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Mainstream economic theory teaches us that capitalism is an economic system which incentivizes people to use their energies, resources and talents in the most efficient and socially beneficial ways possible. World Wide Scrotes, and the Scrote'n'Tote are perfect examples of this theory in action.
Since then, thousands of requests to acquire this life changing product have poured in. As a result, out of a sense of profound humanitarianism, I and several friends have had to interrupt our lives in order to fully dedicate our lives to the production of lifelike, hideous, giant scrotum backpacks.
Great job, capitalism!
The aim of this campaign is to solve one of humanity's most urgent and pressing problems: the complete lack of fully functional, realistic human scrotum apparel available in the world today.
Although the video may suggest otherwise, this is an actual and legitimate project.
The aim of this campaign is to produce sturdy, functional, durable, high quality and of course stylish Scrote'n'Tote backpacks to be made available to aesthetes all over the world.
The funding goal of $33,000 will cover the cost of producing the mold for the skin textured part of the bag, which is the biggest pre-production expense. The money also covers various research costs including testing out different materials, different methods for attaching the skin part to the backpack part, producing various prototypes, quality tests, trying out different production facilities in different locations to see who can make the best product, etc. Once we have enough sales to produce the first run, they'll be made and shipped, from various distribution centres on different continents, so as to keep shipping costs reasonable to most countries.
The Scrote'n'Tote pre-prototype you see in the images was produced by hand by special effects prosthetics artist C.J. Goldman and is too heavy and delicate to be used as a proper backpack, on top of costing almost $1000 to produce per bag, which is why we can't use that method or materials.
Once we've produced something functional and sturdy that looks as close to the original as possible, we'll sell the Scrote'n'Totes online for $120 USD each, plus shipping. However, everyone who donated $10 will be entitled to buy one for only $69 plus shipping, as well as getting the satisfaction of knowing that they helped bring the gift of scrotes into the world.
There's also the option to put the whole $69 down right away which saves you the extra $10 - this will entitle you to get one Scrote'n'Tote for the cost of shipping once they are produced.
The bag was designed by me, but sculpted and made by prosthetic makeup artist C.J. Goldman, who has worked on many well known films, including the X-Men Apocalypse, The Hobbit, 300, Terminator 3, the Conan and Dawn of the Dead remakes among many others. This is not a joke, check IMDB.
The main challenge is to make sure the final product looks as close to the prototype as possible while being fully functional, spacious, lightweight, durable etc. There will be some experimentation with various materials, though by now we have a pretty good idea of which materials will be used and what the costs will be. The main risk in terms of aesthetics is that at this point we don't know if we'll be able to mass produce a hairy version or not. Meanwhile in terms of business plan, the main challenge is to sell enough Scrotes!
Thankfully, one of the main advisors in this endeavour actually runs a handbag manufacturing company so we have a very realistic understanding of the costs, work and processes involved, and thus these numbers are based on years of experience in the field of handbag and backpack production, not just random estimates, or second hand opinions.
Note that this is a "fixed funding" campaign, which means that if we don't reach our funding goal, everyone gets an instant refund.
For $1 dollar, you get: the profound satisfaction of knowing that you helped make the world a better place by contributing to the production and propagation of giant human scrotum backpacks.
$ 1あなたが巨大な人間陰嚢バックパックの生産と普及に貢献したことによって世界をより良い場所にできたということから深い充実感を得ることができます。
4 claimed
Right to a $69 Scrote'n'Tote
$10 USD
A $10 donation entitles you to buy one Scrote'n'Tote for $69 plus shipping once they go on sale (retail price $120). It also buys you the profound satisfaction of knowing that you helped make the world a better place by contributing to the production and propagation of giant human scrotum backpacks.
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
172 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Right to 2x Scrote'n'Totes
$20 USD
A $20 donation entitles you to buy two Scrote'n'Totes for $69 each plus shipping once they go on sale (retail price $120). It also buys you the profound satisfaction of knowing that you helped make the world a better place by contributing to the production and propagation of giant human scrotum backpacks.
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
34 claimed
Ships worldwide.
$69 USD
One Scrote'n'Tote, fully functional human scrotum knapsack. Shipping fee and choice of ebony or ivory models applies before delivery.
N.B. The final product will differ slightly from the one in the photos in terms of colour detail and texture as it sill be made from a lighter and more durable material than the prototype.
スクロタトントート、完全に機能的な人間陰嚢リュックサックを一つ。黒檀かアイボリー色のモデルかどちらかお好みの方を どうぞご指定してください。配送料が適用されます。
注意 最終製品は、原型の品よりも軽量で耐久性のある素材で作製される為、色や材質に関して