is the answer to the job seekers plight that all of us have faced at some
point in our careers.
jobseekers once spent hours applying to fabricated roles and endless pyramid
schemes posing as real career opportunities, now Scoutynaut connects real
jobseekers to real roles that make sense.
As a job-seeker, you create your profile and enter your
qualifications, work experience and most importantly the kind of job with the
characteristics you are looking for.
Whenever you need a new, a second or even third job, you switch your
profile to ONLINE. Then you just wait. The system will do everything
automatically for you.
Unlock the great features of the Scoutynaut system helping you to jobseeking success
The Scoutynaut experience is unique with:
- Video resumes for the job-seeker and the employer
- Pre-job interviews on the system
- Questionnaires and skill tests
- Video conference and messaging service
As an employer, you create your company profile and enter the vacancy or role you are looking to recruit. You can describe all of the characteristics of the role, the personal requirements you are looking for, the team culture, the type of work you do and the kind of company you are. You switch your profile to online once you are ready to hire.
Now, our system SCOUTYNAUT connects job-seeker and employer.
Scoutynaut uses profile matching algorithims and provides a fast and efficient online job matching process that delivers positive results for both parties. Employers and employees alike are held to the highest industry standards with vetting and referencing systems in place. No more fakes, frauds or misrepresentations on either side. |
SCOUTYNAUT - easy to use simply: - Download the app - Create your account - Specify your profile - jobseeker/ Employer - Confirm your email |
Employers The Scoutynaut system is available for all employers we offer the next generation of online job recruitment, to all companies regardless of size or turnover
SCOUTYNAUT is affordable - with no hidden costs |
Jobseekers - Register with Scoutynaut to receive timely notifications - Set up your profile - add a great picture - Upload your certificates, documents and references - Update your CV - Set your prefered job specification - Switch your profile to online Now you're live - jobs are on the way! |
The Scoutynaut App: Easy to use dashboard Responsive functionality Check applications on the go Apply to opportunities Message new potentials Connect Accept Job matching 101 |
Scoutynaut Unique Features: - Fully integrated video conferencing system
- Pre-Interview your next employer/employee - Never miss an appointment
Scoutynaut Application Maps Your completed profile is called an application map - Your application 'map' will be visible to all approved job-providers following your registration - All documents in one place - never lose your CV, certificates or any other important documents. |
Video Resumes - Upload your application in video format - You can upload different videos and select the best one - Employers - upload your company presentation. - Video the most popular medium of communication to present yourself. |
Scoutynaut Security security is important to us and we know how important it is to you too. We never give or sell your details to third parties We use the latest security methods to keep your details and documents safe!
- High encryption key. - Personal data is distributed on separate servers - All processes will be logged for security - Access to personal data is only possible with robust security processes - Unauthorized attempts to login or manipulate will activate a secure lock and alarm |
Scoutynaut Global We aim to make SCOUTYNAUT a global name with the platform available in as many countries as possible. Scoutynaut offers users the chance to connect with international employees or employers.
- Activate your international inquiries - Use our conference system to connect - Exchange your contact details - English as standard language |
To avoid wasting time searching and writing dozens of applications, SCOUTYNAUT implements the lifetime following system, which will grant you easy access for all eventual job searches during your whole working life.
Simply login in to your existing profile, update
your CV, and documents click available and that's it - you’re now online on the job market! It's easy, right? And you didn't even written an application.
A system like SCOUTYNAUT is a mix of complex programming codes. With all the functionality we will provide for you, it takes time
In fact, this is the basic platform, where design features and features like video conferences, digital applications,... have not been implemented yet.
At present, we develop the fundamental basics, like profile sections, interactions between job seeker & job offerer.
To push all this development and roll it out for the beta version, we need to expand our team and for this “we need YOUR help”!
Our goal is to raise $500,000
The funds raised
will be used to develop the unique system, the crucial mobile site and of course the online platform. We will also invest
significantly in online security and encryptions, ensuring everyone’s details
are safe and reducing the possibility of hackers accessing member’s details and
selling them on the dark web.
We will also
invest in both online and offline marketing, making sure our message is clear
and reached the people who need the service the most.
