Hello folks!
I'm a stay at home mum for my two kids, Arwen (4y) and Caitlyn (2y). Together with my partner we made the decision that I would quit my job to become a stay at home mum because the daycare expenses went through the roof. We basically worked to be able to pay daycare, which we have to pay because we go to work. That just seemed silly so we decided to try it another way. Sad part is that in Belgium, being a stay at home mum isn't considered a job. People say you're lazy and do nothing all day. This couldn't be more further from the truth!! At my previous job I had a lot of spare time, now I don't have enough time. So don't go telling me that being a fulltime mum isn't a fulltime job!
I started this campaign because I saw others do it, people with enough money asking for even more money. Rich people asking for money to make a television program or a movie. Acquintances even had the audicity to raise money to be able to build a house. Normally I would never resort to something like this. But why not? Why can't the less fortunate have the same options than others? Why are we compelled to hiding our problems and pretend everything is alright, when it's clearly not. Every month bills stay unpaid because we prefer to spend our money on food and clothing for the girls. I want to give my kids the same chances other kids have. I want to go swimming with them (yes, this hasn't happened, go figure), I want to go out to eat, I want to go to amusement parks, I want to be able to give them options. I want to be able to still pay for diapers at the end of the month. I want to stop counting every penny and start living!
We want to give our children a house with proper windows and a front door that closes as it should. I don't want to be affraid someone will break in and harm my kids, as they are closest to the front door. I want to give them a yard to play in, instead of having them run in the streets. All I want is to be an ordinary family as you would see them in the commercials. I want to be able to buy decent shoes that aren't worn down after two months. Everything others take for granted, I want.
If you were to donate even 1€, it would mean the world to us. I would take away some of the worries we have every month. The hardest part is asking for money, choosing how much money to raise. To be honest, I would rather leave it blank and leave it up to you. I have no goal to reach, every donation would be a blessing. Don't feel bad if you yourself can't contribute, sharing this campaign with others could result in a miracle.
I hereby solemny swear (shoutout to Harry Potter fans) that every cent will go to making my kids' life better, giving them a reason to smile. Because even though love is enough, if you don't pay your bills, you'll end up having no kids. And that is not the future I want.
To be clear, I have a partner who works his ass of trying to make as much money as possible. But with our monthly costs being sky-high (that happens when you're house is more of a dump than a house) it is very, very hard to make it to the end of the month. So donate, share and always, always pay it forward. Karma will reward you.
Thank you for taking the time to read it all.