My name is Jan Tuna and with my colleague Vlado Vavrus we work as constructors in our small development company Tuvatech s.r.o., in Slovakia.
We are classmates from high school. Vlado studied machine industry at the University and I studied electrical engineering after finishing high school. After long years our paths crossed and we started to work together on the idea of a new motor type with external combustion, on a new steam engine with a rotary piston. The new steam motor’s piston move is delivered from the piston movement of Wankelov’s motor. Maybe you are asking yourself: why is it necessary to develop a new motor? The answer is easy: Because such a motor is adequate and necessary in the field of small and decentralized production of electric energy. Mainly, for the production of electric energy from biomass or lost heat. In the micro-power plant this new motor is powered by an electric generator. We are supporters of renewable resources of electric energy and are also convinced that people should more often use renewable resources like the sun, water, air, biomass, waste or geothermal energy in electric energy production. The solution can be seen in the decentralized production of electric energy. We believe that the future of electric energy production is in small micro- and mini-power plants that citizens and companies will own in the same normal way like they own cars and refrigerators. The decentralized way of producing electric energy facilitates to use of more effective renewable resources, increases energetic independency and secures the protection of households and companies against electric energy cut in natural disasters like floods, snowstorms and tornadoes.
Today we have a functional prototype of new steam motor with rotary piston. We test it in a small micro-power plant whose electric capacity is around 3 kW.
The new engine is unique. It is small, responsible, compact, and efficient. At constant speed it has minimal vibrations. We have two European patent applications on the new motor:
Description of motor functioning: ![]()
A work medium (water vapor) is heated in a boiler out of the motor box. The heated vapor (red) flows towards two initial valves on the motor box after reaching a certain pressure. The motor’s initial valves are opened and closed in turns.
Firstly, the vapor, entering into the motor’s working chambers, gives its kinetic energy to the piston side and forces it in move. The vapor in the chamber expands itself, pushes in the piston side and forces it to move after closing the initial valves.
The piston pushes on the eccentric shaft, which is forced together with all shafts into rotation. The rotating shaft transfers the energy through the belt on the electric generator. The average speed of the motor shaft represents 1,500 rpm per min.
The vapor that gave its energy to the motor piston gets off the motor through final valves (blue) and in the heat exchanger becomes colder and condenses into water. Water – condensate is pressed back into the boiler by a pump. The water is reheated in the boiler, and then changes in the vapor and again goes in the motor.
Technical data of micro-power plant:
Electric capacity |
0.1 - 3 kW |
Frequency (Hz) |
DC power supply |
Output voltage |
12 V |
Initial vapor temperature (degrees Celsius) |
min 120
max 350
Initial vapor pressure (bar Abs.) |
min 3
max 7
Final vapor temperature from motor (degrees Celsius) |
100 - 220 |
Final pressure (bar Abs.) |
1 – 1.1 |
Vapor consumption per hour |
50 - 150 kg |
The production of these micro-power plants with new motor with rotary piston will bring households, which today heat their houses and offices with biomass, a greater independency from electric energy distributors. It will bring money saving for high electric energy bills. Simultaneously, it will protect households against electric energy cuts in the case of bad weather, like floods, snowstorms or tornadoes. Thousands of households and companies often remain without electric energy after such disasters.
Small micro-power plants for biomass brings benefits to many companies. For instance, to wood manufacturers, like sawmills or furniture producers that produce an amount of wood waste. Today, this waste on sawmills and from furniture production is used on heat production. The new micro-power plant manages to make even electric energy from this waste. Also, the efficiency of waste use will increase and enterprisers will save money from electric energy purchase.
The production and installation of small micro-power plants on biomass can bring electric energy also in faraway and underdeveloped parts of our planet. More often they are areas where there is a sufficiency of labor as well as huge possibilities to cultivate, harvest and process biomass.
Planned events:
Goal: 30,000
Plan number 1: To prepare manufacturing drawings and building instructions based on the existing prototype. It covers the efforts of two project architects for approx. 5-6 months.
Goal: 50,000
Plan number 2: According to manufacturing drawing documentation to make at least one micro-power plant, build and test it. It requires work lasting around 12 months.
Goal: 100,000:
Plan number 3: According to manufacturing drawing documentation to make at least three micro-power plants, build and test them with chosen customers. It requires work of around 12 months.
Goal: 200,000 and more:
Plan number 4: According to the manufacturing drawing documentation to make at least five micro-power plants, build and test them with chosen customers. It requires the work of around 12 months. Simultaneously, initiate the development of new engine with higher capacity serving as power unit in mini-power plant, with eletric power up to 30 kW. We assume that this develoment will take approx. two years.
Purpose of this campaign is to collect money to start production of new steam engine with rotary piston and production of small micro-power plants on biomass, in which the propulsion of an electric generator is ensured by a new steam engine.
The goal of this campaign is to propagate the use of renewable resources and advantages of decentralized energetic, which would be made from an amount of small micro- and mini-power plants mutually connected by an intelligent electric network. This decentralized energetic would secure the better use of local renewable resources and local labor as well as bring greater energetic independency. Simultaneously, the decentralized energy would secure greater energy security to citizens and companies during natural disasters.
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