Pirates owner, Bob Nutting & President, Frank Coonelly urge all Major League Teams--including staff, players and fans to support Scouting For Diamonds.
Scouting For Diamonds: A Love Story
for Diamonds is a feature-length documentary film about the invisible heroes of
baseball: the scouts. It’s about the men (and women) who are blessed and cursed
by an unwavering commitment to their first love: baseball.
In the film we meet
dozens of men and women who have given their lives to the game in search
of that 'next great
player.' Told from the perspective of legendary players and the scouts
discovered them, the film reaches into their hearts, and ours, as we
learn what scouts see in players that no one else can. And it is about
the ‘art of
scouting’ and an era of scouting that is, perhaps facing extinction.
August Georgia 1956 Photo credit: Helen Digby
From The Director
Molly Secours & Bottom Of The Ninth Films here in Nashville TN wishing you all a beautiful 2016!
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I'd be directing &
producing a feature documentary film about baseball scouts. Ever. Up
until now most of my work has been in the non-profit world of social
justice advocating for the 'under dog'. And after hearing about a guy
named George Digby, a Boston Red Sox scout who
signed dozens of great players including Hall Of Famer, Wade Boggs, I
realized there were hundreds--if not thousands--of scouts who have
devoted their lives to combing the
bushes in search of that 'next great player'. And although Mr. Dibgy
is honored and recognized by the Boston Red Sox, most scouts remain
anonymous. And because of the generosity, sincerity and blessing of Wade
Boggs, we pressed forward.
Boston Red Sox scout, George Digby with HOFer Ted Williams
For the past year and a half we have been interviewing MLB Hall Of
Famers, scouts (and their spouses), managers, & executives--all who
have helped us in unearthing the untold love story between scouts and
the game of baseball. And during this process not only have we fallen in
love with scouts ourselves but for some of us, creating this film has
rekindled a love for America's favorite pastime. And we have a feeling
that once people meet these gems, a new generation of baseball fans will
emerge. We are determined to bring scouts out of the shadows and onto
the big screen--where they belong. And that's where you come in.
Director, Molly Secours with HOFer George Brett & Veteran Scout Art Stewart
How Can You Help?
Obviously, as independent filmmakers, we need money to finish the
film. In addition to traveling the US, our story brings us to Cuba,
Dominican Republic and perhaps even Japan. And because there is no big
Hollywood studio picking up the tab, we must lean on supporters.
Until now, we've relied on a few generous angel investors who helped
get us started. With their support we've spent time with some of the
greatest living legends in baseball, including Wade Boggs, Willie Mays, George Brett, Tommy LaSorda, Dusty Baker & more (all whom you will meet in the film) and many others whose names are probably unfamiliar.
The remaining budget needed for completion is $1.1 million but to keep shooting in
January, through Spring Training and beyond we are aiming at our Original goal of $150,000. (we recently raised $39,000 with over 200 backers and are looking for at least an additional $85,0000 (but hopefully closer to $150,000) in the next 15 days). We hope you will join us! As soon as we are finished with this
portion of the show we will be able to focus solely on our
So, I guess you could say we need some new Bottom Of The Ninth 'angels' so we can continue filming for the next 9 months.
Interviewing the "Say Hey Kid", Willie Mays with Umpire Ed. Montague Jr.
What Can You Do Right Now?
#1 Watch The Trailer Above & Pledge, of course! And we will love you as much for $5.00 as $5,000 or $25,000 or $100,000. Any amount is welcome!
#2 Help us get the word out. Tweet away! https://twitter.com/Scouting4Dmnds Go crazy on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScoutingForDiamonds/ and send emails to all your peeps! For the next two weeks talk about us like we are your favorite cousin
who needs a plane ticket to the Academy Awards!
We only have 30 days. Share this with everyone you
know--whether they are baseball fans or not. An although this is a
documentary, we believe anyone who loved Field Of Dreams, Moneyball or League Of Their Own will fall in love with Scouting For Diamonds.
Former player and current Washington Nationals Manager, Dusty Baker
What Do You Get?
Hey, it's ok to ask. It's simple. If you pledge we are thrilled to give back.
For any size pledge we "take you on the road with us"-- virtually
that is. Spring Training, Cuba, Dominican Republic or Japan. Via social
media we'll share photos and funny anecdotes with you. It'll be like
you're in our suitcases but ALOT more comfortable.
For larger pledges you may receive premiere tickets or Associate
Producer credit (and who doesn't love that?). Check out the "Perks" to
the right for full details. The more you give, the more we give.
But remember, no matter the size of your pledge, you will be part of the Scouting For Diamonds family and a treasured member of our 'team'.
Former Red Sox Pitcher and legendary coach, David "Boo" Ferris, The Impact
First and foremost you will be part of creating a legacy film
about the hidden treasures of America's favorite pastime. A film of
this kind has never been made and the men and women who will be brought
to light deserve recognition.
Second, we plan to allocate a portion of the proceeds of
Scouting For Diamonds to several non-profit organizations that support
scouts and youth baseball. It is the gift that keeps on giving.
Third, you get to be part of a film that will be treasured for
decades and hopefully used by museums, baseball organizations and
historical societies to keep fans (and future fans) in touch with
baseball's rich history.
Mike Brito, International Scout with Los Angeles Dodgers
Hurdles and Home runs
We are committed to keeping this an independent project for many
reasons but most importantly, to retain the integrity and soul of the
story that needs telling. With many large film studios, this can be
challenging. You can help us accomplish this.
So far we enjoy enthusiastic support from numerous scouts, managers,
coaches and Minor & Major League executives as well as team owners.
Upon seeing the trailer it seems everyone is convinced we are 'onto
something special.' And we are too.
Although there are never any guarantees about a successful film, the entire team of Scouting For Diamonds is swinging for the back fence. And we want you with us for every pitch. And let's be honest, with guys like Wade Boggs, Willie Mays, George Brett and many others on our side, we feel pretty darn good about our prospects.
But we can't do this alone and that's why we need your support--all the way to the last inning!
Founder of Scout of the Year Program, Roberta Mazur and husband Ron.
At the Risk of Repeating Ourselves:
1) Pledge, $5.00 $5,000 $25,000 or $100,000. You can pledge the whole thing if you like! We will love you equally!
2) Help us get the word out. We only have 14 days. Share this page with
everyone you know--whether they are baseball fans or not.
3) Follow us: on Twitter and Facebook & our website:
SO NOW, please pledge and
talk about us like we are your favorite cousin who needs a plane ticket
to the Academy Awards!
Note regarding Perks: All perks pertaining to premieres and VIP
events are TBD and all pledgers will receive at least 30 days notice
before events.