted price as a perk in my IGG campaign. First come, first served. For those who claim this perk, I will forward your names to TDPS and you will go from there. You might enjoy additional perks if you apply for membership when TDPS offers them (like, for example, the 2017 TDPS calendar on sale at the end of 2016). TDPS memberships run for a year starting from the time of first subscription, renewable after each 1-year cycle.


Referral Contest

You can still earn a perk if you cannot contribute, or you can add an extra perk if you have already claimed one (or more). You can do this by referring this campaign to your network of friends and coworkers via Twitter and/or Facebook. IndieGoGo tracks the contributions that stemmed from your referrals via a link to this campaign uniquely assigned to each individual referee.

The top three referrers will "win" a special perk:

  1. The top referrer will have collected the most contributions adding to at least US$ 500. Special perk: one "100%" complete set ("the works!" perk on the right), with no shipping fees.
  2. The second place referrer will have collected the second-highest contributions total adding to at least US$ 250. Special perk: one "100%" mini-set, with no shipping fees.
  3. Third place will go to the referrer with the third-highest contributions total adding to at least US$ 150.  Special perk: your choice of one mug or any two-item combinations excluding mugs (e.g., two t-shirts, t-shirts + mouse pad, t-shirt + cap, etc.), with no shipping fees.

In case of a tie within each prize category (e.g., if there are two referrers with >US$ 250 competing for second place), the higher dollar amount will win. In case of a dollar amount tie, the referrer with the higher number of contributions (or, secondarily, visits), will win. The "loser" will get the lower-tier prize (in this example, the third-place special perk). If two referrers are still tied as number of visits, they'll both get the higher special perk.

You need to have an IndieGoGo account to be a referrer.  Referrers promote this campaign with IGG’s share tools while logged into their IGG account. This is important because otherwise such a unique ID won’t be attached to any resulting contributions or visits. When you are logged into your IGG account and use IGG’s share tools to send a tweet, for example, the link in the tweet includes your unique ID. Then, when a new backer reads the tweet and clicks through the link to contribute, you are recognized as helping bring in the amount contributed by the new backer.

How to become a referrer:

1. Log into IndieGoGo - you must be logged in to receive credits for your referrals.

2. Visit the Limno Consulting campaign page (or -- log into IGG while you are on the Limno Consulting campaign page), where you can grab your unique link to the right side of the campaign introduction (above the perk list) by clicking the "link" button (the chain button highlighted with a cyan arrow):


You'll see a pop-up with the URL. Notice the numbers at the end -- that's how I know it's you referring your friends.

3. Copy the link and start sharing!

Use your link to share the campaign on social media, email, blog posts, etc.

For example, if you would like to share via Twitter, once you have copied the unique ID link, click on the "twitter" symbol, type a brief message, and include your unique ID link.

TWITTER EXAMPLE:"Support the Limno Consulting e-library campaign on @Indiegogo:"

* The '12345678' number on the end will be different for everyone, as that's your unique ID.

When anyone clicks on your unique link, they are taken to the Limno Consulting campaign page. If they back the campaign, they'll be added to your referral collection.



Other Ways You Can Help

Please spread the word!!  You are welcome to use the IGG share tools, your contact network, e-mail, social networks, tam-tam, smoke signals, or anything you like!



Thanks a lot for your support!




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Choose your Perk


T-shirt & mouse pad

$38 USD
Choose any "100%" design white T-shirt and mouse pad combo. T-shirt size and shirt and mouse pad design will be asked at the time of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

"100%" sticker

$5 USD
One "100% limnologist" or "100% ecologist" small sticker (around the size of a business card). Full-color design on white background. Design will be asked at the time of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

CLEARANCE! 2017 limno calendar

$6 USD
A full-color wall calendar with beautiful lake and stream pictures from around the world! Size when mounted: 21.6 x 33 cm (a "long" A4 or legal size). Free shipping to Europe. Ships as perk is claimed.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
1 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

two "100%" stickers

$10 USD
Two "100% limnologist" and/or "100% ecologist" small stickers (around the size of a business card). Full-color design on white background. Design(s) will be asked at the time of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

SALE!! "100%" mouse pad

$12 USD
Choose between a "100% ecologist" and a "100% limnologist" design on a white-background mouse pad. Specify design choice at time of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

four "100%" stickers

$15 USD
Four "100% limnologist" and/or "100% ecologist" small stickers (around the size of a business card). Full-color design on white background. Design(s) will be asked at the time of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

SALE!! "100%" white T-shirt

$20 USD
Choose between "100% ecologist" or "100% limnologist" full-color pie chart design on white background. T-shirt design and size will be asked at the moment of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

SALE!! two "100%" mouse pads

$20 USD
Choose any combination of two "100% ecologist" and/or "100% limnologist" design on a white-background mouse pads. Specify design choice(s) at time of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sheet of ten "100%" stickers

$20 USD
Ten "100% limnologist" or "100% ecologist" small stickers (around the size of a business card). Full-color design on white background. A4-sized sheet with 10 stickers (single design of your choice). Design will be asked at the time of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

"knowledge is power" mug

$24 USD
A mug designed for teachers, scholars, and students who approach their work with passion. Full-color design on white background.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

"100%" mug

$24 USD
A mug for ecologists, limnologists, and/or environmentalists of all kinds. Full-color pie chart on white background. Specify whether you want a "100% ecologist" or a "100% limnologist" mug at time of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

SALE!! "100%" baseball cap

$24 USD
Choose between a "100% ecologist" or a "100% limnologist" front design on a white baseball cap. One size fits all. Specify design at the time of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
March 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

SALE!! "100%" black T-shirt

$25 USD
Choose between a "100% ecologist" or a "100% limnologist" full-color pie chart design on black background. T-shirt design and size will be asked at the moment of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

SALE!! "100%" tote bag

$25 USD
A small canvas tote bag with the "100%" design of your choice on white background. Please see details in "Updates" section.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

set of any two mugs

$36 USD
Choose any two from the three mugs described in "The Perks!" section on the left. Specify your choice(s) at time of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

SALE! two white "100%" Tshirts

$36 USD
Choose any combination of two white "100% ecologist" and/or "100% limnologist" white T-shirts, as described in "The Perks!" section on the left. T-shirt design and size will be asked at the moment of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

SALE! 1 black + 1 white Tshirt

$40 USD
Choose any combination of one white and one black "100% ecologist" and/or "100% limnologist" T-shirts, as described in "The Perks!" section on the left. T-shirt design(s) and size(s) will be asked at the moment of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

TDPS annual membership

$45 USD
One-year membership to The David Pakman Show, a Boston-based progressive reporting & opinion podcast. $15 (=25%) off regular annual fees. Details in "The Perks!" section on the left. May enjoy additional perks as per TDPS membership drive. I will refer you to TDPS for membership application.
0 out of 20 of claimed

set of any three mugs

$48 USD
Choose any combination of three mugs, as described in "The Perks!" section on the left. Specify your choice(s) at time of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

SALE! two "100%" black Tshirts

$50 USD
Choose any combination of two black "100% ecologist" and/or "100% limnologist" T-shirts, as described in "The Perks!" section on the left. T-shirt design and size will be asked at the moment of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

$100 consultancy discount

$50 USD
Receive a US$ 100 or a € 100 discount on your next consulting project with Limno Consulting. Limit to one project. Does not expire.
0 claimed

SALE!! "100%" mini-set

$55 USD
One white T-shirt, one mug, one sticker, and one white-background mouse pad in any combination of "100%" designs in full color. Choose designs and shirt size at the moment of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

set of any four mugs

$56 USD
Choose any combination of four mugs, as described in "The Perks!" section on the left. Specify your choice(s) at time of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

SALE!! set of 5 white T-shirts

$85 USD
Choose any combination of five "100% ecologist" and/or "100% limnologist" white T-shirts, as described in "The Perks!" on the left. T-shirt design and size will be asked at the moment of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

$200 consultancy discount

$100 USD
Receive a US$ 200 or a € 200 discount on your next consulting project with Limno Consulting. Limit to one project, no matter what scope or size. Does not expire.
0 claimed

the works! complete "100%" set

$105 USD
One white T-shirt, mug, tote bag, baseball cap, sticker and one white-background mouse pad in any combination of "100%" designs in full color. Choose designs and shirt size at the moment of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

SALE!! T-shirt superpack!

$130 USD
Pack up for yourself, your friends or your students! Choose any combination of ten "100% ecologist" and/or "100% limnologist" white T-shirts, as described in "The Perks!" section. T-shirt design and size will be asked at the moment of perk shipment.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

$500 consultancy discount

$250 USD
Receive a US$ 500 or a € 500 discount on your next consulting project with Limno Consulting. Limit to one project. Applies to your first or next $/€ 2000 or larger project. Does not expire.
0 claimed

$1000 consultancy discount

$500 USD
Receive a US$ 1000 or a € 1000 discount on your next consulting project with Limno Consulting. Limit to one project. Applies to your first or next $/€ 4000 or larger project. Does not expire.
0 claimed
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