Tell me a little more about the calibration phase.
When you first unpack SmartMat, you need to go through a calibration process where you put in basic information (height, weight, gender, age). Next, you will lie down on SmartMat so it can determine your Ape Index (ratio/length of torso/arms vs. legs), which is important for calibration. For example, A 5'2,
110 lb. individual with a small wingspan does Downward Dog very
differently than a 6'1, 195 lb. individual with a large wingspan. After this, SmartMat will take you through a series of poses, negotiating with you and suggesting adjustments as it determines what is, in fact, your "Perfect Pose" in the initial controlled clinical calibration phase. SmartMat will use this information as a baseline for recommendations during your practice sessions.
Will SmartMat measure and adjust "groundwork" such as Heroes Pose and Pigeon pose?
Short answer is YES! SmartMat is trained to initially recognize 62 of the most popular yoga poses (unless you are trying very hard, this accounts for 99% of poses most people do in a session) out there and give meaningful feedback. On some poses, balance is less relevant than alignment so SmartMat will adjust feedback accordingly.
How will SmartMat recognize poses with similar hand and foot placements?
question! This is best explained with an illustration of Tadasana
(Mountain Pose) and Utkatasana (Chair Pose). Both have effectively the
same foot placement, however you will find that for Mountain Pose the
weight is more or less distributed equally on the four corners of the
feet whereas in Chair Pose the weight is more heavy in the heels. Much
will be determined in the initial calibration phase and furthermore,
SmartMat will learn about your practice and grow with you, making real
time adjustments and calibrations according to your achievements and
How does SmartMat take things into account like arms, hips and breathing?
SmartMat is actually more accurate in these aspects than most people would imagine. We liken it to plotting the center of a circle though waypoints on the exterior. Let's take an example. In your next Yoga session, try Warrior Pose III first with your arms right at your sides. Then, try it with your arms extended overhead and out in front of you. Notice how that can affect the balance in your feet when you shift your arms? SmartMat "measures" your feet, and can often gather some understanding about what's going on in your arms based on what's happening in your feet. Now we understand that nothing can be perfect or absolute. So, part of the SmartMat program is to offer verbal and visual guidance (like a traditional class) on arms, hips, breathing, etc. And of course, some aspects will be up to the practitioner to do the final correction.
How does SmartMat account for people with limitations or in specific rehabilitation for an injury?
The fascinating thing about how SmartMat is created is that it actually "learns your body" the more you practice with it. Take this scenario for example: You're in Downward Dog, and SmartMat notices that you don't put much pressure on your right foot because you're nursing an injury. It will attempt to make a correction. If you are not able to make the correction, it will note that and at the end of the practice allow you to give it feedback on why. In your next practice, it will then work around the limitation. This being said, keep in mind that SmartMat is not a medical or rehabilitation tool, and you should always consult your doctor first and foremost over everything else.
What is the difference between In Class Assist and In Home Private?
Home Private mode allows you to select a Yoga class on your SmartMat
app, follow the sequence and receive real time adjustments and score
from SmartMat. With In-Class Assist, you may bring SmartMat to your
public Yoga class or do your own flow at home, and SmartMat will offer
you real time adjustments on placement and balance. These adjustments
can be done using audio or visually only if you need to maintain silence
during a public class.
What about "ZEN MODE?"
mode is in response to customer feedback and leaves SmartMat quietly on
to record your practice so you can review and analyze it later.
However, during the actual practice there is no active feedback from
How do you actually determine a "Perfect Pose?"
The phrase Perfect Pose flows off the tongue and we like it for its
alliteration but SmartMat's concept of Perfect Pose is better described
as the pose of your personal excellence based on the specific
calibration of your body and its needs. SmartMat takes into account the
user's height, weight, ape index, and various other micro-readings to
help determine where there's room to evolve and find YOUR optimal
alignment. Now, we know there's no exact science in asana practice, but
with SmartMat's feedback, you'll be empowered and encouraged to always
keep moving to your personal best.
Can we talk about how SmartMat scores my practice?
We use the word "score" loosely here. It's really more of a personal
assessment measured against your personal baseline that SmartMat
establishes through a calibration and summary of recent sessions. Some
days you may be a little off in your alignment, and you can use your
personal score to see where there may be room for improvement. It's
designed to help you focus on you and your practice alone and avoid
unhelpful comparisons with others. There is also the option to turn scoring off built into the settings.
Does SmartMat work with Hot Yoga?
Yup, we love Hot Yoga, and the electronic components in SmartMat are rated to withstand up to 110F and any sort of sweat, so you will be safe.
Your smartphone is another story, however, and you may want to bring a protective sleeve for it during Hot Yoga class.
So SmartMat will talk to me during my Yoga Practice?
Well yes. She (SmartMat is female) will give you feedback in a few different ways. There will be a live "heatmap" on your Smart device, which will first take you through a sequence to adjust for alignment; and then after alignment is settled it will adjust for proper balance. You may optionally set the feedback to be only visual
(if you are in a public class), or audio and visual if you are practicing privately.
Does SmartMat work with Yoga Props (block, strap, bolster)?
You may use all of these, and SmartMat will recognize a Yoga Block as such. Due to the uniform surface spread of a Block, it will not be able to give
detailed feedback on balance; however, alignment readings and adjustments will be read correctly.
What about this tech dongle thingie?
This is a low profile device that attaches to the front of SmartMat and doubles as a phone/tablet stand during your practice.
Can I wash SmartMat?
Yes, you may use a light non-abrasive spray to clean the surface.
How long will SmartMat hold a charge?
SmartMat is initially designed to hold a charge for 6 hours of practice without requiring a recharge.
Can SmartMat be used by more than one person?
We are working on a possibility of having multi-user support (not at the same time) and may be announcing it as a stretch goal.
Can SmartMat be used by a teacher in a group setting?
This is coming in Phase II, which is not ready for release just yet. It will involve a "controller" app for the teacher, which will link into all of the
students' SmartMats. The teacher will get real time feedback on students' practice for tracking and adjustments. This can be done live in a class, or a teacher could teach
a class over the internet and monitor their students' progress in this way.
Q18Will SmartMat require an Internet connection to function?
Except for the stated case above - Nope. It will simply require a Bluetooth linkup with your smartphone/tablet, which does not require an active
Internet connection to function. Yippie!
Will SmartMat work on all floor surfaces?
We have tested SmartMat to work perfectly on hard and flat surfaces and most hard carpets.
How am I supposed to see my Phone/Tablet while I am practicing?
Ohh...we thought about this one long and hard. SmartMat has an integrated phone/tablet stand that will prop up your device near the
front of the mat for easy viewing with minimal footprint and impact.
What are the dimensions of SmartMat?
26 x 71 with a 6mm thickness. (you would never know the difference)
What is the weight limit on SmartMat?
60 lbs to 300 lbs. After 300 lbs we cannot guarantee accurate readings on single limb poses (such as the eagle), although multi-limb poses will still register effectively.
We had to set a cutoff weight for the sake of cost-effective manufacturing and durability.
What Material is used in building SmartMat?
The insides of SmartMat are a conductive grid placed over a piezoresistive layer. This is sandwiched seamlessly on top and bottom by a custom yoga mat material manufactured in an eco friendly manner that eliminates the toxic emissions often found in PVC manufacturing process. This process also ensures the durability of SmartMat, which is designed to be used in Daily practice for years.
Does SmartMat roll up?
Yup. SmartMat rolls up seamlessly around the tech dongle attached to the end, and can be carried just like a "typical" yoga mat.
What are my color options?
SmartMat ships in CLASSIC and PREMIUM color choices. If you choose CLASSIC, you have the choice of ICE, RIVER and FORREST for color choices and we will email you when we are ready to ship to allow you final selection. (No need to decide now!) If you choose PREMIUM then you have the choice of HEART and DUSK, but note that these are limited run colors and this may be the only time you can claim them. Please also note that final production of the colors may vary slightly from presented on the page.
We may offer a few surprise colors to add as Stretch goals that will give you more selection when we are ready to ship. Keep posted.
How will SmartMat effect Yoga teachers and studios?
We consider SmartMat a complementary tool. Nothing can replace the personalized instruction of a Yoga teacher, but this is not always available to all people all the time. Yoga teachers will recommend SmartMats to their students to use in between personalized sessions in order to monitor and improve their practice.
Accredited Yoga teachers also need to know that they will be an
integral part of the SmartMat community because we will be opening up
the "Yogrammer" language which allows qualified teachers to use our
interface to create and distribute interactive yoga programs through
SmartMat. This means it is your sequencing, adjustments, video and
voice coming though SmartMat to YOUR students.
This will allow SmartMat to become a community hub.
It will complement the current teacher/studio model and leads to a
better experience that helps us as practitioners become more aware of
our bodies and responses to the world around us.
I am ready, what is the next step?
Simply go to the PERKS section in the sidebar and select which perk you would like to claim, and join the SmartMat community.