Eulysis UK is devoted to optimizing pharmaceutical delivery
and access through novel packaging innovations. Our groundbreaking technology,
the Single Vial System, is the only one capable of delivering lyophilized
pharmaceuticals within a single, easy-to-use container. Applications include
vaccines, cancer treatments, antibiotics and antidotes. Optimizes the entire
supply chain while reducing contamination risks, simplifying administration and
saving more patient lives at point of use.
To date, the company has been endorsed and supported by the:
World Health Organization, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Royal Society
of Edinburgh, Scottish Enterprise and Prince's Trust.
Life threatening, preventable diseases plague millions of
people globally on a daily basis. Access issues are the primary reason
precluding the vast majority of people around the world from receiving
essential, life saving pharmaceuticals. "Cold chain" transportation
is required for a majority of pharmaceuticals and disruptions along the cold
chain can lead to ineffective, damaged or even harmful products being delivered
to the end patient. However, "cold chain" transportation is
expensive; in the case of vaccines for example it can comprise between 14-20%
of the total cost. Current primary packaging technologies for lyophilized
pharmaceuticals require a minimum of two containers to be delivered. This
places an excessive burden on limited cold chain storage space, prohibiting
access to developing countries where cold chain space is limited.
Our Single Vial System offers the only
"all-in-one" solution for lyophilized pharmaceuticals. The first
version we are developing offers injectable (parenteral) drug delivery. By
integrating the two containers currently required into one, critical benefits
are realized. Imagine the potential to use the same truck that can currently
transport and deliver one million vaccines, now being able to transport and deliver
two million vaccines.
That could translate to saving twice as many lives simply by
using the Single Vial System as the primary packaging technology. In addition
through reduced use of raw materials, it is more cost efficient and
environmentally friendly than existing technologies.
The essential benefits derived by the technology do not end
there. Below, segmented by stakeholder, some of the additional benefits are
Patient- Expanded access to essential pharmaceuticals
regardless of geographic location. Contamination risk is drastically reduced
since entire reconstitution occurs within a single, aseptic container.
Doctors- Simplified and expedited administration process,
particularly critical in emergency situations. Ease of use minimizing potential
for user error. Reduced time consumption per administration.
Hospitals- Reduced storage burden in limited cold chain
space- offering the potential to store twice as many pharmaceuticals without
modifying existing infrastructure. Decreased environmental impact through
disposing of a single container as opposed to two per administration delivered.
With funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
we successfully established Proof of Concept with an ETEC Vaccine through
Feasibility and Accelerated Stability Studies. These Studies were conducted in
partnership with Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), a global,
non-profit organization dedicated to improving global health.
The goal for this Project is to complete Proof of Principle
Studies. These studies will again be conducted in collaboration with PATH.
Our Team:
Founder, Spyridon "Ross" Tsakas:
(LinkedIn Profile Link:
Spyridon "Ross" Tsakas is an innovative,
multi-award winning entrepreneur with diverse Start-Up, Product and Market
Development experience. He is the Founder & President of Eulysis Group
based at the Roslin Biocentre in Scotland, specialising in Personal Health Care
and Pharmaceuticals. His current project titled the Single Vial System involves
a unique manufacture and reconstitution technology for pharmaceuticals.
Some of his more prominent Accolades include:
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Grand Challenges
Explorations Initiative Grant
- World Health Organization: Certificate of Endorsement
- Royal Society of Edinburgh: Enterprise Fellowship
- Scottish Enterprise: R&D Award Grant
- Prince's Trust : Outstanding Business Innovation Award
Chief Scientific Advisor, Professor Grahame Bulfield, CBE,
(LinkedIn Profile Link:
Grahame Bulfield CBE is an Emeritus Professor of Genetics at
the University of Edinburgh and a Consultant in Biotechnology. From 2002 to
2008 he was Vice Principal and Head of the College of Science and Engineering
at the University of Edinburgh, and is a former Director of the Roslin
Professor Bulfield was appointed an Honorary Professor of
the University of Edinburgh in 1990, to a Personal Chair of Animal Genetics in
2002 and elected to a Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1992. In
1999 he was appointed Honorary Fellow of the Royal Agricultural Society of
England. He was awarded a CBE for services to Animal Genetics in the 2001 New
Year Honours.
Chief Commercial Advisor, Mr. Malcolm Bateman:
(LinkedIn Profile Link:
A Chartered Management Accountant, who has extensive
operational and general management experience. Worked for UK, US and German
automotive and pharmaceutical multinationals both in the UK and overseas. More
recently involved with a world renowned research establishment, university
commercialisation initiatives, science park management and early stage life
science companies. Comprehensive board experience with directorships in
private, public and not for profit organisations. Strengths include strategic
vision combined with excellent influencing, communication and organisational
Project Potential:
Establishing Proof of Principle for the technology is
quintessential to secure its adoption by pharmaceutical manufacturers. With
your help and support, we can prove the value this technology offers in
expanding access to pharmaceuticals in developed and developing countries
alike. Creating this compelling
case for the Single Vial System will enable it to achieve the potential of
enabling people globally to lead healthier, more productive lives through
expanded access to medicines.
Following on from the first injectable (parenteral) version
of the Single Vial System, we have conceived alternative embodiments for it
that will optimize inhalation and oral delivery. This way all essential modes
of pharmaceutical delivery will be optimized and enhanced to their fullest
Our pipeline of innovations is critical to improving global
health and expanding access to pharmaceuticals regardless of geographic
With your help and support we can enable pharmaceuticals to
help people where they are most in need; enabling them to achieve their fullest
potential and paving a solid and sustainable foundation for the future of
global health.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration,