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Slouching Towards Bethlehem

Join us in creating the first campaign book for use with the Contagion Second Edition tabletop RPG

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Slouching Towards Bethlehem

Slouching Towards Bethlehem

Slouching Towards Bethlehem

Slouching Towards Bethlehem

Slouching Towards Bethlehem

Join us in creating the first campaign book for use with the Contagion Second Edition tabletop RPG

Join us in creating the first campaign book for use with the Contagion Second Edition tabletop RPG

Join us in creating the first campaign book for use with the Contagion Second Edition tabletop RPG

Join us in creating the first campaign book for use with the Contagion Second Edition tabletop RPG

Travis Legge
Travis Legge
Travis Legge
Travis Legge
15 Campaigns |
Rockford, United States
$317 USD 15 backers
63% of $500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 15 Projects Mountain Filled 15 Projects
For several years, Contagion has been promoted with the tagline “There’s a war in the shadows…” The events in Slouching Towards Bethlehem drag YOUR characters into the front lines of that war, & drag the war into the light of day. Support this campaign to help us bring Slouching Towards Bethlehem to life! Join us in ushering in a new chapter in the saga of Contagion Second Edition! Claim INCREDIBLE perks including original & custom art from Slouching Towards Bethlehem artist Jack Badashski!

Join me for a story...

     My name is Travis Legge and I am the writer, developer and co-creator of the Contagion Role-Playing Game. You may know me from my films such as Bloom and Reckoning, you may have come here because you are a fan, player, or Gamemaster familiar with my other products from Aegis Studios, or maybe you were just browsing the web and happened upon this campaign. Whatever brought you here, I would like to invite you to join me in telling an urban fantasy story with more than a hint of horror.

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world...

     The world of Contagion is a dark and terrifying place. On the surface, it looks much like the world you and I live in. Just beneath that surface, in the shadows, rages an ancient conflict between supernatural factions who all seek dominion over the Earth and control over the souls of humanity. Angels, in service to Yahweh, fight to hang on to their failing grasp of the Earth. Demons, with a legion of Hellspawn at their disposal, ramp up aggression in an attempt to usher in the apocalypse. In the middle, various supernatural races and conspiracies push to make room for their own agendas in a shrinking world.
    On the Winter Solstice of 2012, ancient gods known as the Ilu, long ago imprisoned by Yahweh and his angels, were released onto the Earth by Lucifer. The Ilu formed factions and began spreading out across the globe, trying to learn all they could about humanity and hoping to regain some semblance of their lost power and worship. In response to the reemergence of the Ilu, Yahweh ordered his angels to prepare for war. Only one among the heavenly host spoke of trying to bring the Ilu into the fold. Once the angels were told to ready for battle, the Archangel Tyra sought a private audience with Yahweh, offering a peaceful and diplomatic solution. In response, Yahweh cast her down for daring to question his orders. Yahweh hid this sin from the rest of the host, telling the other Archangels that Tyra had been sent on a secret mission of vital import within the Void.

    Now, as the Ilu slowly gain a foothold on Earth, the forces of Heaven prepare for outright war. To add another level of looming doom to the mix, Hell’s army, now under the command of Azmodeus, seeks to kickstart the apocalypse by any means available. The world is in a bad way, and for the first time in centuries, open war among the supernatural seems not only likely, but inevitable.

Slouching Towards Bethlehem

    Slouching Towards Bethlehem places the player characters front and center in this looming conflict. This book contains a series of adventures designed to drag the player characters into the war and set up their choices to have a profound impact on how major, earth shaking events play out. Within these pages you will find a number of adventures and scenarios that will lead the characters to ground zero of a major event in the world of Contagion. How the characters handle these scenarios could determine the fate of mankind, Heaven and Hell. The characters could become the greatest of heroes or the foulest of villains. Their actions may save the world, or they may damn it.

    Slouching Towards Bethlehem is a literal game-changer. The events within these pages will irrevocably alter the world of Contagion, though the degree to which things truly change is up to you, the players, and the dice. Given the scope of the events presented in this book it is highly unlikely that the world of Contagion on the whole will survive unscathed.

Sound exciting? Good! Because we could REALLY use your help!

