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Seize My Epilepsy!

Five months ago, I was diagnosed with epilepsy. Please help me get the medical treatment I need, and save my house.

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Seize My Epilepsy!

Seize My Epilepsy!

Seize My Epilepsy!

Seize My Epilepsy!

Seize My Epilepsy!

Five months ago, I was diagnosed with epilepsy. Please help me get the medical treatment I need, and save my house.

Five months ago, I was diagnosed with epilepsy. Please help me get the medical treatment I need, and save my house.

Five months ago, I was diagnosed with epilepsy. Please help me get the medical treatment I need, and save my house.

Five months ago, I was diagnosed with epilepsy. Please help me get the medical treatment I need, and save my house.

Lynn Fells
Lynn Fells
Lynn Fells
Lynn Fells
1 Campaign |
Atlanta, United States
$2,492 USD 25 backers
49% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

On January 19, 2011, I suffered a foot fracture while working, as a flight attendant, for a charter airline that flies our U.S. (and British) soldiers between bases around the world. The fracture was not found until almost 2 months later, which complicated the healing process. I was on sick leave (in a cast and on crutches) for almost half of last year. That is when I began to fall behind on my mortgage. Fortunately, I had enough savings to keep my head above water for most of that time. Approximately one month after returning to work, I suffered my first ever grand mal seizure just before one of our flights out of Limerick, Ireland. Needless to say, I went right back on sick leave. I was informed that if I was diagnosed with epilepsy, I could not work as a flight attendant again. One month later, I suffered another seizure (at home). Two weeks after that, I was terminated. On December 7, 2011, I awoke on my bathroom floor cut and bleeding in various places from yet another seizure. I was diagnosed with epilepsy the next day.


In the state of Georgia, I am not allowed to drive within 6 months of a seizure. I live alone, and have no family any closer than Wisconsin. Without insurance, I am left to pay out-of-pocket for my own medicines and doctor visits with the $173/week that I receive from unemployment (Thank God!), which will be running out within the next month or two. My medicines cost $200 this month. And, since I have no children, I do not qualify for any type of free health insurance. My home was scheduled for foreclosure March 6th, however, the mortgage company lowered my payment and agreed to give me a trial period. My mortgage is now $548.00 per month. As you can imagine, I am not able to cover my mortgage and utilities on my current income. My car insurance and cell phone (which I need to call 911 if I hurt myself during a seizure) have been cut off. And, I fear that my electricity (my home is all electric) and other utilities will be next. My family has helped with that they have, but they have informed me that they do not have much more to give. I apply for work-from-home jobs each day, but have yet to be hired. Some say my computer software is too old, which disqualifies me.


I have a post graduate education, have studied at universities around the world, and possess many other skills. My teaching certificate for grades Prek-12 (6-12 English only) is still current, as well. And, I have applied and sent my resume to every online school I know. I have a strong desire to work and make my own income so the insults from my family will stop. Without being able to drive, finding a job is more than difficult. Being only 31, single with no children puts me on the bottom of the list for government agencies that offer aid. I need help.


Currently, my foot fracture is still causing me pain. I have a cane and cushioned boot that sometimes help. I am also going to physical therapy for my foot, in hope that the pain will heal and my work options will not be limited by this. Fortunately, this care is covered by workers’ compensation. This does not, however, cover any other expense. Since I continue to have seizures, my medical expenses are taking a huge toll on me, also.


I proudly purchased my home at 24yrs old. My interest rate is now just over 3%, and my monthly payments are less than most apartment rent. At times, I may seize and lose consciousness when I stand, my foot may hurt when I walk. But, at the very least, I would love to keep the place where I can lie and rest my head.


In summary, please help me get the medical treatment I need, and save my home.

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