We aim to reach
1million users within the first 12 months after launching, so we really need your
By helping us
you are truly helping yourself, so get involved and lets change the world of
job hunting together.
So, here we are
live on Indiegogo!
The concept has
been tested, the prototype is in place and we are ready to get this project off
the ground.
This is where
you come in. If you have ever experienced the frustration of long-term job
search or tried to recruit specific roles with little or no success, then you
will appreciate the effectiveness of the Scoutynaut system.
When you support
us you become the key recipient of all of our hardwork and vision, we are here
to improve lives around the world, especially yours.
It will only be
possible to realize the Scoutynaut system and bring it to life with your
financial contributions, social media support and input.
We must go
global with our system, so we appreciate all of your help, every dollar
contributed will take us a step closer, and we will reward you for your contributions
with amazing rewards and perks.
A Vision Was Born: Back in 2013, we were looking online for work as well as working as freelancers. Between us, we have over 30 years of combined experience in the IT industry and we thought finding work should be easy. We were so wrong!
Soon we began to hear from other friends and acquaintances. They shared with us just how exhausting and arduous their own experiences were as they looked for work online.
Despite the fact that we live in a high-tech world today, modern technology has done little to make finding jobs & recruiting any easier.
With smartphones and tablets we are able to connect in seconds, but for the highly important issues – the "job exchange market" – we still have to use old search methods that waste our time & money!
Following extensive research, we came to the conclusion that the existing possibilities of finding jobs are not simply outdated they lacked efficiency and speed and were of little use to anyone.
We asked ourselves:
“What if finding a job online could be straightforward, affordable, and personal?”
This kind of system certainly didn’t exist yet and we realized that if we wanted this type of experience to be available, we were going to have to build it ourselves.
That’s when the idea for SCOUTYNAUT was born.
The Team
Get to know us a little better - we think we're suitable for the job
Istvan Kovacs - CEO & Developer
Our multi media master. He virtuously plays with Photoshop or After Effects like others play the piano. He is our creative component and he still surprises us with new ideas for designs and development. A powerful member of our board team he always adds huge value to everything we do.
With over ten years of experience in development and technical skills, he is an important member of our team. Without Istvan, there would be a big hole not to mention a of creativity.
Michael Rossband
CTO & Our Conscience
He is like our hostel warden. Strong and detail-obsessed. He always pushes us to reach our goals to realize the vision of SCOUTYNAUT. With over 25 years of technical IT skills and project management experience, he detects details that could lead to failure and provides correction, direction and discipline.
So he is a very important member of our board, keeping the milestones and restructuring SCOUTYNAUT in the right way. We definitely know, without him, SCOUTYNAUT would not happen, as he was also the inventor of this great system.
Karen Rostomyan
Social Media Agent
The youngest member of our board. She works hard to push our vision out into the world. She was not one of the founders, but she still does her job like she has been here since the beginning.
We need someone who interacts on social media platforms and so she swiped this job. She has over 10 years of experience in the IT sector. So we welcome her on board.
Eva Forst
Social Media & Company Communication
On the first day, we noticed that Eva loves what she does. She joined us as a global communication master. Eva is a native speaker of German with full proficiency in English and Spanish. She studied English and Spanish linguistics and literature at university for 5 years and holds a Masters degree. She has also taught English and Spanish in high schools and language schools for 5 years. Eva is a great asset to us, we are glad to have her on board.
Lars Pietschmann
CIO & Data Analyst
We believe, Lars spends his sare time day dreaming about numbers and letters. We don't know if he lives in his own matrix, but he is also a big asset to us. Lars has over 7 years IT experience. His main focus is in support and administration. Lars is a budding IT-management expert.
Behind Scoutynaut, there is a team of individuals who believe in the social responsibility of people and businesses.
We believe that we should help people in need and be a change in our society.
That is why we have built social responsibility deep into the DNA of our company. Every month, a fixed percentage goes to social projects around the globe.
BUT, we believe all the SCOUTYNAUTS = our members, should choose which project they want to support.
So the
SCOUTYNAUTS of every country vote for a project in their country that they want
to support for the duration of one year.
We believe we
will make a better world - with our social charity and with our new system
Based on this view, our automated charity process will support national projects, which will be voted for by our community – by YOU!
