___ for english version please scroll down // also for english perk description
Worum geht’s hier?
Ich habe lange Zeit meines Lebens in Amerika verbracht und dort in der Musikindustrie, sowie drum herum fotografiert. Mein Fotobuch Snapshot Stories zeigt Schnappschüsse aus dieser Zeit und erzählt dabei deren Geschichte.
Wie kam es dazu, dass ich im Hotelzimmer mit Snoop Dogg stand? Wieso hab ich Kanye West fotografiert? Dieses und noch viel mehr wird auf 228 Seiten erzählt und mit Fotos, die sehr nah am Geschehen sind, dokumentiert. Neben der Ost- und Westküste Amerikas, die gezeigt werden, gibt es auch einen kleinen Ausflug in die Townships Kapstadts und in die Hauptstadt Äthiopiens.
Das Buch ist so gut wie fertig (die Texte werden noch korrigiert) und muss nur noch gedruckt werden. Hier könnt ihr mir helfen die Kosten dafür zu decken, indem ihr euer Exemplar von dem Buch vorbestellt und dabei das ein oder andere Extra einsackt.
Der Vorteil für dich, wenn du das Buch jetzt schon vorbestellst, ist, dass du es für 30 Euro bekommst – später wird es 40 Euro kosten. Außerdem werde ich alles dafür tun, dass ihr alle euer Buch noch vor Weihnachten in der Hand haltet. Der offizielle Release ist erst Mitte Februar, sprich ihr habt es 2 Monate vor allen anderen.
Wer bist du überhaupt?
Pascal Kerouche, Fotograf und aktuell lebe ich in Hamburg. Meine sonstigen Arbeiten könnt ihr euch auf pascalkerouche.com anschauen, oder auch einfach meinen Boy Meets World Blog besuchen – und ja, er hieß schon bevor Drake seine 2017 Tour angekündigt hat, so.
Im Juni 2016 hat außerdem das fotoMAGAZIN ein sehr schönes Interview mit mir veröffentlicht, und ich denke, dass dort ein guter Eindruck vermittelt wird, wer ich eigentlich bin. Darum halte ich mich an dieser Stelle kurz und wenn ihr möchtet, könnt ihr es euch einfach hier anschauen.
Preview? Klar!
Wie sehen denn die Perks aus? Also das Poster, das T-Shirt oder der Donner Eulen Hoodie?
What is this all about?
I spent a couple of years of my life in the United States and documented the life of music artists. My photo book 'Snapshot Stories' captures the stories and vibes from that time by applying the snapshots I took during that time.
What is actually portrayed in those pictures? What are the Stories behind them? And how the hell did I ended up standing in the same hotel room as Snoop Dogg? How did I get to shoot Kanye West? In my book I narrate those stories on 228 pages. Since the snapshots tell the stories of the people I met throughout my life, I gave them a chronological order. With regards to content the east and west coast of the USA are the main settings. Furthermore it also covers a trip into the townships of Cape Town or to the capital of Ethiopia.
The book is done and just needs to be printed. This is your chance to help me to cover the costs, by pre-ordering your copy of the book. Explore all the different limited packages with extra specials and find the perfekt one for yourself!
Why should you do that? You save 10 Euros in the pre-order package (currently its 30 Euros, after Crowd funding it will be 40 Euros). In Addition to that, I will do my best to make sure you have a copy of your own before Christmas. The official release will be mid February. So you will get the book 2 month in advance.
Who am I?
I am Pascal Kerouche, a professional photographer currently living in Hamburg. I frequently go back and forth between Hamburg, Los Angeles and New York. You can view my other work at pascalkerouche.com or visit my blog 'Boy Meets World' – yes, I used this title way before Drake announced his international tour.
Scroll up and you can see a preview of the book, as well as the different special packages I offer.
But I can’t read german so I don’t know what those Perks mean!?
You get the book to an early bird price and save 10 euros.
I will sent you a signed copy of the book (with a personal dedication written by me if requested) including a 30 x 40 cm print out of the Homicide Harlem series. If you want to know how it looks, you can scroll up a bit and there they are to visualize.
This Package is rather interesting for anybody who lives in Germany or is planning to visit, because the screening is in Hamburg. You will get a book and I am offering a limited screening (for max. 30 people), where I will project my photos onto a wall and just tell you the stories about the photos.
It’s the same as the poster package, with a T-Shirt on top. You can scroll up to see how it looks like and make sure you sent your size with your order. Sizes go from S to XXL.
This is for all the people from Hamburg. You will get a signed book and 10x free entry into the hamburg hotspot night club “Kleiner Donner”. In Addition to that you will also get a 'Donner Eulen' Hoodie (scroll up to see it). Remember to leave your size.
Same as the Book x Poster x T-Shirt package, but I will also write your name in the thank you of the book. So you can brag in front of your friends with this one.
You get a signed book, 1 Poster, 1 T-Shirt and whenever you are in Hamburg we can meet up and have a few beers and talk about everything you like. Bring a friend or your date or your grandmother.
Same as The Lets Hang Out Package, with the difference that we'll have dinner and drinks on me...and a lot of nerd talk.
We'll both go to New York (your flight, Hotel, and catering is not included)and I'll show you around. We will visit a couple of spots where the photos of the book are taken. I will tell you all the stories and introduce you to a couple of people. If you have a camera with you, we can organize for you to take some photos.
Besides the book I will convince Snoop Dogg to give you a personal shout out and sent it to you.