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Smart Glasses, a new generation of wearables

Make your life easy with the new generation Smart glasses.


Smart Glasses, a new generation of wearables

Smart Glasses, a new generation of wearables

Smart Glasses, a new generation of wearables

Smart Glasses, a new generation of wearables

Smart Glasses, a new generation of wearables

Make your life easy with the new generation Smart glasses.

Make your life easy with the new generation Smart glasses.

Make your life easy with the new generation Smart glasses.

Make your life easy with the new generation Smart glasses.

1 Campaign |
velserbroek, Netherlands
$2 USD $2 USD 1 backers
0% of $53,690 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
The project team has not yet produced a working demo for their concept. Their ability to successfully produce a prototype may be affected by product development or financial challenges.
Lightbulb Wrench Warehouse Truck
Concept Prototype Production Shipping

Meet Mark I, a new generation of wearables


The Impact

The glasses can make your life much easier. All the notifications that you get on your phone pop up right in front of you. This means you don’t have to raise your arm or pull out your phone for every notification you get. You can decide if it is a priority and if you need to react to it. The glasses can display basic information so you don’t have to look at your phone or watch to know these things.

(Remember that we only have a concept and that the picture is based on estimates)

What Mark I, can do: 



When you get a message, it shows up in your field of view.

This message can be sent with Whatsapp, iMessage, SMS, and all the other text apps.

When it shows up, you can read it. Then you can leave it, and it will go away, or you can react.

And if you want to react to it later then you can just leave it and then when you have the time, you can go to the message and react to it.

(How to react is under the heading 'controls)



Receive and answer calls

When you receive a call, you can accept it with the glasses.

You can also dismiss it or send a quick message to the caller to say: I can’t accept your call now, I will call you back, or any other special messages you make ahead of time.



Reminders and appointments

Mark I can help you with setting reminders.

These can come from your calendar. For example: “you have a meeting at 5 pm at your office.” But Mark I can also help you remember other things.

You can tell Mark I that you want to be reminded of something, but you can also put it in your mobile calendar.


Lists and photos

Mark I can also display lists and photos. You can send these from your phone or attach them to a reminder or appointment.

You can use it for everything you want, from shopping lists to recent lists.




Mark I can show you information when you are moving, whether this is fitness or just a walk. When you have a heartbeat sensor on you with Bluetooth, this can also be shown on the glasses. And when you start a workout on your phone, this can be seen on the glasses.

(The glasses will be updated to do even more and learn every day to make them help you better)

Glasse frame

I want to have the frames of the glasses made especially for you. I will create an app/webpage where you can scan your face so that I have the measurements for the glasses. You can then choose a nice frame and see how they look on you.

There are two options from there:

Option 1. I can find a partner who already makes spectacle frames and lenses. This is the most cost-effective option.

Option 2. This is for when I cannot find a partner and will be the more difficult option. I have already found a company that makes frames, and another that makes spectacle lenses. If this is the case, we would design all frames that the customer can choose from ourselves. There would be an additional time period for this.  


Charging and protection

Mark I needs to charge at night to help you during the day.

You can lay the glasses down in the case and they will charge. The case will also protect the glasses.

(In this animation, the case is really big but it is going to be smaller.

The number of times the case can charge the glasses is not yet certain.)


You can communicate with Mark I in one way for now. This is with the two-touch sensors on the right side. You hardly see these sensors. In the glasses is also a movement tracker for head movements so we can also do things with this.


We also wanted to work towards a pair of glasses that will understand questions and provide answers. This is unfortunately very difficult and not yet possible.

The future

Besides a line for consumers, I also want to see if my glasses can be used at other companies/organizations. You can think of hospitals and construction companies. in a hospital, it could come in handy for an operation so that every doctor can see what they are going to do and how it is going to be done. At a construction company, the company could show a concept they made before the actual construction begins. Of course, the glasses can be used in many more situations.


Keep in mind that some of this need to test and can change. also, the budget can be a big role in the options we have or can provide

connectivity: (Bluetooth and wifi)

processor power: this is a part that is very budget sensitive, but this is the part where a large part of the testing and part of the budget goes so that everything you want to be able to do looks quickly and beautifully without costing a lot of power or being uncomfortable hot

Observed screen resolutions: between 1280 X 720 and 7,680 x 4,320 also we are going to test this. The 8k is an option, but because that part will get bigger, we will not go for this option. what I wanna active is that the hole glass lens is fully covered for the projection.

The four steps:



The concept is already done. This doesn’t need any more funding.


We looked at this project together with Hemargroup and they would like to help us. I’ve already met with them a few times to talk about this project. Personally, I really think this company can help me to set things up. They also made a small quotation with approximately what it could cost. These costs are indicated below.

Functional concept:                                         4320

Electronic design:                                             8640

Firmware design:                                              8640

Prototyping:                                                       6480

The Arrow company will help us with the hardware parts of the glasses. This is what the Indiegogo goal is about. With this money, we can make a prototype with Hemargroup. The goal amount also includes testing and changes to the prototype if needed. If the current goal is exceeded, we can use part of the extra money to develop the prototype more. We can use the other portion of the money for production.


Production and shipping

When the prototype is complete and it is a real product that we can sell to the customer, we can do the following:

  1. Use the other part of the exceeded money to produce the product
  2. Extend the already existing goal
  3. Work with another Indiegogo campaign
  4. Work with a pre-order system


What happens if we don’t reach the goal?

Everyone gets their money back. Because the goal is FIXED FUNDING. 



Ultimately, realizing the project becomes a challenge – ensuring that everything runs smoothly and that it becomes a product that the consumer wants. Also, the software side can be difficult because it must be very user-friendly and easy to operate.



1. What will happen if there are other companies with the same product?

We will improve our glasses and technologies.

1. Are we going to raise enough money for this project?

Yes, I will try to spread this project as far as possible and you can help us.

You can share this with other investors/backers or friends/family. This can be easily done with the sharing tools from Indigogo.

Hi everyone, my name is Sebastiaan. I live in the Netherlands and I come from a family with four children. I’ve always been inspired by technology. I started in 2019 with a small webshop for products related to gaming. This was a great experience and I learned a lot from it.

After seeing the North goggles, I started looking into the technologies used to make these types of goggles. During this search, I came into contact with the company Arrow. They have helped me so far, and with them, I started looking for a company that could help me with this project. They support and assist me with questions, ideas, and much more. I am very grateful to them because they have a lot of experience and often have a completely different view of something which is super handy. So, we started looking for a partner with them and this has become Hemargroup. After a meeting with Hemargroup, they made an offer. I’m currently working on this campaign and looking for partners for the frames and lenses.

Please feel free to ask any questions.


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Lets have a Meeting

Lets have a Meeting

Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
You can ask me everything about the project. I try to answer everything I can and I can figure out things if needed. This can be 5 minutes up to 20 min.
Included Items
  • A online meeting with me :)
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