Hi my name is Oreet – Spending summers with Israeli-Yemenite grandparents gave me a deep connection with bellydance. My passion for music established as a classical pianist as a youth and then translated on to become a professional modern dancer & fitness instructor in NYC.
Creating SharQuí allowed a professional fusion with my family roots – in a dance that bears one's soul. It is my life’s work to expand the SHAKE YOUR BEAUTY™ movement to everyday people across the globe!
To love oneself is to experience one of the greatest loves of all. Bellydance for centuries has promoted this self-love and embracing every curve across cultural division and regional territories. Most do not learn to love one's curves and SharQuí - the bellydance workout® encompasses that self-love in modern day life. No matter your background – we can ALL come together through dance! SharQuí crew provides the space, venue, and skills to express this act of self-love in a unifying community.
Your Contribution & What You Get
We call for $34,875 to further team hours + marketing to grow community outreach and education to impact everyday folks worldwide. The funds will contribute to participate in key conferences and events to best connect with community circles (both in person and online). SharQuí has grown organically & external support is now essential to further spread our movement.
You will receive the STICKER, the CARD, the SHIRT, the BELLYDANCE WORKOUT, the PRIVATE LESSON, the MUSIC, the LUNCH, and/or the OREET PERFORMANCE!
If we don’t reach our goal – we will continue to plug away on local levels.
The Impact
Suzanne (with Lebanese heritage) and I will continue to spread our message of self-love & unity through the SHAKE YOUR BEAUTY™ movement. In 2017, the Joanne Domenici Memorial Award was given to Leena Vaswani, based in Mumbai, India and the runner-up Laura Petersen, based in Dunlap, TN, USA giving tools & opportunities to those passionate about the cause. Read the short testimonials found below and here to see the results thus far:
“My life is richer in so many ways because SharQuí allows me to step out of the regular world and be a positive influence in other people’s lives; but a healthier me is the best reward of all!“ By Sandra Forrer
“The SharQuí method has really been just about the best thing that’s happened to me in my “quest” to get my mobility back. It’s so focused on building the strength and stamina in all the right muscle groups and hasn’t once felt like I was in danger of straining myself or aggravating my injury. Oreet is absolutely amazing for keeping us on track with our posture and the appropriate way to perform each move. I’ve recommended SharQuí to all of my friends, to my family, and even to complete strangers in the gym.” By Rachel
Risks & Challenges
I have been a one woman show for a long time and now it’s time to ask for help – can you relate? Your support will give some wind to this sail. As a founder – my biggest challenge is believing you value our transparent & purposeful goals. The risk is - is passionate honesty rewarded? Growing SharQuí this far clearly shows my genuine commitment, yet growth requires a bigger community.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can’t contribute – you can still help the SHAKE YOUR BEAUTY™ movement. Much beauty and cross-cultural collaborations have come from the Middle East region – please share this positive message with the world!
• Ask all your friends & family to get the word out and share our campaign online via social media and spread this message of self-love & unity!
• PSSSSSS use the Indiegogo share tools too!