  • We are seeking $500 in order to help bring this book to life, secure a few print on demand copies to take to conventions, and ensure that our INCREDIBLE artist, Jack Badashski, gets compensated for his hard work.
  • To that end, we are offering a TON of BADASS perks! Not only can you get Slouching Towards Bethlehem for less money here than anywhere else, we will be offering discounts on print copies of ALL books from Contagion Second Edition, access to the Contagion Second Edition print Omnibus, hand-crafted leather slip covers for ALL your Contagion Second Edition print books, opportunities to acquire original art from Slouching Towards Bethlehem, and the chance to get commissioned, custom art from Jack Badashski!
  • Let's be 100% honest here: this book is coming out whether we raise $5, $500 or $5,000 (though, once we cross $500, we will announce some pretty awesome stretch goals), so we are utilizing flexible funding. If we don't make our goal, whatever we DO raise will go to the costs of fulfilling perks and paying for art.

The Impact

Slouching Towards Bethlehem will shake the world of Contagion to its foundations. By helping us get this project off the ground, you will be helping usher in a new phase of storytelling for the players of Contagion Second Edition. You'll get to see the coming changes ahead of everyone else, and you'll have the opportunity to score some cool, rare, and KICK-ASS swag in the process!

This is not my first crowdfunding project, nor will it be my last. Each time I do one of these I learn a bit more about making the best possible experience for my backers as well as myself. With YOUR help, I have brought a number of projects to fruition in the past. Let's do it again!

Risks & Challenges

There are few risks involved with this project at its core. The book itself is already complete and in the layout stages. As we are offering several hand-crafted and customized perks, we DO ask for our backers' patience and understanding, as a high volume of orders may cause some delays in delivery (that would be a good problem to have.)

We are fulfilling all digital and print on demand perks through DriveThruRPG, who we have worked with numerous times in the past.

Other Ways You Can Help

We understand that times are tough and sometimes finances just won't permit for you to contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't help:

  • If you have already purchased ANY Contagion Second Edition products from us, PLEASE review and rate them at DriveThruRPG.
  • Play Contagion with your friends. Record it and post it on YouTube. Broadcast your games on Twitch! SPREAD THE WORD about this game!
  • Share this campaign FAR AND WIDE on ALL your social media using the Indiegogo share tools!

Thank you SO MUCH for your support!
Travis Legge

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Choose your Perk


Slouching in Print

$10 USD
In addition to the previous perks, you will receive a coupon to purchase Slouching Towards Bethlehem in Print On Demand at cost via DriveThruRPG. The hardcover cost will be approximately $15.00 + S&H. (Est. Retail $25.00) Softcover cost will be approximately $11.00 + S&H. (Est. Retail $21.00) You will pay shipping costs to DriveThruRPG upon claiming your coupon.
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
2 claimed

Thank you!

$1 USD
Contagion Developer Travis Legge will offer you public thanks on social media, and your name (or the name of your character, if you prefer) will be listed in the IndieGoGo Backers section of the credits page for Slouching Towards Bethlehem.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
0 claimed

Slouching in .PDF

$5 USD
You will receive a digital copy of Slouching Towards Bethlehem the day before it releases to the public, in .pdf format, via DriveThruRPG. You will also receive the $1 perk. (Projected Retail Price $9.99)
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
3 claimed

Slouching to the Core

$15 USD
In addition to the previous perks, you will receive a free .pdf copy of the Contagion Second Edition corebook (If you already own it in .pdf PLEASE give it to a friend who does not) as well as a coupon to purchase the Contagion Second Edition corebook in Print On Demand at cost via DriveThruRPG. The hardcover cost will be approximately $19.00 + S&H. Softcover cost will be approximately $14.00 + S&H. You will pay shipping costs to DriveThruRPG upon claiming your coupon.
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
1 claimed

Slouching to the Omnibus

$20 USD
In addition to the previous perks, you will receive a coupon to purchase the Contagion Second Edition Omnibus in Print On Demand at cost via DriveThruRPG. This hardcover only product is generally exclusive to our IndieGoGo campaigns. The cost for the Omnibus will be approximately $36.00 + S&H. You will pay shipping costs to DriveThruRPG upon claiming your coupon.
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
1 claimed

Slouching to the Gods

$25 USD
In addition to the previous perks, you will receive a free .pdf copy of Rise of the Ilu (If you already own it in .pdf PLEASE give it to a friend who does not) as well as a coupon to purchase Rise of the Ilu in Print On Demand at cost via DriveThruRPG. The hardcover cost will be approximately $26.00 + S&H. Softcover cost will be approximately $22.00 + S&H. You will pay shipping costs to DriveThruRPG upon claiming your coupon.
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
0 claimed

