According to
conservative FIFA estimates, over 270 million people play soccer worldwide.
We all know the FIFA regulation size soccer ball is a size 5. And
we all know of smaller balls for smaller kids - size 3 and size 4 balls.
But, it's now time that the world knew about bigger balls for bigger kids
- introducting the all new Size 6 soccer ball!
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to kick a size 6 soccer
ball? Have you ever played soccer with a size 3 soccer ball, and then
when you made the switch to a size 5 soccer ball, felt how much easier it was
to kick and control? Well, to anyone who
has ever kicked a size 5 soccer ball before, get ready for the first-ever Size
6 soccer ball. This product has never
existed before, so I can’t guarantee anything, but if our logic and intuition
are correct we are going to be able to kick the ball better (long passes, chip
shots, shots on goal, ball effects) and have more control of the ball
(juggling, ball control). Your friends
are going to laugh their butts off when you arrive to the field with your brand
new size 6 soccer ball. But, after a few
minutes of playing I’m sure they will start asking questions like where they
can buy one for themselves. Personally, I
can’t wait to get my hands on one of these!
I have a few manufacturers in China,
India, and Pakistan that have already quoted me prices and have committed to
the production of molds and production of the size 6 soccer ball. They
are all gold suppliers that have been pre-screened through Alibaba.
We need $10,000 - $15,000 USD.
What it will be used for:
1) Logo design ($200)
2) Initial samples of 2 quality-types
[1) Inexpensive PVC soccer ball 2) Good quality PU soccer ball] of size 5
soccer balls from 3-4 different manufacturers in order to test the quality of
the balls. Depending on the quality of the size 5 soccer balls we receive,
we will select a manufacturer to produce the size 6 soccer ball. ($450 - $700)
3) Initial samples of the 2
quality-types of size-6 soccer balls from the chosen manufacturer in order to
make sure quality and design are optimal. (Molds: $1,000 - $2,000) (Shipping:
4) Purchase and import to USA of
initial Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) from the manufacturer. MOQs range
anywhere from 100 to 2,000 soccer balls, but I’m pretty sure we can keep
this number at 1,000 or less for our initial order. I am shooting for the 100 MOQ manufacturer,
but we will not know for sure until testing for quality. (Depending upon
the chosen manufacturer: $1,000 - $13,000 USD)
Risks & Challenges
The main risk we face is the manufacturing challenge of obtaining a
quality product at a good price. I have spent a couple years on this
project already and have screened dozens of companies and have selected the
best of the best. We shouldn't have a problem on this end.
The other obstacle is marketing. But, with balls like these I'm
sure we will be ok. We plan on flooding the YouTube market with videos of
thousands of youngsters, soccer enthusiasts, famous YouTubers, and perhaps even
a celebrity or two playing with their size 6 soccer ball. It is going to
be a blast!
If you can't contribute, but would like to help in any way, please
contact us and let’s collaborate!
After the 60 day Indiegogo campaign is over, we will be in August, which
is when we will begin to take the steps outlined above. The initial size 5 samples will be ordered
immediately in August and should arrive in 1-3 weeks. Then, the next batch of size 6 samples will
be ordered in September, which will take a little longer due to production of
new molds, so I’m estimating 3-4 weeks to arrive. Then, if the size 6 samples look good, we order our first MOQ batch of size 6
soccer balls! Hopefully, they should be
arriving in October-November of 2016. This has been a dream that we hope to make a reality and hope you can join us!