New technologies make it possible to attain certain things,
which were previously out of reach. For example, without any surgery, we now
can affect muscles deep inside your mouth, prevent them from vibrating during
sleep, and make them stop producing the snoring sound.
We have developed a small, intelligent training device for
your soft palate muscles, which plugs right into your smartphone. Within couple
of weeks of fun training exercises, your snoring would go away for many months
or for a year depending on how severe your condition was.
Try it out!
The "SNOR" Device
Here is the actual photo of the device in it's current form. At this point we are waiting on packaging materials for he first small batch of our product.
Our Goal
Certain problems in our life are very hard to get over. Snoring
is one of them. There has been a lot of effort, time, and money invested into
finding a solution for snoring; however, the results have not been very
significant or effective.
Our team has developed a new approach to eliminating snoring
symptoms. We have earned a utility patent for our method, which means that we
are taking a completely new approach and it promises to be successful. We would
like for over 90 million Americans who snore and especially for their loved
ones to get a relief and enjoy a peaceful sleep. We have developed the “SNOR”
device to take on such goal. At this moment, we are taking the last steps in
making our technology available to anybody who needs it.
How Does it Work?
Snoring appears due to the relaxation and the vibration of the
soft palate muscles located deep inside your mouth cavity. The weakness of the
soft palate muscles causes them to vibrate and physically produce the snoring
sound during sleep. If the soft palate muscles are strong and toned, the
vibration goes away and snoring disappears. Our “SNOR” device is an
“electronic fitness coach” which targets the soft palate muscles and makes them
stronger and tighter.
Snoring sound is physically created by vibration of a soft
palate muscle (SPM). SPM are thin and flat muscles with one of its edges freely
hanging inside your mouth cavity. The function of this muscle is to block the
nasal passages from the inside of your mouth cavity so that food does not get
into your nose when you swallow (Image 1)
When the SPM are weak (Image 2), they relax during sleep and sag
more than they should. As the air from your breath passes in and out, it makes
them vibrate similar to how a flag ripples in the wind, emitting the sound,
which we know as "snoring” (Image 3).
In order for any muscle to become strong, you have to train
them. That means you have to load a muscle multiple times and repeat the
procedure on daily basis. This rule is no different for your soft palate
muscles; however, the process is more complex. The first thing that you may ask
is: “How can I learn to activate and flex my soft palate muscles?” We have
designed “SNOR” so that anybody could easily train those muscles. You will be
following the directions of the device and see how your muscles are performing
on the screen of your smartphone in real time.
As easy as 1, 2, 3!
Setting up and using our “SNOR” device is very easy. Simply
follow the instructions on your smartphone screen and you will complete the
session in 10 minutes.
Install the “SNOR” app into your smartphone and plug the device
Connect the headphones to the “SNOR” device and insert the tube
into the opening on the device.
Launch the app and start the training procedure!
Soft palate muscles engage intensively when you perform a
sucking effort through a tube. There is a tube that attaches to our “SNOR”
device. The tube has to be positioned inside your mouth in a specific way and
you need to make an effort similar to drinking liquid through a straw. The
tube needs to be positioned deep inside your mouth; otherwise, the suction will
be performed by the cheek muscles, instead of the soft palate muscles. In order
to position the tube correctly, it is marked at the point where your lips
should be placed.
The soft palate muscles activate and you can see how well you
are tensing them on the screen of your smartphone.
"SNOR" sets a individualized training program and
displays how your muscles are performing in a form of a graph on your
smartphone screen. The graph serves as a reference as to how you are performing
the exercise in real time. This method is called "biofeedback".
Apart from demonstrating the graph of your soft palate
muscles activity, "SNOR" uses a number of multimedia stimuli (movies,
videos, images) in order to reward you for your good effort. Such process makes
using our device simple and pleasurable.
"SNOR" also saves all of your progress and you
can review it at any time.
Within 2-weeks time you or your partner will notice that you are
snoring a lot less. In time the snoring will completely disappear. The standard
length of the course is 20 sessions. Each session takes 10 minutes.
The idea for this device had first appeared in 2001. The first
version of the patent has been filed on that same year. Because we were
patenting the idea and not a specific device we had to prove the novelty of the
method. However, we had no experience in writing patents back then so our
patent had to be rewritten and revised several times. Finally, we have been
rewarded for our work and in 2013 the patent had been passed and published
(US Patent # 8460159).
Right about the same time we have started developing first
prototypes of the device. The first devices were larger and more cumbersome as
they were designed to connect to a PC. One of the major hurdles with our early
devices was the quality and reliability of the sensors.
At one point we have decided to miniaturize the device as the
smartphones were finally at the level where we could use them for our purposes.
The biggest problem was the compatibility with the Android devices. Since every
smartphone manufacturer has their own version of Android software and voltage
supply through the phone jack, we had to revise the original prototype several
times. We have redesigned the unit from ground-up 3 times and managed to sort out
all of the compatibility issues with Android smartphones. Below are the
previous versions of the device:
Spending a lot of our personal resources on patenting,
hardware/software development and testing we ended up coming to IndieGoGo for
help with launching the product to the mass market.
That being said, this is more than a money-making business for
us. This is the opportunity to bring something positive into this world and to
improve the quality of life for a lot of people.
Risks and Challenges
With your help, we can start the mass production of the “SNOR” device and set up the distribution infrastructure. Without your contribution, we would grow too slowly and there is a possibility we may delay this project indefinitely due to the lack of capital.
All the electronic components, the circuit boards have been fully tested. We have gone through several prototypes to iron out the compatibility problems with various smartphones and reached the final, fully functional design.
We are working with a reputable, US based manufacturer. We need your support to pay for the first batch of “SNOR” devices, for the packaging, advertising, and to continue paying the programmers working on our web site.
We work hard so you, our backers, can be the first to use our great product at lowest cost. Our goal is to start shipping first “SNOR” devices at the end of August 2015.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What sort of proof can you present that your “SNOR” device is effective?
The link below has several studies confirming that even the indirect activation of the soft palate muscles has great, positive effect on removing the snoring symptoms:
What does “weakened soft palate muscles” mean?
Weakened means that the muscles are too soft or too thin; thus, lacking a muscular strength making them likely to sag. Those muscles dribble under the stream of air from your breath and physically produce the vocal snoring sound.
Are there any prescription drugs that can make those muscles stronger without any training?
No, there are none. Even the known anabolic steroids make a muscle bigger only if you intensively train it.
If you are not looking to put in a certain physical effort and your lifestyle goes against regular physical exercise, the “SNOR” device might not be for you. There are plenty of other offers on the Internet, which will not ask anything from you other than your credit card number.
I know that in order for a muscle to become larger and tighter, it needs to be loaded with a lot of weight. For example, if I train my biceps, the weight of a dumbbell corresponds with how hard my muscle is working. How will I know if the muscles of my soft palate are getting a good workout?
This is exactly what “SNOR” device accomplishes. When you making a sucking effort, you activate and load your soft palate muscles and create vacuum inside the tube, which is connected to the device. The device has a built in pressure sensor, which takes a reading and sends it to your smartphone. This way you are able to see how hard your soft palate muscles are tensing. The more you tense your soft palate muscles, the more vacuum you create inside the tube. Respectively, the graph on the screen of your smartphone rises higher. In the medical field, we call this method “biofeedback”.
What am I going to feel when my soft palate muscles start getting stronger?
Most likely, you will not feel any different. The snoring will not start disappearing right away either. You will start seeing the result after you finalize 10-15 complete sessions with the device. The “complete” session implies that you are performing the exercise at your full ability and tensing your soft palate muscles as hard as you can. You have to put some effort into it.
Is it possible that snoring comes back?
Yes, it is possible. After you have completed your soft palate muscles training and the snoring has disappeared, your muscles will eventually start losing its strength and tightness. Keep in mind that it is a slow process. It could take months or a year before your soft palate muscles would weaken enough to produce snoring. That being said, you can complete another course of training exercises with “SNOR” device and your soft palate muscle will restore it’s “anti-snoring” qualities.
The Team
We are a father/son team. We work with talented teams of software programmers and hardware engineers to assist us with our product development.
Peter Mikhailenok - 34
Founder - CEO/CFO/COO
Bachelor’s Degree in Finance
Associate Degree in Business Management
UBS Financial Services – Registered Investment Associate
Execstudio, Inc. – Business Consulting Services
AYT, Inc. – CFO / COO
Eugene Mikhailenok, MD, Ph.МD. – 61
Founder - Engineering, Research &
Medical School, Clinical Residency, Postgraduate
school 1971
Scientific work in the field of basic
Neurophysiology: 1977 –
Development and commercial implementation of
medical technologies 1990 – Present .