The Seat Amigo App
We are Scott, Tim and Taylor. We are three millenials who took our dads idea and made it better. The airline industry has not changed in over 60 years and we shouldn't be forced to sit next a random person. Humans control almost every aspect of their lives, their personalized taxi (Uber) and their hotel room (Airbnb) etc. So why not control who you sit next to on your airline flight? It's time to control your flying experience.
The app is live, check it out at
Simply stated, the problem and the solution...
The app.
Now let's check out the app... (it's live so you can get on it and create a profile at
So why would people use the Seat Amigo app?
Let's check out some use cases...
Who are we?
We're three siblings that decided to make a great app to overcome the 60 yr. old problem of not knowing who will be sitting next to you on your Southwest flight. Seat Amigo is the solution and as we grow, we'll expand to other airlines. We're going to change the way we all fly!
What are we asking for and what are we offering you?
We are passionate about changing this part of the travel industry! We took our Dad's idea and made it better. We want to give airline passengers the best possible experience. We believe that we all deserve a better flying experience. Our app and technology is scaleable to many other forms of public transportation and or events/concerts and our aim is to help people connect there too.
We are seeking $25,000 for marketing to get off the ground (pun intended)! Your $40 contribution will earn you a two-year premium membership on Seat Amigo ($120 value). This includes using Seat Amigo for unlimited flights for two years on Southwest Airlines!
Seat Amigo is already changing the way people travel. We are giving passengers control in an area where there historically has not been one. We need your help.
Along with your donation we need you to help spread the word about Seat Amigo. Help us get as many people as possible using the app so that this community can grow and you can be a part of helping change the way people fly.
It is time for a change!
The Seat Amigo Team - Scott, Tim and Taylor