Lonnie Webb
1 Campaign
| Dallas, United States

Sgt. Rick Rally and the Temple of Tiamat

It's time to tell a story of heroism.

There's an Indiana Jones-type story we want but Hollywood won't make it. Let's make it together! Starting at 48 pages, Rick Rally--a character like Sgt. Rock--leads his men against WWII's biggest, most terrifying enemy. *No* wokeness, just raw courage and valor. And a proper supernatural finale!

Stretch Goals: 
Unlocked - your trading cards! Sign-up now for the exclusive cards!
2nd Goal LOCKED - Addition of Pvt Lebetkin
3rd Goal LOCKED - Color prints
4th Goal LOCKED - Expanded story to 96 pg.

Stretch Goals!

Stretch Goals: Unlocked - your trading cards! Sign-up now for the exclusive cards! 2nd Goal LOCKED - Addition of Pvt Lebetkin 3rd Goal LOCKED - Color prints 4th Goal LOCKED - Expanded story to 96 pg.

Bursting through the treeline, Circus Company runs into of the back of an unexpected machine gun nest. Sarge and his men quickly dispatch these Waffen-SS and are left with a mystery.

Meet the new Sarge

Bursting through the treeline, Circus Company runs into of the back of an unexpected machine gun nest. Sarge and his men quickly dispatch these Waffen-SS and are left with a mystery.

Sarge asks the question Why were the krauts here on a mountain cowpath? And our story really begins!
Sarge asks the question Why were the krauts here on a mountain cowpath? And our story really begins!
Comic layouts - Introduction to the Sarge and discovery of civilians attacked by SS.
Comic layouts - Introduction to the Sarge and discovery of civilians attacked by SS.

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