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Serwantess: Electronic assistant for disabled

Let's give Serwantess voice control to persons with severe disabilities to make them more independent.

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Serwantess: Electronic assistant for disabled

Serwantess: Electronic assistant for disabled

Serwantess: Electronic assistant for disabled

Serwantess: Electronic assistant for disabled

Serwantess: Electronic assistant for disabled

Let's give Serwantess voice control to persons with severe disabilities to make them more independent.

Let's give Serwantess voice control to persons with severe disabilities to make them more independent.

Let's give Serwantess voice control to persons with severe disabilities to make them more independent.

Let's give Serwantess voice control to persons with severe disabilities to make them more independent.

Miroslav Vrankic
Miroslav Vrankic
Miroslav Vrankic
Miroslav Vrankic
2 Campaigns |
Rijeka, Croatia
$6,015 USD 108 backers
200% of $3,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

 Hrvatska verzija nalazi se ispod. Croatian version below.

We have reached our initial $3.000 goal and already installed Sewantess in Milana's home. 

Our stretch goal is to reach $6.000 for the deployment of one more Serwantess for Kristijan who suffers from ALS (read more below).

Serwantess Helps Disabled

E-Glas is a high-tech social venture from University of Rijeka, Croatia. It was born through our volunteer work with persons with disabilities.

In order to help disabled persons we have produced Serwantess

Serwantess is an electronic voice-controlled assistant for persons with disabilities. Having Serwantess, one can literally talk with his home and thus control lights, TV, telephone, door opening, radio, media player, air conditioning, or even surf the web.

We have built the first voice controlled system five years ago. Since then, Serwantess has become a reliable product which serves persons with severe disabilities to have a better and a more independent life. We have already made over 30 installations of Serwantess systems in the users' homes in different parts of Croatia.

Award-Winning Social Enterprise

Our project has been presented at various events worldwide, and received acknowledgment of various organizations:

Life Changing Donations

In Croatia, assistive technology such as Serwantess is not subsidized by the government. Also, persons with disabilities are often in a very poor financial situation. We need your help to provide Serwantess systems to disabled persons for free.

For each 3.000 $ raised one highly disabled person will get a donation of a complete Serwantess system with the following functions:

  • voice control for TV
  • voice controlled light
  • voice controlled door unlocking with video sureveillance of the front door
  • web browser control via voice commands
  • making and receiveing phone calls by voice commands

We will also provide the installation and the two-year guarantee for the whole Serwantess system.

The users are chosen based on the level of disability and poor financial conditions. You can be sure that your donations will have a great impact on their lives.

We will produce a video report talking about the impact that you created. It will be a personalized thank you message from our team and persons with disabilities.

Our mission is all about helping people, so thank you for being our partner in making disabled persons more independent and making their lives better!

The Impact

Persons that cannot control their body are completely dependent on other people’s help. Without the possibility to use their hands they need help from their family members and other caregivers with all tasks of everyday life. Also, they are typically forced to pay for additional help of personal assistants.

The life quality of a disabled person is severely affected, as well as of the whole family of a disabled person. A disabled person feels constant frustration not being able to do anything on her own, and at the same time their loved ones are under constant pressure, needing to be around all the time. Additionally, a disabled person is completely deprived from privacy, cannot even have a private telephone conversation since there should be a person nearby to facilitate a phone call for her. As a consequence, everyone is unhappy, both a disabled person and the family, which is completely exhausted both emotionally and financially.

With Serwantess, a person with disability regains the independence. The simple tasks of everyday life become feasible and can be done without the need to ask others for help. It is also a big help for the whole family since they don’t have to be at constant service day and night. Furthermore, Serwantess reduces the need for paid personal assistants.

Kristijan and Milana Need Our Help

Milana is 34 years old and she lives in Rijeka. She suffers from multiple sclerosis which forced her to use a wheelchair and made it almost impossible to use her hands normally. Milana graduated sociology at the University of Zagreb but due to progressive disease she is not able to work and to live independently. We already managed to reach our first $3.000 milestone for this campaign and to help Milana get her Serwantess system and become more independent. Milana's Serwantess is currently being prepared and she will get it very soon.

