Please help us fund The first Sizanani Takoma Teen Leadership Camp! We are bringing the best of Camp Sizanani, South Africa to Takoma Park, MD! Please contribute here, all donations are tax deductible and go to MANUP and Global Camps Africa. and
The Sizanani Takoma Leadership Camp is a co-creation of MANUP (Making A New United People) and Global Camps Africa, and will be run by Global Camps Africa with MANUP in TP. Our camp is modeled after Camp
Sizanani in South Africa. MANUP has been mentoring African-American teenagers in Takoma Park for 10 years. We are partnering with the City of Takoma Park for the location and outdoor fields. We have a special group of very skilled and
experienced camp counselors from Camp
Sizanani in South Africa coming to join us for this unique, cross-cultural leadership camp for American teens. For more than 10 years, Camp Sizanani has been teaching youth life skills, self-empowerment, as well as community, and fun (and all the joyful camp
experiences of sports, arts and crafts, songs, adventure, dance, theatre). Three
experienced Camp Sizanani Counselors are traveling here from South Africa, to lead the daily camp experience in Takoma Park, MD. They are
Thembi Joja, Kutlwano (Kay) Phatlane, and Sifiso Tawane. All are experienced leading sports,
arts and crafts, adventure, songs, self-esteem, life skills, leadership skills,
and community building.
The Sizanani Takoma Teen Leadership Camp will be FREE of charge. The camp is geared toward creating a leadership camp experience for teens who do not otherwise have summer camp options. Participating families who are economically privileged will be encouraged to make a contribution. All donations to fund the camp go directly to staff salaries and travel costs and the direct costs of operating the week long camp. Contributions are tax deductible to MANUP and Global Camps Africa. Our MINIMUM costs are: $3,000 for staff costs, $500 for lunches for the week, and $500 for other costs (such as art supplies and equipment). We may need to pay for space/location needs, and potentially hire additional staff.
We will be hosting a community wide Potluck Supper on
THURSDAY evening AUGUST 27th.
We encourage all supporters to attend.
Please help us spread the word! Please encourage donations to this unique, cross cultural camp experience for our local TP teens who will receive leadership training and a fantastic camp week.