Slouching to the East

$30 USD
In addition to the previous perks, you will receive a free .pdf copy of K-24 (If you already own it in .pdf PLEASE give it to a friend who does not) as well as a coupon to purchase K-24 in Print On Demand at cost via DriveThruRPG. The hardcover cost will be approximately $15.00 + S&H. Softcover cost will be approximately $11.00 + S&H. You will pay shipping costs to DriveThruRPG upon claiming your coupon.
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
0 claimed

Slouching to the Armory

$35 USD
In addition to the previous perks, you will receive a free .pdf copy of the Contagion Survival Guide (If you already own it in .pdf PLEASE give it to a friend who does not) as well as a coupon to purchase the Contagion Survival Guide in Print On Demand at cost via DriveThruRPG. The hardcover cost will be approximately $17.00 + S&H. Softcover cost will be approximately $12.00 + S&H. You will pay shipping costs to DriveThruRPG upon claiming your coupon.
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
0 claimed

Slouching to Hell

$40 USD
In addition to the previous perks, you will receive a free .pdf copy of War is Hell (If you already own it in .pdf PLEASE give it to a friend who does not) as well as a coupon to purchase War is Hell in Print On Demand at cost via DriveThruRPG. The softcover cost will be approximately $6.00 + S&H. You will also get a coupon to order the Slouching Towards Bethlehem Prints Pack at cost (approx. cost $5.00 +S&H) You will pay shipping costs to DriveThruRPG upon claiming your coupon.
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
2 claimed

Leatherbound Spellbook

$60 USD
In addition to the previous perks, you will receive a hand-crafted leatherbound blank spellbook, bearing the symbol of one of the schools of Magick from Contagion Second Edition (your choice.) Each spellbook is 220 pages and is created by Slouching Towards Bethlehem artist Jack Badashski and the Stinkygoblin Emporium.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Commissioned Art

$75 USD
In addition to ALL perks valued $40 and under, you will receive a single 8x10 black and white piece of custom commission artwork from Slouching Towards Bethlehem artist Jack Badashski.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Occult Scholar

$115 USD
In addition to ALL perks valued $40 and under, you will receive two of the hand-crafted leatherbound blank spellbooks, each bearing the symbol of one of the schools of Magick from Contagion Second Edition (your choice.) Each spellbook is 220 pages and is created by Slouching Towards Bethlehem artist Jack Badashski and the Stinkygoblin Emporium.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Original STB Art

$125 USD
In addition to ALL perks valued $40 and under, you will receive an ORIGINAL piece of art featured in Slouching Towards Bethlehem. Selections from among the available art pieces is EXTREMELY limited and will be provided on a first come, first serve basis.
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
0 out of 4 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Bound in Flesh

$165 USD
In addition to ALL perks valued $40 and under, you will receive a single hand-crafted leather slip-cover for the hardcover Contagion Second Edition book of your choice (excluding the Contagion Second Edition corebook.) These slip covers will give your hardcover books the look and feel of a leatherbound book. These leather slip-covers are created by Slouching Towards Bethlehem artist Jack Badashski and the Stinkygoblin Emporium.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Occult Master

$175 USD
In addition to ALL perks valued $40 and under, you will receive THREE of the hand-crafted leatherbound blank spellbooks, each bearing the symbol of one of the schools of Magick from Contagion Second Edition (your choice.) Each spellbook is 220 pages and is created by Slouching Towards Bethlehem artist Jack Badashski and the Stinkygoblin Emporium.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed

Master of Flesh

$180 USD
In addition to ALL perks valued $40 and under, you will receive a single hand-crafted leather slip-cover for the hardcover Contagion Second Edition corebook. These slip covers will give your hardcover books the look and feel of a leatherbound book. These leather slip-covers are created by Slouching Towards Bethlehem artist Jack Badashski and the Stinkygoblin Emporium.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Character of Flesh

$225 USD
In addition to the Master of Flesh perk, you will be invited to create one NPC for publication in Slouching Towards Bethlehem. The backstory and game statistics for the character will need to be turned in by email NO LATER than August 16th, 2016 in order to be included in the book.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 out of 4 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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