Short Summary
In May of 2023, I gathered a small cast and crew and shot a 3-D short subject called Scream a Little Dream over the course of 3 days. After editing it, it went into the film festival circuit where it was well received. It had several 3-D screenings including at Shock-A-GoGo in New York City and a 2-D showing at the New Jersey Horror Con. While editing, I discussed the possibility of expanding the short into a full-length feature film. As such, the original ten-minute finale was cut from the short before it went into the festival circuit. The original cast has signed back on for the feature along with several new terrific actors. The script rewrite has been done and we're ready to shoot this Spring!
What We Need & What You Get
I'm looking to get $5000 to finish the film. Much of this will go to additional locations and props, as well as feeding the cast and covering their transportation costs. The film itself will go back into the festival circuit as well as possible midnight screenings. All backers get their choice of a 2-D digital download or a DVD or Blu Ray with 3-D and 2-D versions of the film. The 3-D versions will be available in 3-D Blu Ray format and anaglyphic format.
The Impact
I've been a 3-D fan for over 40 years now and have always wanted to make a fun 3-D feature. I've done several shorts in 3-D over the years so I'm excited to make this my first feature. The cast is super excited for the film, too. And this isn't just a horror film with a bunch of killings, It--like all really good horror films--is about something, in this case the devastating effects of grief. It's a story of how pain begats pain and the things people in pain will do to one another.
The new script has more of everything that made the short work so well--more interesting and dynamic characters, more plot twists, more 3-D effects (natch), and--as my actresses like to say--more stabby stabby murders.
You'll be helping to make this a reality for everyone involved. And if you like old school 3-D films like Friday the 13th Part 3, then this film will be right up your alley.
Risks & Challenges
The risks are actually fairly low on this film. The cast from the short have all committed to coming back and all 3 of them are not only great actresses, they're extremely professional and committed to their craft. As with any film, there are possible risks such as not being able to secure a location we particularly wanted, but we have back ups for that. Weather and illnesses can also cause delays in the filming, but we have back up days planned for that as well.
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you can't contribute at this time, you can help get the word out by telling other horror or 3-D fans about our campaign!