"I can't." "I don't know how." "I'll never be able to accomplish that."
Those were thoughts that ran through my head for years. I didn't believe that I could accomplish anything more than I already had. When I hit my lowest point, I discovered photography.
I was depressed and broke so, I decided to sell some of my clothes on Etsy...I didn't have enough to make rent that month. At first, I took pics of my clothes on hangers with a basic point and shoot. I didn't find the images appealing. So, I convinced my Mom to let me buy a Canon T2i with her Best Buy card. Then, I found a model online (pretending that I had experience as a photographer, when in actuality - I had none). During that first shoot, I began to feel like a creative person again...and it felt really, really, really Good. From there, I posted the images online, with the sole purpose of finding more models for my Etsy shop...but, then agencies started contacting me to shoot their models. I still didn't think of myself as a photographer but, I was flattered, nervous, and excited about this new challenge.
And that's how I started. A year later, I moved to New York.
In the 2 years since I left Chicago, I've moved 13 times. I've survived on ramen for months at a time. I've crashed on couches and box springs and air mattresses, when I had no money and only the kindness of friends to keep a roof over my head. But, despite the initial hardship of my New York Story - I'd never felt more fulfilled in my life. That's because throughout the struggle, I was doing what I loved. The 2nd week after I arrived, I shot my first male model (Tristan Burnett), and I was stunned at how strong and emotional and tangible my images came out. Working with him was much different than when I had worked with women. During that shoot, I discovered that I really love shooting men. And in that moment I knew that capturing them would be my focus. And it has been.
Tristan Burnett
For many reasons, SCRUGGS is unique and ceiling shattering. To give you context, most of the photographer's who shoot major fashion editorials and campaigns are white and male. There are a select group of female photographers who are shooting high level projects but, as far as I know - none of them are black.
The fact that I'm Black and Female and a Photographer, who's main focus is on shooting Men (when most female photographers usually shoot other women), is incredibly significant. And the fact that I am at the helm of my own magazine, that I've photographed 100% of the content for, and that will be competing on newsstands with the biggest fashion magazines being published today - is even more significant. Yes, SCRUGGS will be sold on newsstands and in shops around country - and around the world.
This magazine's extra-ordinary background will make an impact on the industry.
But, all of these words would be meaningless if I didn't have the talent and the vision to back them up...and I have both. My work is about capturing more than just the fashion aspect of an image. I view the models that I shoot as more than just a "hanger". That's why I push them and myself to create images that have an emotional gravity, interesting lines, and physical agility.
Those hallmarks of my style have garnered me opportunities to shoot for Details Magazine, Footlocker, and GQ South Africa. I've also cut my editorial teeth shooting for great independent magazine's like GODS, Tabula Rasa, and Creem.
At this point, I'm ready and able to take my work to the Next Level. I've already shot 80% of the issue, with models that have given me so much inspiration. I've pushed myself beyond what I thought that I was capable of and I'm incredibly proud of the results. Please scroll for a preview of what's to come:
Adonis Bosso @ DNA - Cover Model
Abiah Hostvedt @ Red NYC
Trey Baxter @ LA Models
Roberto Sipos @ Soul Artist Management
Gabriel Gomieri @ One Management
Nathan Rodjam @ Soul & DaJé Barbour @ DNA
Eileen Tjan, an amazing artist and graphic designer, will format/design the look and layout of the magazine. It's not enough to have a great concept and great images. Many magazines fall short because their design isn't up to the industry standard. With SCRUGGS, we will go beyond the standard with innovative, quality, and nuanced design. I'm incredibly excited that she's on board and for the amazing piece of Art that SCRUGGS will be.
I've estimated that I need $8,000 in order to format, print, and ship the magazine. SCRUGGS won't have any advertising. This fund will be the only revenue for the creation of SCRUGGS...every donation is integral.
-$5,000 for printing & shipping the magazine from the printer
-$1,800 for design/format
-$720 for the IndieGoGo fees + credit card processing fees
-$480 for perks and shipping of perks
**Any surplus donations will be used towards future issues and a more interactive website.
I've come out of my own pocket to produce each shoot. From renting surfboards
in Malibu, to paying for gas when we've had to travel, buying food and
snacks for the set, renting studio space and lights, and more. I really
need your help to launch SCRUGGS into physical form. I can't do this
part on my own.
Postcard Print Perks from my Archive:
Adonis Bosso @DNA
Louis Mayhew @ DNA
Vince Harrington @DNA
Adonis Bosso @ DNA
Signature Tote Bag:
8.5 x 11 Print of any image from my archive. View more options on my website and tumblr: +
If I don't reach my goal, the money raised will go towards releasing the magazine on a smaller scale, either as a 'zine or in an online format.