SHOW YOUR ART: A 2025 Guide to Seattle Spaces for Emerging Local Artists - Pre-order now!
Looking to get your art showcased in Seattle but unsure where to start? Show Your Art is a straightforward guide to over 100 spaces in Seattle that welcome new and emerging artists.
This guide focuses on places like galleries, coffee shops, gift shops, frame shops, nonprofits, art walk venues, theaters (and more!) that are open to new and emerging artists.
HOW DO I KNOW THESE PLACES ARE LEGIT? Because I personally reached out to each and every one of these venues on this list and they wanted to be a part of this project and submitted their information!
Goal is $3,000: What does the money go towards?
- Printing ($1,500 - $2,000): Covers the cost of printing 200-300 high-quality copies to ensure a professional and useful guidebook.
- Distribution & Shipping ($500): Includes packaging and postage to deliver the books to you.
- Marketing ($300): Helps spread the word through social media and promotional materials to reach more of the community.
Stretch Goal: $6,000
- Start building a Website: Create a dedicated online space where artists can easily access updates, additional resources, and a digital version of the guide, including an interactive map!
- Create a SHOW YOUR ART series: Expand beyond Seattle into different counties.
- Starting a Resource Center: Create regularly updated content to help artists navigate submissions and connect with more venues and artist communities in Seattle. Workshops as well!
- Connect with venues directly: Meet with business and gallery owners regularly and define their pain points and see how artists can better interact with these spaces.
What SHOW YOUR ART Includes:
Submission Guidelines: Learn what each space expects when submitting your work, so you’re prepared from the start.
Themes and Focus Areas: Get insights into any specific themes or styles the venues look for, so you know whether or not to submit your work to a particular venue.
Commission Details: Find out how much of a percentage each venue takes from purchased work.
Exclusive Rights Policies: Understand whether venues require exclusive rights or if you can display your work elsewhere simultaneously.
Art Walks: Whether the venue participates in neighborhood art walks.
Open Calls: Some places only accept art during open calls and will not take unsolicited submissions and are listed within the description of each venue.
WILL ALSO INCLUDE: Artist preparedness list, an artist vocabulary list, icons to identify each type of venue, do's and don'ts of submitting work, and more.
What it will NOT include:
- Will not list venues that only take seasoned artists (so you will not see places like SAM!)
- Not a main focus on places outside of Seattle (for now - would love to work on that in the future.) Though I did include a few!
DOES NOT FOCUS ON: Collectives (though you will see some places that work within collectives), as collectives are usually a closed group of artists already working together, art residencies, art festivals (beyond the art walks - festivals usually require you to pay for a booth) how to do taxes or license your work for artists, etc. This is truly just a list of places that support local artists putting their art on their walls, and some guidelines to ensure success.
NO GUARANTEES: This guide points you to different places that are interested in new and emerging artists, but I personally can’t control whether you get picked or hear back from these spaces. Submitting art takes persistence (and rejection!) and sometimes it's just part of the process.
Designed for Beginners: It’s made with new and emerging artists in mind, helping you navigate spaces that are more likely to consider your work.
This will NOT be delivered by Christmas: This book will be printed and mailed out in January, 2025.
THIS IS IMPERFECT: I am one person! There’s a 10000% chance that I forgot a few venues (or they never got back to me), or there’s misspellings, or information that has changed since the publication of this book. Please forgive me! I look forward to refining this at a future date!
My goal is to have them printed and mailed out by the end of January, 2025, but once you order a pre-order, through here I will keep everyone updated with what is going on!
I’m Sarah! I’m a local artist who has been putting her work - Mostly illustrative greeting cards! - out in the greater PNW for the past 17 years. I hate that there are barriers for new and emerging artists, and I wanted to make a guide just as much for me as for the rest of you.
If you have any questions reach out to:
Reserve your copy today and start planning where you’ll show your art next!