Why crowdfund SOCIAL SECURITY?
Why aren’t you paying for it yourselves?
Trust me, if I was able to afford to fund our own movie, I would. But unfortunately I don’t have the money. I’m just a normal guy who’s been lucky enough to be hired by the studios to make their films. Now it’s our turn to make our own movie… a movie for YOU ALL made by YOU ALL! That’s what makes this so exciting—the fact that we don’t have studio executives telling us to take out the best scenes in the film. We know what you all want to see and it’s going to be in this movie. This amazing film that we’re all doing together which is how films need to be made.
Is a studio running this Indiegogo campaign with you?
Not at all.
When will you make SOCIAL SECURITY?
When will it be released?
As soon as we raise enough money, we’ll get started on pre-production. If this campaign goes really well, we’ll be able to start shooting sometime early Fall, releasing the film 2017.
Of course, production schedules can change a lot, and depending on when our desired cast are all available, it could take a little bit longer. Even so: we're confident we'll be able to shoot the movie this year, and we should be able to finish editing it and have it ready release about 6 months after we finish shooting.
When will I get my perks?
As with all crowdfunding campaigns, there’s always a chance that schedules will change, or that things will fall behind. But if this campaign is a hit, and we raise enough, we’ll start pre-production in August/September shoot September/October and release SOCIAL SECURITY next year. (That could be less than a year from now!) And if that happens, here’s when you can probably expect to receive your perks:
Behind-the-Scenes Access
We'll start sending you stuff during the campaign. It'll keep coming until the movie comes out or you ask us to stop oversharing.
In your PERK SURVEY, you'll get to tell us whether you want to receive updates as regular emails, or if you want to just follow them on the web.
Digital Script
WEEK OF RELEASE. The digital script will be sent out a few days after SOCIAL SECURITY is released in theaters.
Campaign T-Shirts
We'll send this stuff out about 4-6 weeks before the movie comes out, so that you have it in time for opening night.
Movie Posters
(personalized, signed and unsigned)
We can't send these out until after the movie is released in theaters.
Advance Screenings
. Approximately 4-6 weeks before the movie comes out. We'll give you at least 1 month advance notice.
SOCIAL SECURITY (Digital Downloads, DVDs, Blu-Rays)
We'll send you your digital, DVD and Blu-Ray copies of the movie as soon as it's available in stores. If we can get it to you before everyone else, we will.
Personalized Videos
FALL 2016
. We'll shoot these on set, and send them out to you not long after we finish shooting. This'll just depend on when we get back on set to shoot the movie.
Red Carpet Premiere Events
FALL 2017
Approximately 1-2 weeks before the movie comes out. We'll do our best to give you at least 2 months notice to make travel plans. Dates can possibly change due to distribution plan.
Set Visits & Featured Extras
Set visits will happen during production, which should be SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER2016 (but it's always possible that the dates could change again). We'll coordinate with you in advance, and try to give you at least a month's notice to make travel plans.
Private Theatrical Screenings
LATE 2016
Within 1-2 weeks after the movie is released.
Name a Character (Or Town)
Keep Danny’s character’s car in the film
LATE 2017
After the movie is released.
Estimated Perk Schedule - By Month
Please remember that all dates in this list are estimated and may change based on the film's production schedule. We'll do our best to keep to this schedule, and if we can't, we'll let you know as soon as something changes.
Are all of the rewards available in all countries?
Yes,. Also, please note that only US residents or international residents with valid work visas can be extras or have a speaking line in the movie.
What happens if I give you money for these perks, and the movie never gets made, or disaster strikes and it never comes out?
If some act of god keeps us from making the movie, we’d still send you any perks that we’re able to produce. (And then they'll be genuine collectibles!) For perks that we couldn’t produce on our own, such as digital downloads, or DVDs, we would issue you a partial refund for the part of your contribution that would have paid for the perk.
If you want to be sure you’ll get to see SOCIAL SECURITY on the big screen, no matter where you live or how many theaters it gets released in, a few of you can reserve a private theatrical screening in your town. We’ll work with you to figure out a local theater, rent a screen, and do a private screening for you and up to 25 friends. It’ll be within 2 weeks of when the movie is released in theaters. The cast won’t be there, but we will throw in popcorn and soda!
If I NAME A CHARACTER, can I name it anything I want?
Anything you (and we) can get cleared past the lawyers.
If I get the BE AN ACTOR perk, what will I get to say/do in the movie?
We’ll select something that will make you look Bad Ass and will impact the narrative. You won’t just be standing there with your junk hanging out.