Hi, my name’s Sevaan, I’m fourteen, and I’m an aspiring model. I live in a small town in rural Georgia. Not exactly the ideal place to become a model, I know, but living here has taught me my values and morals. I’ve spent most of my childhood in the newsroom of a daily where my mom’s been a reporter. She’s does her best to provide, but it’s tough without any help from my father. I get the feeling I have a different view of things than other kids. People call me an old soul. I was taught to be open to new things and embrace art. I’ve always been interested in art, painting, drawing, photography. In my opinion modeling is like art, it’s just like painting, but with your face and body. But, I want to learn as much about behind the camera as the front. Photography amazes me, I’ve always been drawn to it. I’ve experimented with it before, and to my surprise won first place in the digital photography catagory in a technology fair twice. This last competition, I won state. I haven’t even mentioned the expressions of acting and filmmaking, wow. As far as acting goes, some things come naturally to me and some things I have to work really hard at, and that’s why I love it so much. It’s a challenge, but when you get it right the feeling is insane. Filmmaking right now is a pipe dream. I want to use the money I make modeling and acting to make sure I can go to a good college. And I’m not naive, I know this business is tough, but I’m willing to work hard and I love it so much I WANT work hard for it. Okay, so here’s the problem. In November there is the Modeling and Talent Expo in Dallas, Texas where all these agencies and movie people come together, what an amazing opportunity, right? Well, the problem is that it’s 2,000 dollars just to get in the door, so that’s not counting the flight out there and the hotel rooms and food and stuff for five days. I’m trying my best to raise this money by selling T-shirts, cookies, jewelry I’m making and getting sponsors around town. Trying to get a part time job, but there’s not much work around here. Nobody wants to hire a 14-year-old, I’m finding. And don’t forget I’m a student, a freshman, so I’m trying to keep my straight A’s because it all counts from now on. I really hate asking for help. I’m not that type of person, but I want this so much I’ll grit my teeth and beg. So here we go, If there is anything you can give to help me raise this money, please please just consider helping me. You have no idea how grateful I would be. Thank you. I’ll try to come up with perks later. :)