A Little About Us
I am a print-maker living at
Milepost 5, a community for creatives in Portland, Oregon. 150 artists, writers, film makers, and musicians live, work, and create together here in an historic, slate-roofed mannor. As emerging artists, resources are hard to come by, so we rely on eachother and share resources (for example, the video for this campaign was put together by a film-maker in the building, earlier this year, my dog appeared in one of his projects).
All of us came here to launch or advance our creative careers. In order to do that, we need to be able to produce engaging and graphicly pleasing promotional materials, book covers, CD jackets, flyers, and posters. We have made-do with a cobbled together, single color screen printing set-up untill now, but to do this thing right, we need the right equipment.
What We Need
In order to create the visually striking book covers, CD sleaves, posters, broadsides, and fine art prints necessary to make our collective mark, we need a
Four Color Silk Screen Press. Buying a new, commerially made press could cost
thousands of dollars, but we have the skills and tools to build one for $500. Thats where
YOU come in: one contribution from you supports the careers of over a hundrad artists!
$500 is the bare minimum we need to make this happen. Any additional funds raised, above the cost of building the press, will go towards essentials such as emulsion, ink, and paying for the space where the press will be located. Additional funding will also allow us to make the press available to local schools and community groups. This is a project that never stops giving!
The Impact
With your help, we will be able to make everything from promotional items to fine art prints ~in technocolor! Your donation will help not just one person, but a hundrad and fifty, to live and thrive from their creative process. Your donation ensures our continued ability to pursue creative endevors and ability to reach our full potential.
Having a four-color press will also enhance our ability to serve our community partners: the schools, community groups, and non-profits with whome we collaborate and create.
With one contribution, you do a world of good!
What if you have no money to spare?
Sometimes you just can’t contribute, believe me I get it, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help:
Make Some Noise About This Project
Tweet this page to your followers, post about it on Facebook, blog about it, Tumblr it, do whatever you can to spread the word! The more people hear about this and see this page, the greater the chance that it reaches those who can contribute!
In-kind Donations
If you are in a possition to donate silkscreening supplies, or materials for building the press, we would LOVE to talk to you about that! In-kind donations could dramatically reduce the cost of this project and allow us to do more. You can get in touch at twohandsstudio@gmail.com