Short Summary
We are working from many years with renewable energy. Pay attention to the environmente trying to use better everything around us but always respecting the nature. Now we want to realize this special tables, even very particular for the design, but mostly more useful than a common one. Making them with a photovoltaic solar panel those could become an renewable energy source for many electric devices of our homes, gardens, offices, bars and many other places which people are using always more and everywhere.
What We Need & What You Get
We have produced just some samples to get the patent for them and we need now funding to innovate and develop better this idea. It would be great if we can make more samples, using not only wood to make them but even other recyclable materials, for different locations and improve their utility. The purpose is to get more clean energy sources and less pollution!
The Impact
Cell Phone or tablet: 8 Watt absorption for each charge
8 Watt x 365 days = 2.920 Watt (annual consumption of recharge)
0,5310 Kg of CO2 spared for each Kwh produced from renewable source
2.920 Watt : 0,53 Kg = spare of 1,54 Kg of CO2 in one year
Cell Phones in Italy = 73.200.000 (Eurostat 2007)
73.200.000 x 1,54 Kg/CO2 = 112.728,00 Tons of CO2
Emission from 1 car in one year = 2.940 Kg of CO2 (“Transport & Environment 2009” media of the models sold in Europe)
T. 112.728,00 : T. 2,94 = pollution of 38.342 cars in one year
Thank you so much for helping my project.
€500 - Eco-friendly plastic:
"Eco-friendly plastic that dissolves in water"
Video preview of the next developing project.
Plastic made from starch and 100% natural,
ultra-resistant and fade rapidly in contact with liquids.
€1,000 - Laila Red:
€5,000 - Relax Series