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sCool e-safety and social learning for kids

Fun learning and connecting in a safe environment for primary schools.

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sCool e-safety and social learning for kids

sCool e-safety and social learning for kids

sCool e-safety and social learning for kids

sCool e-safety and social learning for kids

sCool e-safety and social learning for kids

Fun learning and connecting in a safe environment for primary schools.

Fun learning and connecting in a safe environment for primary schools.

Fun learning and connecting in a safe environment for primary schools.

Fun learning and connecting in a safe environment for primary schools.

Katja Schipperheijn
Katja Schipperheijn
Katja Schipperheijn
Katja Schipperheijn
1 Campaign |
Antwerp, Belgium
$569 USD $569 USD 14 backers
1% of $46,799 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Digital Challenges in Primary Schools 

Digitalization has changed our social lives and the way our children learn. Gaming and social media has a big impact on how children work together and have fun. So what do we do to accommodate a learning experience where our children explore digital and social media, play with new STEAM innovations and experiment with social media in a safe environment. 

sCool teaches children in primary schools digital social responsibility from an early age and provides an online environment exclusively for young people that actively promotes understanding, safety and a culture free from bullying. 

You can be the real Boost  

sCool officially launched April 24th in Amsterdam. The LearnScape built a social learning platform for children and was selected as one of the finalists at the Boost program from The Next Web conference . We were overwhelmed with reactions and we made the promise that we would promote sCool to as many primary schools as possible. 

All press releases and progress that we make is on our Facebook page however selling the platform as the answer to digital challenges in primary schools is not enough. We want to make a FREE and OPEN community where everyone can share ideas or best practices used at their school. Games, videos or cool STEAM-related information that can help stimulate our children to learn in a digital world. 

We have thought of some perks to thank you for sharing information and help us grow but we are open for any other contribution whether it is money or advice!

The Beta version of the community is online, you can already join the community or send us tips on how to improve. Check it out ! Share our link and like us!

The story behind building sCool and why we need you

In my pitch at TNW2015, I already told that all credits go to my own girls who begged me to get a Facebook account at age 8 and 10, you can imagine that I refused. Intelligent as children are these days they challenged me:

"Mum if you can build a better Facebook, you should build             one for schools ! 

We had just founded The LearnScape, social learning platforms for higher education and corporate use. We could give it a try and address at the same time some digital challenges primary schools are facing. 

Some weeks after launching the test platform we knew we did something good. An interview with ATV and an invitation to LeWeb proved we had to continue exploring how to make a safe social learning platform for this kids.

We had a soft launch at a primary school and even made some videos to help our kids become #DSR based on scripts by Child Focus. Everything was privately funded but we need a little help to finish sCool before the new school year in September.  

What exactly needs to be done; 

  • The platform is multilingual; French, English, German, Spanish .... but not Dutch. If we get enough funding we can launch the Dutch version before the new school year starts.
  • The videos we made are only available in Dutch (my own girls and their friends made them :-).
  • The sCool Community needs a conversation manager and although this can be done by volunteers we still  have some costs to it
  • More videos, games, tips ..

How your contribution will help us to the next stage

sCool is a social learning platform and methodology for primary schools. At the same time it teaches digital social responsibility and provides answers to challenges in education by providing an umbrella bringing together all initiatives taken in this field. 
We will start implementing the first sCools in both Belgium and The Netherlands as from September and we have contacts with schools in UK and France. For this we need funding, extra people, project management and most of all our message to be spread to more schools. 
Help us to finish this Cool platform and help our children to have fun in a new way of social learning.
"Imagine a world where our kids can educate us on appropriate social online behavior

Thank you very much! If you think I have missed something or you need more info you can contact me in person 

Warm Regards


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Choose your Perk

Kiss en Tell

Currency Conversion $1 USD
€1 EUR
You like us for what we do and you share our cause. e-Safety and digital social responsibility is important for our future generation! Keep an eye on our website and share ideas. We thank you for your support and send you a virtual kiss from our Founders
2 claimed

sCool's little helper

Currency Conversion $10 USD
€10 EUR
You believe in our cause and want us to make more educational e-safety and STEAM content. Let us know through our website what the topic should be and we will thank you in person with a link to the new material when produced.
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
0 claimed

sCool collectibles

Currency Conversion $26 USD
€25 EUR
You will receive the sCool and Safe&Net logo on a 2 collectible pins. Wear it and share it when talking about sCool. Don't forget to send us all your improvement ideas through our website. You are so Cool !
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
7 out of 100 of claimed

sCool Supporter

Currency Conversion $78 USD
€75 EUR
Receive 2 Cool pins and become a first member in the sCool Safe&Net community that we launched at TNW2015. Search together with us for the best e-safety and STEAM ideas and we will list you as a top contributor and expert on our website. Teachers and consultants this is your call !
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
1 claimed

School discover sCool !

Currency Conversion $156 USD
€150 EUR
Parent, teacher, grandparent or principal? It doen't matter... Make sure your school is aware of sCool. Get all of the above and award one of your classes with a sCool or Safe&Net pin for Cool kids.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
1 claimed

Your logo on our sCool website

Currency Conversion $260 USD
€250 EUR
Your logo/name listed on our website and Facebook page. This perk gives you one year visibility in our fast growing community. We are open to discuss premium sCool partnerships, just send me a message. Of course you can also get our 2 pins. Thank you !
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 out of 50 of claimed

sCool meets School !

Currency Conversion $494 USD
€475 EUR
You just want to know more. Let us know where you teach or have children and we'll visit your school and give a presentation linked to your initiatives on Safe&Net or have a brainstorm workshop with your staff. Of course you receive all of the above. Only applicable in Belgium and The Netherlands, we are open for ideas in rest of Europe!
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
0 out of 100 of claimed

School on sCool !

Currency Conversion $780 USD
€750 EUR
You really want to work with sCool and need to convince your school principal. Parent or educator, you are our expert in the sCool community and we listen to your concerns and ideas. You have just sponsored one class for one year and we'll work with that school to tailor the platform to their needs, even when they just want your kids' class. And yes, they all get the pin! Available in all of Europe.
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
0 claimed

sCool Partner

Currency Conversion $1,560 USD
€1,500 EUR
You rock! You want to be in involved! Act in one of our videos, become a top member in our community and help us with our social strategy.
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
0 claimed

sCool is Cool !

Currency Conversion $5,200 USD
€5,000 EUR
You want us to create outstanding content, become an expert who is involved all the way. No need to say we love you and make sure your money is spend on material approved by you. We have a spot for your name or logo on our website ! Thank you founding partner!
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
0 claimed

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