Sex Week 2018
Sex Week 2018
Sex Week 2018
Sex Week 2018
Sex Week 2018
This campaign is closed
Sex Week 2018
Who We Are.
SEAT - Sexual Empowerment and Awareness at Tennessee - is a student-run organization that was created in 2012 as a means to provide events, information, and resources to students regarding sexual assault prevention, comprehensive sexual health education, reproductive justice, and support for sexual minorities as well as other disenfranchised groups.
Red Zone and Sex Week
Every year, SEAT presents two weeklong series of events: The Red Zone (referring to the time period during the scholastic year where the most sexual assaults occur on a college campus) during the Fall semester and Sex Week during the Spring semester, which encapsulates all topics concerning sex, sexuality, sexual assault prevention, sexual empowerment, and relationships. SEAT also collaborates with other organizations and events both on campus and in the local Knoxville community, including participating in PrideFest or being founding members of the UT Diversity Matters Coalition (See below for full list).
SEAT's History
SEAT's involvement with the Coalition is particularly relevant to SEAT's history, considering that Tennessee legislature has frequently obstructed SEAT's work. The week before the very first Sex Week, TN legislators pressured UT administration to withdraw all funding that SEAT had applied for and received from the university. Fortunately, SEAT was able to crowd fund enough money in time to continue with Sex Week as planned, but this moment in SEAT's history solidified how vulnerable SEAT is in terms of funding compared to other campus organizations.
Why We Do What We Do.
Legislators have consistently belittled the work that we do, which in turn, belittles all students. SEAT's presence has benefited the UT family, as numerous students and faculty can attest to. Our actions range from advocacy for minority students on campus to enacting change in campus sexual assault policies. We want to see the University of Tennessee's administration take an active voice in sexual assault prevention and support victims of sexual assault. We also want to bring comprehensive sex education to all students, as well as sexual empowerment and pleasure.
How Can You Help SEAT?
Despite legislators' and the university's actions, you can help lift us back up to a position where we can better serve and advocate for students being informed. SEAT is a campus organization that frequently changes and saves lives; therefore, this is an opportunity to be a helpful influence at UT, Knoxville, Tennessee, and the world as a whole.
We ask that you graciously donate to our campaign so that we can sustain ourselves through the upcoming Sex Week. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated because, without your help, we cannot provide a comprehensive and academically informed sex education program. Even if you cannot donate please remember to always be an ally, speak up, and be an active bystander.
We hope to see you at Sex Week this year! Go Vols!
For more information on SEAT, Red Zone, or Sex Week please visit our website at:
Follow us on Facebook: @sexweekut
Follow us on Twitter: @SexWeekUTK
Organizations and Events We are Involved with:
Knoxville PrideFest
Office of Diversity and Inclusion at UTK
Community Coordinated Response Team
UT Diversity Matters Coalition
Take Back the Night
Hike the Hill in Heels
Democratic Campaign
Women's Coordinating Council of UTK
Helen Ross McNabb Center
Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee