The Brexit madness continues, and Scotland's future is seriously imperiled. However, for Westminster, Scotland's future is irrelevant, as their only concern is their own survival and that of the corrupt British State, and are prepared to sacrifice Scotland's economy and culture on the altar of a Mad Max neoliberal dystopia, as David Davis so convincingly assured us would never happen. Therefore, that’s exactly what they have in mind.
Given the endless lies, deceptions and confusion, along with the daily contempt for the Scottish public from these incompetent liars, it's difficult for many in Scotland to make sense of the Brexit negotiations and its consequences.
As we already know, the Westminster-pliant mainstream media, headed by the BBC, are unwilling and unable to analyse and shed light on these negotiations and what they mean for our country. So, yet again, it's up to Scotland's alternative media to create material that can clarify what is likely to happen between now and March 2019, when the UK finally exits the EU.
Our plan is to shoot and edit this short video, which will include captions and other visuals, to be completed by early May at the very latest. The final clip will be available to share widely through the usual social media sites and word of mouth, as our target is the Scottish public who are being short-changed when it comes to accurate factual information on Brexit. Once the people realise the consequences of Brexit for Scotland's economy, and even existence as a sovereign entity, many will take a positive approach and vote Yes in the next referendum, as the alternative just doesn't bear thinking about.