As we mentioned, we are different in the ways we work and how we deal with some existing rules.
Therefore, we still accept charity organizations as members, but we will not give your donations to them, as this produces a conflict of interest.
Our philosophy is to be fully accountable and provide full transparency as to what happens with your donations and where any payments go.
Our intention is to let you know 100% where every single dime goes.
We will update our foundation website as regards any income we receive and also for every payment we send out.
For more information (projects, voting, sustainability, sponsor list etc.) around our charity activity, watch out for our special website and Nepal project/s: (available soon)
SCOUTYNAUT “The Social Network Company”
We Think Differently - We Think Charity
Scoutynaut holds the view that every company should contribute to help those in need. The focus should not be solely on personal gain, but also to have the willingness to give back a little bit.
We want to create a global change with Scoutynaut and spark an ecological awareness and an eye for those who urgently need our help.
Our Responsibility
Scoutynaut contributes 5% of any sales to nationally selected charity programs.
Not in the distance, but directly at your doorstep.
These thoughts led Scoutynaut to address this social responsibility and become the first company with an automated charity program.
Global disasters will definitely bring the catastrophes with the biggest consequences for humanity. It often comes down to immediate action to prevent greater suffering.
Many politicians of different nations promise immediate help in the millions, but in reality it is mostly charities and organizations, who send direct aid.
Therefore SCOUTYNAUT will provide some special projects (e.g. re-build orphanages, schools or hospital buildings).
SCOUTYNAUT’s priority is to provide full accountability and transparency as to where our donations go and how they are spent for.
SCOUTYNAUT houses a fully integrated and automated system, so every incoming
invoice will be automatically charged for charity. This means that from
all of the SCOUTYNAUT income (everybody can un-select this standard
charity process inside his or her profile), a fixed percentage share of 5% will
automatically be sent to a project, nationally selected & supported
for one year.
On our foundation page, you can follow the progress of the
current supported project in your country, any other country SCOUTYNAUT
has opted into and also for global disaster projects.
handle the global shares for charity projects as a 100% non-profit
organisation and launch at the same time when SCOUTYNAUT goes live in
Perks are a great way of saying thank you to our backers for all of their support.
We believe that there is a real need for SCOUTYNAUT, but as we do not offer a physical product, we decided to start a completely new system of rewarding our backers.
We provide a range of job related services as oerks that will help you to hone your profie and make your presentation to employers and potential employers dynamic, individual and successful! Check them out on the right - there is definitely one or two that you will find useful.
As we also believe in the power of the community, we have launched an exciting referral challenge program that allows users to gain points for referrals to Scoutynaut and in exchange for points users will receive the most awesome prizes.
It's a reall ysimple yet dynamic way for jobseekers to benefit from a simple referral to fellow job seekers in return you get your hands on some of the best brands and most desirable goods in the world.
Learn more about referral system:
How to Participate in a Referral Contest
Welcome to our great referral challenge.
On top of our practical and most useful perks that we have available we also wanted to incentivize tou to share our campaign and refer others to Scoutynaut. In return we will allocate referral points that you can collect and 'spend' in our campaign bonus store.
You can get your hands on the widest range of products imaginable just by sharing our mission for changing the rules of the job exchange market. From a mug, to sports cars even your own “Green Ecological House”, you can achieve all or any of these just by using our referral program. So what will your favorite bonus be?
Developing and coding a complex system with such huge and efficient tools is expensive and requires expert knowledge in programming to offer the highest and most qualified standards on the market. To minimize cost explosion and to realize hiring a bigger development team, we fall back on outsourcing to reach our ambitious targets.
The basic platform of our system with its rudimentary standard functions is in the development phase. The complexity of the entire system consisting of various interlocking modules requires time for their development and coordination. Some presentation pictures will show you details, which may finally bring slight changes and adjustments of the depicted design. All changes will only be made to customize the efficiency of the system or to integrate some more innovations. We develop this system for global users (You!) and we keep you informed of any change we make, of which you will benefit from at the end.
In the scenario where our outsourced development team misses a deadline, a significant update is required or other parts of coding get delayed, there could be delays for the expected rollout date.