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![The Project - Sip of Health]()
“Let food be the medicine and let medicine be the food.” - Hippocrates (father of medicine), 400 BC.
We all rely on our knowledge (or craving) to make the decisions on what we put in our mouth, and ultimately our decisions shape our body, mind and moods. There are many health problems that are directly related to the food we eat.
When we think of food, what come to our mind? Burger, Fries, Soda? Well we can’t blame ourselves. We are born in the world of fast food. Our choices of food are dictated by TV commercials.
Researches shows that many specific foods can serve as powerful natural drugs like cancer fighting, cholesterol reducers, antibiotics, antidepressants, energy boosters, antioxidant, blood pressure lowering, and the list goes on. Food can thus be used as a miracle medicine to prevent and treat many diseases.
I always wondered why this is not taught in our schools. This would be a wonderful knowledge we can give to our kids. As a parent, I always wondered how to make my kids run to eat the fruits or salads on the table as they would run to the sound of the door bell of the Pizza delivery. This book strives at making the art of enjoying fruits and veggies in our everyday life.
Most important asset we all have is our health, and yet we hardly know what our body needs to stay healthy, to fight diseases and to prevent failure of our organs. What we need is an owner’s manual for our body.
Due to my personal quest, I gathered lot of information about specific benefits of the natural foods by going through many books, research journals and health articles. Lot of this information can help us in taking care of our illness, keeping our body and mind healthy. This project is all about presenting the major benefits of the natural foods in a very simple format, which we and our kids will take interest to learn and adopt healthy eating habits.
My goal is to empower the readers with the right information on nature’s gift and motivate all of us to start living the quality of life we are meant to live.
After all, we are what we eat.
I am very passionate about this project. My sincere goal is to bring significant benefits to each and every one of us.
![What will be in the book]()
Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll be reading about.
We will go over various fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs and list the kind of health benefits we will be getting from them. We will also show different ways to consume them to make it more adaptable in our daily life.![Banner]()
Will cover other natural foods like Yogurt, Honey, Vinegar, Wheat grass, etc and give information on how they help our body.
Do we know how Acidic and Alkaline foods affect our body? We will have a special chapter on this and go over the good, bad and ugly part of it.
We will also demystify Vitamins, Antioxidants, Detoxification, raw food diet and other topics that will have great impact on our body.
We will cover which foods will help us in Weight loss, Belly fat, prevent hair fall and make our skin beautiful and radiant.
We have a special chapter for food remedies. See which specific foods help in fighting Cancer, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-diabetic, Calming and Sedative, Immunity Stimulating, Memory enhancing, Skin Care/Acne/Pimples, Aging/Wrinkles, Sleep, Stress, Flu/Colds, Bones and whole lot more.
We will show how to create fun and easy recipes, salads, shakes and juices.
We will present the information in a fun way, with diagrams, charts, pictures, quiz, crossword and many more fun ways. We will not present any lengthy thesis. All our information will be presented in a simple and easy to understand format with short paragraphs.
Overall, by the time you go through the book, you will be surprised how much magic is there in the nature’s gift. You will be so much motivated to use this information to adopt a healthy living.
Have a SIP OF HEALTH every day of your life.
![How can you help]()
With your collaboration, we will be raise funds to reach our project budget of $20,000. Over on the right side of this page, you'll see list of perks, starting at $1. Just pick the one that seems right to you and click the link, and IndieGoGo will take you through the simple process of making a contribution. It's easy, and you can use any major credit card or your PayPal account. So choose a perk on the right and let's get started!
Summary of Perks for your contribution,
In addition to your financial contribution, please help spread the word!
Email your friends asking them to check out this IndieGogo page.
Share this IndieGogo page on your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Blogs or any other social media sites. All your support will make a huge difference to this project.
![Where your money goes]()
Your funds will help produce a professional-level book, Sip of Health, in electronic and physical format. Will cover the cost of hiring a certified Dietician-Nutritionist, editor, graphic artist, publishing and printing.
Most importantly, you'll be helping to create a valuable resource for all of us who are struggling to improve our health in easy and natural way. And that's priceless.
I desire to see this book become a bestseller, since that would reach and benefit the greatest number of people. Your support will be making an enormous contribution to yourself and countless others.
Any funds raised above and beyond the set goal, will help this project to have a greater impact than the book alone. It will allow us to take this concept to next level. Will help us to develop audio and video version of this project, develop a website and start a newsletter to spread the knowledge and benefit many more folks around the world.
![Sip of Health book]()
![A Giant Thank You]()
A giant thank you for taking the time to read, consider and contribute to our project. Please spread the word on your social media platforms or by word-of-mouth to friends and family.
Thank you for helping us make this book a reality.
![Thank You]()