Kristijan is 19 years old and he lives in Zagreb. He was a healthy young person until his 18th birthday when he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ALS is a progressive neurological disease which made him severely disabled, making it impossible for him to use his hands. Kristijan lives with his mother which takes care of him. Our next milestone is to help Kristijan become more independent with the help of Serwantess voice control.

The Team

We formed a highly educated team of experts in the fields of information and communication technologies, digital signal processing, speech recognition and synthesis, acoustics, electronics and automation. Our wish is to use our expertise and knowledge to help all people living in difficult circumstances due to physical disability, old age, illness or disability in general.

We Care

When starting the campaign, Miroslav, the founder of E-Glas, decided to personally promote the campaign by riding in the wheelchair on the streets of Croatia. To someone it might look as a joke but for us it is a very serious task of raising the awareness of the Serwantess project and to make people more ready to help persons with severe disabilities and with no income to become more independent.

User Stories

Marko Arambašić

Marko Arambašić is a doctoral student at the University of Zagreb. Marko suffers from muscular distrophy which tied him to the electric wheelchair. Serwantess helps him to live more independently.

Antonio Cvetojević

Antonio is 19 years old. He lives in Zagreb and suffers from cerebral palsy. Several months ago, Antonio got his Serwantess system which made him more independent in performing everyday tasks.

Mario Kutle

Several years ago I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Until then, I lived normally and enjoyed life like every other person. The disease affected my hands which I could not use because they went paralyzed. It spread to my legs too. Since then, everything is much more difficult because I can only move in wheelchair. Disease made impossible for me to go out and live independently like every other healthy person. 

However, thanks to Serwantess, everyday life has become much easier. Serwantess is a great help for me. Thanks to Serwantess, I don't lie in dark all the time because on my command System turns the light on. Furthermore, when someone is at the front door I can see that person on my television and I can tell Serwantess to unlock the door. With Serwantess, I can control my television and make a phone call. All I need to do is say the name of the person I want to call.

Altogether, my life is much better since I have Serwantess. Although I live with my parents, I am independent. If there wasn't for Serwantess, I would need help 24/7, I would always have to bother someone for simple everyday activities. This way I can do it myself.

Other Ways You Can Help

The financial contribution is not the only way you can help. If you would like to support us you can also:

  • Tell you friend about this campaign via e-mail, Facebook or Twitter.
  • Use the Indiegogo share tools!

 Hrvatska verzija. Croatian version.

Servus pomaže osobama s invaliditetom

E-Glas je visokotehnološka tvrtka sa Sveučilišta u Rijeci koja je nastala kroz volonterski rad s osobama s invaliditetom. Kako bi pomogli osobama s invaliditetom razvili smo Servus.

Servus je elektronički sustav koji osobama s invaliditetom omogućava da pomoću glasovnih naredbi upravljaju svojim domom. Sa Servusom doslovno možete razgovarati i na taj način kontrolirati svjetlo, TV, telefon, radio, klima uređaj, otvoriti vrata, pa čak i surfati internetom.

Prvi Servus sustav napravili smo prije pet godina. Od tada je Servus postao pouzdani proizvod koji služi osobama s teškim invaliditetima kako bi imali bolji i vodili samostalniji život. U Hrvatskoj smo do sada instalirali preko trideset Servusa u domovima osoba s različitim vrstama invaliditeta.

Donacije koje mijenjaju život

Asistivna tehnologija kao što je Servus u Hrvatskoj nije sufinancirana od države. Budući da se osobe s invaliditetom često često nalaze u vrlo teškoj financijskoj situaciji, trebamo Vašu pomoć kako bismo omogućili da osobe s invaliditetom dobiju Servus sustav potpuno besplatno.

Za svakih 3,000 dolara koje prikupimo, jedna osoba s teškim invaliditetom će dobiti donaciju koja sadrži kompletni Servus sustav sa sljedećim funkcijama:

  • glasovno upravljanje TV-om
  • glasovno upravljanje svjetlom
  • mogućnost otvaranja vrata glasom te video nadzor ulaznih vrata
  • kontrola web preglednika glasovnim naredbama 
  • samostalno telefoniranje i primanje poziva glasovnim naredbama

Korisnici se biraju prema stupnju invaliditeta i financijskih (ne)mogućnosti. Možete biti sigurni kako će Vaše donacije uvelike utjecati na njihov život.

Po uspješnom završetku kampanje snimit ćemo i video o svakoj pojedinoj osobi koja je dobile Servus zahvaljujući Vašim donacijama. To će biti osobna poruka zahvale našeg tima i osobe s invaliditetom koja je dobila Servus sustav.

Cijela naša misija svodi se na pomaganje ljudima. Stoga Vam puno hvala što ste naš partner u poboljšavanju života osobama s invaliditetom.

Servus vraća samostalnost

Osobe koje nemaju kontrolu nad svojim tijelom u potpunosti su ovisne o pomoći drugih. Bez mogućnosti da koriste svoje ruke, trebaju pomoć članova obitelji i drugih njegovatelja za najobičnije svakodnevne radnje. Također su često prisiljeni plaćati dodatnu pomoć.

Kako i osobama s invaliditetom, tako i obiteljima tih osoba, kvaliteta života im je često loša. Osoba s invaliditetom neprestano je frustrirana što ne može ništa samostalno raditi te su i njihovi bližnji pod stalnim pritiskom time što moraju biti uvijek u mogućnosti priskočiti u pomoć. Nadalje, osoba s invaliditetom nema privatnosti i ne može obaviti ni telefonski razgovor a da nije pokraj nje ili njega osoba koja pomaže oko samog telefonsa. Zbog toga su svi nesretni i to je vrlo iscrpljujuće – emotivno i financijski.

Sa Servusom osoba s invaliditetom ponovo zadobiva svoju neovisnost. Jednostavni zadatci svakodnevnice postaju lako ostvarivi i mogu biti obavljeni bez pomoći drugih osoba. Kako uz pomoć Servusa obitelj ne mora biti cijelo vrijeme uz osobu s invaliditetom, time je i Servus od velike pomoći cijeloj obitelji. Ne moramo ni spominjati kako Servus umanjuje potrebu za plaćanjem dodatnih pomoćnika.

Kristijan i Milana trebaju našu pomoć

Milana ima 34 godine i živi u Rijeci. Ima multiplu sklerozu koja ju je prisilila na korištenje invalidskih kolica i onemogućila da normalno koristi ruke. Milana je diplomirala sociologiju na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, ali zbog progresivne bolesti ne može raditi niti samostalno živjeti. Zahvaljujući prvim donatorima, Milana je već u polovici ove kampanje dobila svoj Servus sustav kako bi mogla samostalnije živjeti.

Kristijan ima 19 godina i živi u Zagrebu. Do nedavno je bio potpuno zdrav dok mu nije za 18. rođendan dijagnosticirana amiotrofična lateralna skleroza (ALS). ALS je progresivna neurološka bolest koja mu je pored ostaloga onemogućila da normalno koristi ruke. Naš sljedeći cilj je pomoći Kristijanu kako bi postao neovisniji uz pomoć Servus sustava.

Naš tim

Naš tim sastoji se od visokoobrazovanih stručnjaka u području informatičke i komunikacijske tehnologije, digitalne obrade signala, raspoznavanja govora i sinteze, akustike, elektronike i automatike. Svojom sposobnosću i znanjem želimo pomoći svim osobama koje žive u teškim okolnostima zbog njihovog tjelesnog invaliditeta, bolesti i dr.

Priče korisnika

Mario Kutle (38) iz Zagreba

Prije nekoliko godina sam obolio od multiple skleroze. Do tada sam normalno funkcionirao, volio kretati se i uživati u životu kao i ostali zdravi ljudi. Bolest je došla naglo, prvo mi je udarila na oči zbog čega sam privremeno izgubio vid, a onda prešla na ruke, kojima se nisam neko vrijeme mogao služiti, a sada i na noge. Sve je puno teže od tada, pa se mogu kretati jedino uz pomoć invalidskih kolica. Bolest mi je onemogućila da živim slobodno i neovisno kao što svaka zdrava osoba. No zahvaljujući Servusu moj svakodnevni život je puno lakši. Servus mi je od velike pomoći. 

Ne moram stalno ležati u krevetu u mraku, jer na moju naredbu upali svjetlo. Zatim, kada mi netko pozvoni na ulazu u stan, tu osobu vidim na kameri i kažem Servusu da mi otvori vrata. Sa Servusom mogu upravljati televizorom i nazvati nekoga na telefon. Telefon koristim tako da Servusu kažem ime osobe koju želim nazvati.

Sve u svemu, živim puno bolje, jer sam neovisan unatoč tomu što živim s roditeljima. Da nema Servusa, uvijek bi mi netko trebao pomagati, nekoga bih morao gnjaviti, a ovako sam mogu obavljati neke radnje.

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Choose your Perk


Founders Party

$50 USD
Attend our special event that will be hosted in Impact Hub Zagreb. There, we will present our personal story of growing the Serwantess project and helping people. We will also show you a photo story of our 30-day crowdfunding campaign and share our campaigning experience with you. + all the lower valued perks are included as well
14 out of 50 of claimed


$5 USD
Your name displayed on our wall of fame at and the thank you message on our Facebook page.
20 claimed

Beautiful Wallpaper

$15 USD
A beautiful wallpaper for your computer with a special message. + all the lower valued perks are included as well
14 claimed

Happiness 101

$30 USD
Attend the online lecture of the E-Glas founder about his experience of creating and growing meaningful projects that change peoples' lives for better. We will also give you a detailed overview of how we created and managed the Serwantess Indiegogo campaign: from generating ideas to building the campaign and running it. We will he happy to share the experience that we gained. + all the lower valued perks are included as well
9 claimed

Digital Dream

$100 USD
The source code of the next release of Serwantess software will contain your name or your personal message. So, all the Serwantess systems installed in the future anywhere in the world will have your "digital signature" :-) + all the lower valued perks which are not limited by quantity are included as well + VIP invitation to the Founders party in Impact HUB Zagreb
7 claimed

Virtual Meeting

$150 USD
Wherever you are in the world, you can choose any Serwantess team member and have a video chat with him or her. You can ask whatever you want, ranging from entrepreneurship in Croatia to global trends in assistive technology. + all the lower valued perks which are not limited by quantity are included as well + VIP invitation to the Founders party in Impact HUB Zagreb
1 claimed

Executive Lunch

$200 USD
Have a lunch with Miroslav, the founder of E-Glas. Enoy the good food in Rijeka or Zagreb while talking about social entrepreneurship, technology and changing the world. + all the lower valued perks which are not limited by quantity are included as well + VIP invitation to the Founders party in Impact HUB Zagreb
3 out of 5 of claimed


$500 USD
Your impact matters! You make us move fast towards our goal of providing Serwantess to disabled persons. We want to thank you by saying a personal thank you message in the video that will be produced about a person who got Serwantess thanks to your donation. + all the lower valued perks which are not limited by quantity are included as well + VIP invitation to the Founders party in Impact HUB Zagreb
2 claimed

Impact Master

$1,000 USD
You really make it happen! We will produce a video story about a disabled person who got Serwantess thanks to your donation. At the end of the video we will prepare a personal thank you message for you. + all the lower valued perks which are not limited by quantity are included as well + VIP invitation to the Founders party in Impact HUB Zagreb
0 claimed


$3,000 USD
You have the power of solving it! By making this donation, one more person will get Serwantess thanks to your help only. You will make a tremendous impact in the life of one severely disabled person. The personal THANK YOU video will be produced to witness the good that you helped to create. + all the lower valued perks which are not limited by quantity are included as well + VIP invitation to the Founders party in Impact HUB Zagreb
0 claimed

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