Short Summary
SlapMate is the story of an arrogant and self-centric young man, who decides to challenge a chess grandmaster in a game, where one has nothing to win and the other everything to lose.
About the crew :
My name is Roman Arnaize,I'm originaly from France. I am the writer of this movie and will have the privilege of staring in it. This project is my
We are all students from around the world, based in Los Angeles to make into the industry of entertainment. We share the same passion and same dream, to tell stories to the world
Where Your Money Is Going
Being located in the city of Los Angeles, even the smallest ambitious project requires a certain budget.
One thousand five hundred dollars will be used for the location permit, the renting of the equipment, and for the crew for their hard work, professionalism and for their stomachs!
The Impact
This short film is first, a real chance for the crew and myself to gather our talents to create a real product, to entertain our audience and deliver a message through an emotional story. The message we are trying to get across in this movie is, superiority leads to isolation. Bein the best at something in life has a price that one must pay.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are a broke student like us who would like to participate into this exciting project but financialy cannot, don't worry!
You can help us by sharing this project to your familly and friends through social medias. It will only cost you a clic!